Chemistry 250 - Introduction to Organic Chemistry

2007-2008 (Term 2)

The course outline can be found here.

The midterm is scheduled for Saturday, March 8 2008. To apply for a deferred midterm examination, you need to fill this form.

To apply for a laboratory exemption, you need to fill this form no more than 3 days following the missed experiment.

To complete an assignment or for information on the labs, log into the Blackboard System.

Contact Information

The people listed below are here to assist you; please feel free to contact them.

Course Coordinator Dr. Michel Gravel
Office: Thorvaldson 253
Tel.: 966-7785
Laboratory Manager Dr. Swarnam Ravindran
Office: SG 31 (Spinks Building)
Tel.: 966-1627
Section Days Time Room Instructor Email Phone
02 MWF 8:30–9:20 Thorvaldson 271 Dr. S. Ravindran 966-1627
04 MWF 9:30–10:20 Thorvaldson 105 Dr. M. Gravel 966-7785
06 MWF 11:30–12:20 Thorvaldson 271 Dr. P. Ahiahonu
08 TR 10:00–11:20 Thorvaldson 271 Dr. S. Foley 966-2960


Last update 17 December 2007, K. Brown