Research Scientists 

Colleen's research interests include developing policy and governance innovations that support sustainability. Her work is grounded in the importance of transdisciplinary thinking and cross-sector collaboration for solving complex sustainability problems. During her PhD,  Colleen worked with non-profit organizations with sustainability mandates – biosphere reserves and model forests - to develop strategies to better ensure their organizational success through incorporating more inclusive, entrepreneurial, and locally acceptable ways to address sustainability challenges. Colleen is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan.  Her current research, funded through a grant awarded by the Environment Canada Economics and Environmental Policy Research Network, continues to  grapple with policy innovations to support sustainability, examining how Saskatchewan mining operations have been impacted by changing federal and provincial environmental policies. ​ Colleen also contributes to scholarship related to teaching innovations in both the Edwards School of Business and the School of Environment and Sustainability.