As more problems related to ticks, worms and other parasites emerge in veterinary clinics across Canada, practitioners now have access to the latest guidelines on managing and treating these organisms in their patients.
Harsh terrain and brutally cold temperatures are not the only dilemmas Arctic dwellers face. Dr. Emily Jenkins and her team of researchers at the University of Saskatchewan’s Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) have identified parasites in the gastrointestinal tract of carnivores from northern Canada as Echinococcus spp, a small tapeworm no larger than a mustard seed. Despite its miniscule size, Echinococcusis is extremely dangerous.
Dr. Maarten Voordouw and his wife Anne enjoy being outdoors, especially with their young daughters, Naia and Margot. But after any outing, particularly if the girls have been playing in the grass or leaves, the couple are diligent about checking for ticks.