
Please check our GoogleScholar Page for a list of current publications

22. Alcantara-Gonzalez D, Kennedy M, Criscuolo C, Botterill JJ, Scharfman HE. (2024). Increased excitability of dentate gyrus mossy cells occurs early in life in the Tg2576 model of Alzheimer's disease. Preprint available online February 12, 2024 

21. Botterill JJ, Khlaifia A, Appings R, Wilkin J, Violi F, Premachandran H, Cruz-Sanchez A, Canella AE, Patel A, Zaidi SD, Arruda-Carvalho M. (2024). Dorsal peduncular cortex activity modulates affective behavior and fear extinction in mice. Neuropsychopharmacology, 49, 993-1006. 

20. Chartampila E, Elayouby KS, Leary P, LaFrancois JJ, Alcantara-Gonzalez D, Jain S, Gerencer K, Botterill JJ, Ginsberg SD, Scharfman HE. (2024). Choline supplementation in early life improves and low levels of choline can impair outcomes in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. eLife 

19. Bernstein H, Lu YL, Leary P, Jain S, Lacefield CO, Botterill JJ, Scharfman HE. (2023). Excitatory effects of dentate gyrus mossy cells on granule cells and area CA3: an vitro and in vivo study in adult mice. Preprint available online November 2, 2023 

18. Jain S, LaFrancois JJ, Gerencer KJ, Botterill JJ, Kennedy M, Criscuolo C, Sharfman HE. (2023). Increasing adult neurogenesis protects mice from epilepsy. eLife 

17. Baillie L, Banow R, Botterill JJ. (2022). The impact of lecture capture availability on academic performance in a large biomedical science course. Education and Information Technologies.

16. Botterill JJ, Khlaifia A, Walters BJ, Brimble MA, Scharfman HE, Arruda-Carvalho M. (2021). Off-target expression of Cre-dependent adeno-associated viruses in wild type C57BL/6J mice. eNeuro*, 8 (6).
     *Digital cover slide on the eNeuro homepage (December 1st, 2021).
     *Highlighted on the eNeuro blog (December 16th, 2021):
     *eNeuro Featured Research (January 4 – January 10, 2022):
     *SFN Zoom background image:

15. Botterill JJ, Gerencer KJ, Vinod KY, Alcantara-Gonzalez D, Scharfman HE. (2021). Dorsal and ventral mossy cells differ in their axonal projections throughout the dentate gyrus of the mouse hippocampus. Hippocampus*, 31 (5), 522-539.
     *Among top cited articles in Hippocampus between January 1, 2021-December 15, 2022.

14. Botterill JJ, Vinod KY, Gerencer KJ, Teixeira CM, LaFrancois JJ, Scharfman HE. (2021). Bidirectional regulation of cognitive and anxiety-like behaviors by dentate gyrus mossy cells in male and female mice. The Journal of Neuroscience*, 41 (11), 2475-2495.
     *Cover article for The Journal of Neuroscience (March 17, 2021. Volume 41, Issue 11).

13. Stephens GS, Fu CH, Romain CP, Zheng Y, Botterill JJ, Scharfman HE, Liu Y, Chin J. (2020). Genes bound by ΔFosB in different conditions with recurrent seizures regulate similar neuronal functions. Frontiers in Neuroscience, Neurogenomics. 14 (472).

12. Brymer KJ, Johnston J, Botterill JJ, Romay-Tallon R, Mitchell MA, Allen J, Pinna G, Caruncho HJ, Kalynchuk LE. (2020). Fast-acting antidepressant-like effects of Reelin evaluated in the repeated-corticosterone chronic stress paradigm. Neuropsychopharmacology, 45 (10), 1707-1716.

11. Botterill JJ, Lu YL, LaFrancois JJ, Bernstein HL, Alcantara-Gonzalez D, Jain S, Leary P, Scharfman HE. (2019). An excitatory and epileptogenic effect of dentate gyrus mossy cells in a mouse model of epilepsy. Cell Reports*, 29, 2875-2889.
     *Featured in a research commentary: Goicouria & Liu (2019). E-I E-I Woe: Mossy cell regulation of granule cell activity in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Currents, 20 (3), 173-174.

10. Bernstein HL, Lu YL, Botterill JJ, Scharfman HE. (2019). Novelty and novel objects increase c-Fos immunoreactivity in mossy cells in the mouse dentate gyrus. Neural Plasticity, #1815371.

9. Jain S, LaFrancois JJ, Botterill JJ, Alcantara-Gonzalez D, Scharfman HE. (2019). Adult neurogenesis in the mouse dentate gyrus protects the hippocampus from neuronal injury following severe seizures. Hippocampus, 29 (8), 683-709.

8. Botterill JJ, Nogovitsyn N, Caruncho HJ, Kalynchuk LE. (2017). Selective plasticity of hippocampal GABAergic interneuron populations following kindling of different brain regions. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 525 (2), 389-406.

7. Caruncho HJ, Brymer KJ, Romay-Tallon R, Mitchell MA, Rivera-Baltana T, Botterill J, Olivares JM, Kalynchuk LE. (2016). Reelin-related disturbances in depression: Implications for translational studies. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 10 (48).

6. Botterill JJ, Brymer KJ, Caruncho HJ, Kalynchuk LE. (2015). Aberrant hippocampal neurogenesis after limbic kindling: Relationship to BDNF and hippocampal dependent memory. Epilepsy & Behavior, 47, 83-92.

5. Botterill JJ, Guskjolen AJ, Marks WN, Caruncho HJ, Kalynchuk LE. (2015). Limbic but not non-limbic kindling impairs conditioned fear and promotes plasticity of NPY and its Y2 receptor. Brain Structure and Function, 220 (6), 3641-3655.

4. Botterill JJ, Fournier NM, Guskjolen AJ, Lussier AL, Marks WN, Kalynchuk LE. (2014). Amygdala kindling disrupts trace and delay fear conditioning with parallel changes in Fos protein expression throughout the limbic brain. Neuroscience, 265, 158-171.

3. Fournier NM, Botterill JJ, Marks WN, Guskjolen AJ, Kalynchuk LE. (2013). Impaired recruitment of seizure-generated neurons into functional memory networks of the adult dentate gyrus following long-term amygdala kindling. Experimental Neurology, 244, 96-104.

2. Botterill JJ, Guskjolen AJ, Caruncho HJ, Kalynchuk LE. (2011). Rodent models as tools to discover novel therapeutic targets in the brain: The case of epilepsy. In M. Loza & L. Botana (Eds) Therapeutic targets: modulation, inhibition, and activation. Wiley-Blackwell.

1. Fournier NM, Andersen DR, Botterill JJ, Sterner EY, Lussier AL, Caruncho HJ, Kalynchuk LE. (2010). The effect of amygdala kindling on hippocampal neurogenesis coincides with decreased reelin and DISC1 expression in the adult dentate gyrus. Hippocampus, 20 (5), 659-671.