Selected Publications
Publications from Last Five Years
- Croteau, T. A., & Morrison, T. G. (2022). Development of the nonbinary gender microaggressions (NBGM) scale. International Journal of Transgender Health.
- de Barros, A. C., & Morrison, T. G. (2022). Development and validation of the Positive Bisexual Identity (PBI) scale. Psychology & Sexuality.
- Katz, J. W., de Barros, A. C., & Morrison, T. G. (2021). Ambiguous sex in critical receptions to Ari Aster's Midsommar. Sexuality & Culture, 25(6), 2035-2051.
- Katz, J. W., Morrison, T. G., & Ó Beaglaoich, C. (2021). Examining boyhood masculinity within an Irish context: An assessment of the reliability and structural validity of the Meanings of Adolescent Masculinity Scale (MAMS) and the Adolescent Masculinity in Relationships Scale (AMIRS). SAGE Open, 11(2).
- Kiss, M. J., McDonagh, L. K., Sparks, B., Hamp, T., & Morrison, T. G. (2021). Accurately assessing gay men's erectile functioning: A critique of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) use with gay men. The Journal of Sex Research, 58(5), 689-598.
- Kiss, M. J., & Morrison, T. G. (2021). Eroticizing desperation: Pverty gay-for-pay porn. Sexuality & Culture, 25(4), 1509-1528.
- Mirzaei, Y., Zare, S., & Morrison, T. G. (2021). Hijab pornography: A content analysis of Internet pornographic videos. Violence Against Women.
- Morrison, M. A., Parker, K. M., Sadika, B., Sameen, D., & Morrison, T. G. (2021). “Newsworthy enough?” Media framing experiences of Canadian LGBTQ persons’ sexual violence experiences. Psychology & Sexuality, 12(1-2), 96-114.
- de Barros, A. C. (2020). “Gay Now”: Bisexual Erasure in Supernatural Media from 1983 to 2003. Journal of Bisexuality, 20(1), 104-117.
- Kiss, M. J., Morrison, M. A., & Morrison, T. G. (2020). A meta-analytic review of the association between disgust and prejudice toward gay men. Journal of Homosexuality, 67(5), 674-696.
- Morrison, T. G., Katz, J. W., Mirzaei, Y., & Zare, S. (2020). Body image and eating disorders among sexual and gender minoritiy populations. In E. Rothblum (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of sexual and gender minority mental health (pp. 73-86). Oxford University Press.
- Parker, K. M., Sadika, B., Sameen, D., Morrison, T. G., & Morrison, M. A. (2020). Humanizing lesbian characters on television: Exploring their characterization and interpersonal relationships. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 24(4), 395-413.
- Kiss, M. J., Morrison, T. G., & McDonagh, L. K. (2019). Male body image self-consciousness during physical intimacy (M-BISC): Validating the M-BISC with gay men. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 16(2), 307-315.
- Kiss, M. J., Morrison, T. G., & Parker, K.(2019). Understanding the believability and erotic value of ‘heterosexual’ men in gay pornography. Porn Studies, 6(2), 169-192.
- Morrison, M. A., Kiss, M. J., Parker, K., Hamp, T., & Morrison, T. G. (2019). A systematic review of the psychometric properties of binegativity scales. Journal of Bisexuality, 19(1), 23-50.
- Morrison, T. G., Kiss, M., Bishop, C. J., & Morrison, M. A. (2019). “We’re disgusted with queers, not fearful of them:” The interrelationships among disgust, gay men’s sexual behavior, and homonegativity. Journal of Homosexuality, 66(7), 1014-1033.
- Gilliland, E., Kiss, M. J., Morrison, M. A., & Morrison, T. G. (2018). Characterological correlates of selfie taking behavior. Psychology, 9(06), 1530-1545.
- Madraga, M., Nielsen, E. J., & Morrison, T. G. (2018). ‘You do you’ Feminism: Lesbian, bisexual, and queer women’s perspectives on the dildo. Sexuality & Culture, 22(3), 1000-1018.
- McDonagh, L. K., Nielsen, E. J., McDermott, D. T., Davies, N., & Morrison, T. G. (2018). “I want to feel like a full man”: Conceptualizing gay, bisexual, and heterosexual men’s sexual difficulties. The Journal of Sex Research, 55(6), 783-801.
- Nielsen, E. J., & Morrison, T. G. (2018). Barebacking as a form of homosociality: Notes on Bottom. In S. Petrella (Ed.), Erotic subjects and outlaws (pp. 215-237). Brill.
- Nielsen, E. J., & Mudan Finn, K. (2018). Blood in the moonlight: Hannibal as queer noire. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 35(6), 568-582.
- Morrison, M. A., Bishop, C. J., Gazzola, S. B., McCutcheon, J. M., Parker, K., & Morrison, T. G. (2017). Systematic review of the psychometric properties of transphobia scales. International Journal of Transgenderism, 18(4), 395-410.