Maureen and Anthony Sign

SENS and Mistawasis Nêhiyawak signed an agreement to work together

On April 28, 2017, the School of Environment and Sustainability and Mistawasis Nêhiyawak signed an agreement to work together.

Mistawasis provided lunch, an opening prayer, and friendship to University guests who attended the signing ceremony. Chief Daryl Watson stated that they did not enter this agreement lightly. He spoke of the importance of such a promise and the seriousness with which such a promise is made. He also said that the promise would be a long-term one and the relationship between the School and Mistawasis would transcend the work of any individual.

Executive Director Toddi Steelman spoke about how special this agreement was because the School did not have the capacity to make agreements with a lot of First Nations. Students of Chief Mistawasis School along with Counsellors from the Nation also attended the signing and joined in the celebration.

Toddi and Chief Watson

We exchanged gifts and look forward to our continued work into the future. We are also pleased that Mr. Anthony Blair Dreaver Johnston has agreed to become SENS’ Indigenous Mentor for the year ahead. His role will help us learn from this community and help strengthen our commitment to work together.