- Mikhchian, M., Grosvenor, A. P. (2025) A comparative study of the long-term aqueous durability of brannerite (Ce0.94Ti2O6-δ) and glass-brannerite (Fe-Al-BG-Ce0.94Ti2O6-δ) composite materials. Applied Surface Science. 687: 162233.
- Arthur, E., Grosvenor, A. P. (2025) The study of multi-phase rare-earth phosphate-borosilicate glass composites synthesized by the ceramic method via a 1-step pathway. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 620: 123368.
- Mikhchian, M., Grosvenor, A. P. (2024) A comprehensive XPS investigation of the effect of aqueous corrosion on the surface of glass-zirconolite composite materials (Fe-Al-BG-CaZrTi2O7). Canadian Journal of Chemistry. In Press.
- Mikhchian, M., Grosvenor, A. P. (2024) An investigation of the long-term aqueous corrosion behaviour of glass-zirconolite composite materials (Fe-Al-BG-CaZrTi2O7) as a potential nuclear wasteform. Corrosion Science. 228: 111831.
- Mumbaraddi, D., Mishra, V., Jomaa, M., Liu, X., Karmakar, A., Thirupurasanthiran, S., Michaelis, V. K., Grosvenor, A. P., Meldrum, A., Mar, A. (2023) Controlling the luminescence of rare-earth chalcogenide iodides RE2(Be1-xSix)2S8I (RE = La, Ce, and Pr) and Ce3Si2(S1-ySey)8I. Chemistry of Materials. 35: 6039 - 6049.
- Rafiuddin, M. R., Donato, G., McCaugherty, S., Mesbah, A., Grosvenor, A. P. (2022) A review of rare-earth phosphate materials for nuclear waste sequestration applications. ACS Omega. 7: 39482 - 39490.
- Chadirji-Martinez, K., Grosvenor, A. P., Crawford, A., Chernikov, R., Heredia, E., Feng, R., Pan, Y. (2022) Thorium speciation in synthetic anhydrite: implications for thorium management and recovery from rare-earth mine tailings. Hydrometallurgy. 214: 105965.
- Saoudi, M., Hayes, J. R., Lang, J., Grosvenor, A. P., Do, T., Mouris, J. (2022) Oxidation behaviour of thorium-uranium mixed oxides in controlled oxidation experiments. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 572: 154047.
- Rafiuddin, M. R., Guo, S., Donato, G., Grosvenor, A. P., Dacheux, N., Cava, R. J., Mesbah, A. (2022) Structural and magnetic properties of churchite-type REPO4*2H2O materials. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 312: 123261.
- Situm, A., Guo, X., Barlow, B. C., Guo, B., Burgess, I. J., Grosvenor, A. P. (2021) A study of the corrosion of the polymethyl methacrylate coated rebar using glancing angle X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy. CORROSION. 77: 1291 - 1298.
- Dragomir, M., Arcon, I., Dube, P., Beam, J. C., Grosvenor, A. P., King, G., Greedan, J. E. (2021) A new family of anisotropic spin glasses, Ba1-xLa1+xMnO4+δ. Physical Review Materials. 5: 074403.
- Lozano-Gorrin, A. D., Wright, B., Dube, P. A., Marjerrison, C. A., Yuan, F., King, G., Ryan, D. H., Gonzalez-Silgo, C., Cranswick, L. M. D., Grosvenor, A. P., Greedan, J. E. (2021) Magnetism in mixed valence, defect, cubic perovskites: BaIn1-xFexO2.5+δ, x = 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75. Local and average structures. ACS Omega. 6: 6017-6029.
- Vrublevskiy, D., Lussier, J. A., Panchuk, J. R., Mauws, C., Beam, J. C., Wiebe, C. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Bieringer, M. (2021) Understanding the interplay of vacancy, cation, and charge ordering in the tunable Sc2VO5+δ defect fluorite system. Inorganic Chemistry. 60: 872-882.
- Donato, G., Grosvenor, A. P. (2020) Effect of glass composition on the crystallization of CePO4-borosilicate glass composite materials. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 98: 7010-707.
- Situm, A., Beam, J. C., Hughes, K. A., Rowson, J., Crawford, A., Grosvenor, A. P. (2020) Analysis of low concentration U species within U mill tailings using X-ray microprobe. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 244: 146992.
- Donato, G., Grosvenor, A. P. (2020) Crystallization of rare-earth phosphate borosilicate glass composites synthesized by a one-step coprecipitation method. Crystal Growth & Design. 20: 2217-2231.
- Situm, A., Beam, J. C., Hughes, K. A., Rowson, J., Essilfie-Dughan, J., Crawford, A., Grosvenor, A. P. (2020) An X-ray spectromicroscopy study of the calcium mineralization in the JEB tailings management facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan. Applied Geochemistry. 112: 104459.
- Barlow, B. C., Guo, B., Situm, A., Grosvenor, A. P., Burgess, I. J. (2019) Shell isolated nanoparticle enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SHINERS) studies of steel surface corrosion. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 853: 113559.
- Beam, J. C., Hehn, A. G., Grosvenor, A. P. (2019) Mixed valence cerium substitution in Gd2-xCexTi2O7 pyrochlores. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 234: 5-12.
- Bieringer, M., Stewart, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Dragomir, M., Greedan, J. E. (2019) The quenching of long range order and the Mn3+ ordered moment in the layered antiferromagnet, BaxSr1-xLaMnO4: A polarized neutron scattering study. Inorganic Chemistry. 58: 4300-4309.
- Guo, X., Situm, A., Barlow, B. C., Guo, B., Burgess, I.J., Grosvenor, A. P. (2019) Soft X-ray spectromicroscopy studies of pitting corrosion of reinforcing steel bar. Surface and Interface Analysis. 51: 681-691.
- Sifat, R., Beam, J. C., Grosvenor, A. P. (2019) Investigation of factors that affect the oxidation state of Ce in the garnet-type structure. Inorganic Chemistry. 58: 2299-2306.
- Situm, A., Guo, X., Guo, B., Barlow, B. C., Burgess, I. J., Grosvenor, A. P (2019) A spectromicroscopy study of the corrosion of fusion-bonded epoxy-coated rebar. Surface and Interface Analysis. 51: 525-530.
- McCaugherty, S., Grosvenor, A. P. (2019) Low-temperature synthesis of CaZrTi2O7 zirconolite-type materials using ceramic, coprecipitation, and sol-gel methods. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 7: 177-187.
- Donato, G., Holzscherer, D., Beam, J. C., Grosvenor, A .P. (2018) A one-step synthesis of rare-earth phosphate-borosilicate glass composites. RSC Advances. 8: 39053-39065.
- Ebinumoliseh, I., Grosvenor, A. P. (2018) Effect of synthetic method and annealing temperature on the structure of hollandite-type oxides. Inorganic Chemistry. 57: 14353-14361.
- Situm, A., Guo, X., Barlow, B. C., Guo, B., Burgess, I. J., Grosvenor, A. P. (2018) A spectromicroscopy study of polymer-coated steel. Corrosion Science. 145: 35-46.
- Barlow, B. C., Situm, A., Guo, B, Guo, X., Grosvenor, A. P., Burgess, I. J. (2018) X-ray microprobe characterization of corrosion at the buried polymer-steel interface. Corrosion Science. 144: 198-206.
- Rafiuddin, M. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2018) An investigation of the chemical durability of hydrous and anhydrous rare-earth phosphates. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 509: 631 - 643.
- Sifat, R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2018) Examination of the site preference in garnet type (X3A2B3O12; X = Y, A/B = Al, Ga, Fe) materials. Solid State Sciences. 83: 56 - 64.
