Systematic Review on Low Back Disorders among Farmers

Farming occupations appear to have many risk factors for low back disorders (LBD), but it is anticipated there are substantial gaps and opportunities to prioritize future research needs. This systematic review investigated the prevalence of low back disorders (LBD), risk factors for developing LBD, and LBD-related health care utilization in the context of farming and agriculture.  The approach was to be comprehensive and global in scope, and to identify gaps in research.

The protocol for this systematic review was registered:  Prevalence and Risk Factors of, and Health Care Utilization for Low Back Disorders in Farmers: a Systematic Review Protocol.  PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews. (2014) Unique Identification number: CRD42014013247

Link to the PROSPERO registration


  1. Trask, C., Khan, M. I., Adebayo, O., Boden, C., Bath, B. (2015) Equity in who gets studied: Examining inequities in the low back disorder literature.  Journal of Agromedicine.  20:273–281  Link to journal