Our Group

Dr. Mendes-Silva's research focuses on deepening our understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying mitochondrial dysfunction in mental illnesses, such as mood disorders, and translating this knowledge into the development of mitochondria-based prognostic tools and therapies. Her research program encompasses interrelated arms, including investigating the role of mitochondrial DNA in psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders, exploring the impact of the gut-brain axis, and assessing the diagnostic potential of extracellular DNA. Furthermore, her work involves innovating mitochondrial-based biosensors for Major Depression and investigating the therapeutic properties of kefir peptides, particularly their potential to combat Alzheimer's disease. Ultimately, her goal is to bridge the gap between basic research and clinical application by translating these findings into practical tools and therapies that can significantly enhance mental health outcomes. The "Mitochondrial Genetics and Brain Function: From Cells to Systems (Mito-Brain)" Laboratory collaborates with individuals across the University of Saskatchewan campus, Canada, and internationally.

Current Projects

  • In vitro analysis of mitochondrial DNA markers of  bipolar disorder and their role in neurotransmission
  • In silico analysis of mitochondrial genome in psychosis spectrum disorders
  • Extracellular DNA in mood disorders
  • Development of a mitochondrial-based biosensor for major depression
  • Kefir peptides and their anti-Alzheimer's properties

Dr. Ana Paula Mendes-Silva, PI

Ana Paula Mendes-Silva is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Psychiatry. She earned her MSc in Genetics from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and her PhD in Molecular Medicine from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Dr. Mendes-Silva completed her postdoctoral training at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto, Canada. She joined the University of Saskatchewan in 2024 and is currently establishing the "Mito-Brain" Laboratory.

See her research at Google Scholar.


  • 2024  Scholarship to Enhance and Empower Diversity (SEE-Diversity), International Brain Research Organization
  • 2024  Research Partner Program, Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
  • 2023  NARSAD Young Investigator Award, Brain & Behavior Foundation
  • 2023  CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
  • 2023  Discovery Fund Postdoctoral Fellowship, Discovery Fund CAMH Foundation
  • 2023  Young Investigator Travel Award, Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP)
  • 2022  Travel Fellowship Award, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP)
  • 2022  WomenMind Postdoctoral Fellowship, Womenmind Foundation
  • 2022  Young Investigator Travel Award, Molecular Psychiatry Association(MPA)
  • 2021  Discovery Postdoctoral Fellowship, Discovery Fund CAMH Foundation
  • 2015  Travel Fellowship Award, Alzheimer's and Dementia Association

Our Team

PhD students
  • Serena Mares Malta
  • Lucas Matos Martins Bernardes
  • Matheus Silva 

Contact Dr. Mendes-Silva

Funding Partners

Funding Partners