Pediatric Virtual Care Pilot Project in Whitecap

The new Pediatric Virtual Care Pilot Project in Whitecap Dakota First Nation Primary Health Centre is organized around the fundamentals of the successful acute pediatric program through remote presence robotics. The Program delivers advanced telehealth solutions to connect pediatric specialists with acutely ill children and their families remotely.
The team of pediatric intensivists and nurses, specialized in the efficient management of children's health, provide a high-quality triage, assessment, treatment and follow-up through secure, cutting-edge technology platforms, reducing the need for transportation services and tertiary hospitals admissions.
The Pediatric Virtual Care Program in Whitecap goal is to continue improving the access to specialized pediatric services for families in rural and remote communities by remote presence technology, decreasing interfacility transportation and overcoming geographical barriers. This contributes to the optimization of health-care systems, reducing expenditures and, most importantly, keeping individuals in their own communities with a culturally sensitive point of view.