Department of History History of Medicine

Ziyu Yuan is a historian of science and medicine. She earned a doctorate in the History of Science and Technology at Shan Xi University in 2022 with a dissertation on the localization and modernization of dentistry in early 20th-century China. Focusing on the private doctor Situ Bo, who played a pivotal role in promoting the development of dental education and publicity. It explores the influence of Canadian missionaries who came to China to spread dentistry while seeking to give a more nuanced understanding of medical activities that have influenced traditional dentistry into an independent discipline. One of her major interests is the Canadian Medical Missionaries and the spread of Dentistry in the Early 20th Century. From July 2019 to July 2020 she was a visiting scholar at the University of Saskatchewan from Shanxi University under the supervision of Dr. Erika Dyck. Her current research examines the communication and dissemination between Chinese and Western medicine. She is currently a Lecturer at the Shan Xi University of Chinese MedicineTaiyuanChina.