Repeatability of upper limb kinematics during a novel functional task-based protocol

Study Description

One of the primary objectives of the Musculoskeletal Health and Ergonomics Lab is define and understand upper limb function. To do this, appropriate and valid functional task-based assessments are required.

We have developed the Work-Related Activities and Functional Task (WRAFT) procotol. This protocol includes activities of daily living and functional work tasks. The repeatability of this protocol needs to be determined to better understand how kinematics may change over time.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the 3-dimensional scapular and humeral kinematics during the WRAFT protocol.



Initial findings from this study suggest that the WRAFT protocol can be used with acceptable reliability for the humerus and scapula, although repeatability for select tasks needs refinement. Future work will build on these findings to improve upper limb kinematic assessment. See our publication in the Journal of Biomechanics for more:

Inertial measurement units (IMUs) with a scapular locator-based calibration can be successfully used to measure scapular kinematics. See our publication in Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing for more: