August 1, 2024
Summer research projects near completion

It has been a busy summer in the lab. A slower pace of the Saskatchewan Day long weekend gives us an opportunity to recognize the great work of Diya Patel and Nurul Hidaya, the University of Saskatchewan undergraduate students who joined the lab for their summer projects on the metal binding properties of MEMO1. Diya and Nurul, we wish you a strong finish in the lab and a good start of the new school year!
June 15, 2024
Saskatoon Riders take off!

On a beautiful Saturday morning, Oleg attended the 2024 Ride Day to thank all the riders and the Saskatoon Ride for Dad chapter for raising $40,000 for prostate cancer research this year. The Swift Current Chapter raised $30,000. Together, these funds supported Prostate Cancer Research Grants to Dmitriev and Wu labs at the University of Saskatchewan.
April 19, 2024
Our first MEMO1 paper has been published in eLife!

April 12, 2024
We receive new funding from Ride for Dad!

We have received a new grant from Ride for Dad / Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation to continue our research on targeting the metastasis modulator protein MEMO1 to treat prostate cancer. This grant comes from the funds raised by the members of the Saskatoon and Swift Current chapters of Ride for Dad, a nationwide organization of motorcycle riders who raise money to support prostate cancer research.
The next motorcycle Ride for Dad will take place in Swift Current on June 8th and in Saskatoon on June 15th. Please visit the Ride for Dad website for more information and consider participating if you own a motorcycle. In keeping with the newly established tradition, Oleg will ride the Corkscrew - Ravine - Stove trails along the South Saskatchewan river in Saskatoon on June 17th to support the cause.
August 1, 2023
Ivy Chung joins the lab

July 26, 2023
We say Goodbye to Anjuman

Anjuman is leaving the lab and moving with her family to British Columbia. Thank you, Anjuman, for helping to restart cell biology work in our lab!
July 3, 2023
Marziyeh Ghanbarian joins the lab

Marziyeh Ghanbarian has joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Marzi received a Ph.D. degree in Molecular Medicine from Hamadan University of Medical Sciences in Iran, where she studied mechanisms of miRNA-mediated gene regulation in drug-resistant cell lines, focusing on the platinum based anticancer drugs. After finishing her degree, Marzi worked as a research assistant in the Laboratory of System Biology and Bioinformatics in Tehran. In our lab, Marzi will investigate the molecular funcition of the cancer metastasis modulator MEMO1. Welcome to the lab, Marzi!
June 17, 2023
It's the Ride Day!

Oleg attended the sendoff at the Western Development Museum on the Ride Day to thank all the riders and the Saskatoon Ride for Dad chapter for their great work raising funds for prostate cancer research. Thanks for the ride!
June 1, 2023
We receive funding from Ride for Dad!

We have received a new grant from Ride for Dad / Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation to study the possibility of targeting the metastasis modulator protein MEMO1 to treat prostate cancer. This grant comes from the funds raised by the members of the Saskatoon and Swift Current chapters of Ride for Dad, a nationwide organization of motorcycle riders who raise money to support prostate cancer research.
The next motorcycle Ride for Dad will take place in Swift Current on June 10th and in Saskatoon on June 17th. Please visit the Ride for Dad website for more information and consider participating if you own a motorcycle. Oleg can't keep up on his mountain bike, but will ride the Corkscrew - Ravine - Stove trails along the South Saskatchewan river in Saskatoon on June 17th to support the cause.
May 31, 2023
We receive funding from SHRF!

May 1, 2023
Kaylen Young joins the lab

September 7, 2022
Rebecca Iyoha joins the lab

January 6, 2022
Paria Nouri joins the lab

January 3, 2022
Anjuman Ara joins the lab

November 1, 2021
Afzal Javed joins the lab

September 6, 2021
Sangwani Simwaka joins the lab

Sangwani Simwaka has joined the lab for his honors research project (BMIS 489). Sangwani comes from Malawi. He is majoring in biochemistry and will study interactions between the copper chaperone ATOX1 and the metal binding domains of the active copper transporter ATP7B. Welcome to the lab, Sangwani!
September 1, 2021
Katherine Mowers joins the lab

July 22, 2021
We receive CIHR funding!

May 3, 2021
Ali Abbas joins the lab

December 17, 2020
Jaala Patry defends her M.Sc. thesis

Congratulations to Jaala on the successful defense of her M.Sc. thesis Dynamics of the Metal-Binding Domains in the Regulation of the Wilson Disease Protein, ATP7B! She has proven that
SAXS + NMR = Inspiration + Insight.
Best of luck with your next career move, Jaala!
November 18, 2020
Congratulations, Manisha and Yuliang!
Congratulations to Manisha Yadav, Yuliang Wu and all the co-authors on a nice paper on DDX43 helicase, just published in JBC! We can never resist a good looking NMR spectrum and were happy to help.
September 10, 2020
Czarina Vasallaje joins the lab

Czarina Vasallaje has joined the lab for her honors research project. Czarina learnt about protein NMR in our BIOC405 course and will now try her hand at the ultimate jigsaw puzzle game in structural biology making backbone chemical shift assignments of a large and very intriguing protein involved in cancer metastasis. Welcome to the lab, Czarina!
June 22, 2020
Our lab is open!

