(90) "Hydrogen pentagraphenelike structure stabilized, by hafnium: A high-temperature conventional superconductor", H. Xie, Y. Yao, X. Feng, D. Duan, H. Song, Z. Zhang, S. Jiang, S. A. T. Redfern, V. Z. Kresin, C. J. Pickard, and T. Cui, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 217001 (2020). Editor's Suggestion
(89) "Two good metals making a semiconductor: a potassium-nickel compound under pressure", A. A. Adeleke, E. Stavrou, A. O. Adeniyi, B. Wan, H. Gou, and Y. Yao, Phys. Rev. B 102, 134120 (2020).
(88) "High-enthalpy crystalline phases of cadmium telluride", A. O. Adeniyi, M. Kunz, E. Stavrou, and Y. Yao, Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 033072 (2020).
(87) "o-C240: a new sp3-dominated allotrope of carbon", A. A. Adeleke, A. O. Adeniyi, H. Tang, H. Gou, and Y. Yao, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 395401 (2020).
(86) "Formation of stable compounds of potassium and iron under pressure", A. A. Adeleke and Y. Yao, J. Phys. Chem. A 124, 4752 (2020).
(85) "Nitrogen in black phosphorus structure", C. Ji, A. A. Adeleke, L. Yang, B. Wan, H. Gou, Y. Yao, B. Li, Y. Meng, J. S. Smith, V. B. Prakapenka, W. Liu, G. Shen, W. L. Mao, and H.-k. Mao, Sci. Adv. 6, eaba9206 (2020).
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(84) "(83) "Pressure-induced structural transformations and new polymorphs in BiVO4", X. Cheng, J. Guan., L. Jiang, H. Zhang, P. Wang, A. O. Adeniyi, Y. Yao, L. Su, and Y. Song, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 10238 (2020).
(82) "Superconducting zirconium polyhydrides at moderate pressures", H. Xie, W. Zhang, D. Duan, X. Huang, Y. Huang, H. Song, X. Feng, Y. Yao, C. J. Pickard, and T. Cui, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 646 (2020).
(81) "Oxysulfide Li2BeSO: A potential new material for solid electrolyte predicted from first principles", J. Zhang, X. Wang, A. A. Adeleke, B. Gao, H. Wang, M. Wu, H. Liu, and Y. Yao, J. Alloys. Compd. 818, 152844 (2020).