Department of Physics and Physics Engineering Subatomic Physics Institute

Research Area(s)

  • Particle Physics Theory and Phenomenology
Diplom-Physiker, University of Stuttgart (Germany) 1987
Doktor der Naturwissenschaften (Ph.D.), University of Hamburg (Germany) 1990
Dr.rer.nat.habil. (Habilitation), University of Munich (Germany) 1998

About Me

Research Interests:

  • Particle Astrophysics Theory
    in particular dark matter candidates from theories beyond the standard model
    and sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
  • Particle Physics Theory
    in particular implications and signatures of dynamical couplings in gauge theories
  • Gravitation and Cosmology
    in particular cosmological implications of modifications of Einstein gravity
  • Low-dimensional systems in nanotechnology and condensed matter physics

    A list comprising most of my publications (except those in condensed matter physics) can be found in  SPIRES.

Mentoring and teaching:

  • Current graduate students:
    • Daryl Janzen
    • Fred Sage
    • Kai Wunderle.
  • In term 1 I will teach the following classes: 
    • ASTR 102.3: Introduction to Galaxies and Cosmology
    • PHYS 251.3/252.3: Relativistic Mechanics and Quantum Physics/Foundations of Modern Physics 
  • In term 2 I will teach the following classes: 

Other classes that I have taught at UofS:

In Munich I have taught classes in Mechanics, Supersymmetry, Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, and Astroparticle Physics.

I am also Chair of the Undergraduate Affairs Committee in Physics & Engineering Physics.Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our interesting programs.