Department of History History of Medicine

Current: Postdoctoral Associate, University of Calgary

Previous work completed in Department of History, University of Saskatchewan: “Clinical Trials, Cancer, and the Emergence of Human Research Ethics in Canada, 1921-1980.” Co-supervised by Dr. Erika Dyck and Dr. Larry Stewart; defended in September 2018. Won the University of Saskatchewan Doctoral Thesis Award in the area of Fine Arts & Humanities in 2019.

Dr. Razumenko has research interests in the history of human subject research, clinical investigation, and medical ethics. The focus is on clinical trials, cancer care and research, governance of medical research and its legal foundations. Geographically and temporally, the research field of Dr. Razumenko encompasses Canada, the USA, and European countries since the eighteenth century. His current interdisciplinary research project – “Cancer Clinical Trials in Canada and the Ethics of the Human Dignity Framework” – examines the evolution of clinical trials from a biomedical research paradigm to a patient-oriented comprehensive investigation model.