Along with many other research groups at the U of S, we are back in the lab. Here is to the open road ahead!
May 1, 2020
Ali Abbas and Jessie Heisler join the lab
March 25, 2020
CoVID-19 update
Our lab is closed, but research continues from the home office. We are eager to get back to the bench as soon as the situation permits.
March 17, 2020
CoVID-19 update
Our lab remains open and research continues as we adapt and adjust to living and working under pandemic conditions, while taking measures to minimize the risk of CoVID-19 infection.
March 1, 2020
Happy March 1!

Another winter on the prairie is coming to an end!
December 19, 2019
Akarin Asavajaru Defends his Master's Thesis

May 5, 2019
Wilson Disease Translational Meeting

May 1, 2019
Azasma Tanvir joins the lab
November 28, 2018
Rosie Hernandez receives Louis T. J. Delbaere Memorial Scholarship

October 1, 2018
11th International Copper Research Meeting, September 23-28th, Sorrento, Italy.

Oleg went to the 11th Copper meeting in Sorrento. Grazie mille, David Giedroc, Svetlana Lutsenko and Roman Polischuk for organizing the meeting and putting together an exciting program!
September 1, 2018
Rosario Hernandez Barba joins the lab.

Rosario Hernandez Barba has joined the lab to work on her honors reseach project on the interaction of the copper chaperone Atox1 with cell membranes. Rosie learnt about protein NMR and membrane transport processes in BIOC405, and decided to put this knowlegde to a good use at the lab bench. Welcome to the lab, Rosie!
June 12, 2018
Yunhua Jia finishes her term.

Big thanks to Yun for responding to "All hands on deck!" and helping us with protein purification for the last few months. We wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors.
June 9, 2018
We receive a new grant from Telus Ride for Dad - Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation.

This year, the grant is funded by the Swift Current Chapter of Ride for Dad. Thank you Swift Current Riders for your efforts to raise money for prostate cancer research! It was great to visit the beautiful Southwest and meet you all on the Ride Day that sunny Saturday.
Photo credits: Tanner Wallace-Scribner
March 1, 2018
Happy March 1!

Spring is in sight! First morning ride to work with helmet light off this year. Is there a lone wolf somewhere in this picture?
October 16, 2017
Ride for Dad Summit in Whitehorse

Oleg attended Ride for Dad Research Summit in Whitehorse. Ride for Dad is Canadawide organization of motorcycle riders who raise funds for prostate cancer research. The event brought together the researchers funded by Ride for Dad and riders from all over the country. The warm hospitality of our Whitehorse hosts, the amazing group of people that came together at this meeting, and the breathtaking beauty of Yukon made it an unforgettable experience.
In the photo: The researchers and the organization leaders at the President's dinner. Garry Janz who started the Ride almost two decades ago is the third from the left. Since 2000, Ride for Dad donated 25 million dollars to prostate cancer research. Below: Yukon landscapes. I can't imagine that anybody who has visited Yukon once does not dream of coming back.
September 1, 2017
New lab members
June 18, 2017
We receive a grant from Ride for Dad - Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation.

April 20, 2017
We receive funding from NSERC.

April 10, 2017
Laura Wu and Mars Zhao join the lab for summer research projects.

Laura Wu and Mars Zhao received Undergraduate Summer Research Awards from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Welcome to the lab, Laura and Mars!
March 1, 2017
Top 10 reasons to work for the University of Saskatchewan

Reason #10: The coolest campus commute this side of Siberia
December 5, 2016
Corey Yu defends his Ph.D. thesis

December 1, 2016
Today is Colonel Flagg's birthday!

"Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don't know what it is. I keep myself in a constant state of utter confusion."
September 21, 2016
Daryna Kulik defends her M.Sc. thesis

August 27, 2016
Corey and Oleg went to ICMRBS XXVII.

Corey and Oleg presented our work on the nanobodies and dynamics of the metal-binding domains of Wilson disease protein at the 27th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems in Kyoto, Japan (August 21-26). A memorable meeting in a beautiful city!
June 29, 2016
New funding from Telus Ride for Dad and Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation

We have received funding from Telus Ride for Dad and Prostate Cancer Fight Foundation to study the role of copper transport proteins in prostate cancer sensitivity to platinum based chemotherapy. In the photo, Corey receives the check from Vince Streukens, Saskatoon Ride Captain. This year, Saskatchewan chapter of Ride for Dad foundation raised more than $200,000 for prostate cancer research!
June 27, 2016
Back to school: SAXS+NMR=...

Oleg attended a week-long course on small angle X-ray scattering in biology (BioSAXS) at the Advanced Photon Source (pictured) at Argonne National Laboratory. A very useful and rather underused method for studies of multidomain proteins and protein complexes! I hope we can do SAXS at Canadian Light Source some day!
June 24, 2016
Shucks! Now, mind the gap!

June 18, 2016
The lab members join a team of cancer survivors and supporters for a dragon boat race.

Two of our lab members joined "It is always something" team of cancer survivors and their supporters for a day of dragon boat racing on lake Wingra in Madison, WI. Don't ask how we did, but it was a lot of fun! Amazing organization and a great way to bring together people who beat cancer and those whose lives were touched by its shadow.
April 15, 2016
Dzmitriy Turavets defends his M.Sc. thesis.

Dzmitriy Turavets successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis "Structural and Functional Characterization of the Putative Pineal ATPase PINA". Dzmitriy graduated from Minsk State University in the Republic of Belarus, and joined the lab as a graduate student in September 2013. Congratulations, Dzmitriy!