- Blanchard, P.E.R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2018) Investigating the local structure of B-site cations in (1-x)BaTiO3-xxBiScO3 and (1-x)PbTiO3-xBiScO3 using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Solid State Sciences. 79: 6-14.
- Paknahad, E., Grosvenor, A. P. (2017) Investigation of the stability of glass-ceramic composites containing CeTi2O6 and CaZrTi2O7 after ion implantation. Solid State Sciences. 74: 109-117.
- Aluri, E. R., Bachiu, L. M., Grosvenor, A. P., Forbes, S. H., Greedan, J. E. (2017) Assessing the oxidation states and structural stability of the Ce analogue of brannerite for nuclear waste sequestration applications. Surface and Interface Analysis. 49: 1335-1344.
- Paknahad, E., Grosvenor, A. P. (2017) Investigation of CeTi2O6- and CaZrTi2O7-containing glass-ceramic composite materials. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 95: 1110-1121.
- Rafiuddin, M. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2016) A structural investigation of hydrous and anhydrous rare-earth phosphates. Inorganic Chemistry. 55: 9185 - 9695.
- Blanchard, P. E. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Rowson, J., Hughes, K., Brown, C. (2016) Identifying calcium-containing mineral species in the JEB tailings management facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan. Applied Geochemistry. 73: 98 - 108.
- Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2016) A review of X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopic studies of pyrochlore-type oxides proposed for nuclear materials applications. Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Science and Engineering. 11644-0: 1-14.
- Grosvenor, A. P., Bellhouse, E. M., Korinek, A., Bugnet, M., McDermid, J. R. (2016) XPS and EELS characterization of Mn2SiO4, MnSiO3, and MnAl2O4. Applied Surface Science. 379: 242 - 248.
- Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Saoudi, M. (2016) An investigation of the thermal stability of NdxScyZr1-x-yO2 materials proposed for inert matrix fuel applications. Inorganic Chemistry. 55: 1032 - 1043.
- Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2016) Investigation of NdxY0.25-xZr0.75O1.88 inert matrix fuel materials made by a co-precipitation synthetic route. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 94: 198 - 210.
- Grosvenor, A. P., Biesinger, M. C., Smart, R. St.-C., Gerson, A. R. (2016) "The influence of final-state effects on XPS spectra from first-row transition-metals" in Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES). Springer, Berlin. 217 - 262.
- Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2015) A study of the electronic structure and structural stability of Gd2Ti2O7 based glass-ceramic composites. RSC Advances. 5: 80939 - 80949.
- Rafiuddin, M. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2015) Probing the effect of radiation damage on the structure of rare-earth phosphates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 653: 279 - 289.
- Blanchard, P. E. R., Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Rowson, J., Hughes, K., Brown, C (2015) Investigating the geochemical model for molybdenum mineralization in the JEB tailings management facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan: An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study. Environmental Science & Technology. 49: 6504-6509.
- Thompson, C. M., Chi, L., Hayes, J. R., Hallas, A., Wilson, M., Swainson, I. P., Grosvenor, A. P., Luke, G., Greedan, J. E. (2015) Synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of novel B-site ordered double perovskites, SrLaMReO6 (M = Mg, Mn, Co and Ni). Dalton Transactions. 44: 10806.
- Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Saoudi, M. (2015) An investigation of the thermal stability of NdxYyZr1-x-yO2 inert matrix fuel materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 635: 245-255.
- Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2014) An investigation of the electronic structure and structural stability of RE2Ti2O7 by glancing angle and total electron yield XANES. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 616: 516 - 526.
- Rafiuddin, M. R., Mueller, E., Grosvenor, A. P. (2014) X-ray spectroscopic study of the electronic structure of monazite- and xenotime-type rare-earth phosphates. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118: 18000 - 18009.
- Walker, J. D. S., Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2014) Examination of the site preference of metals in NiAl2-xGaxO4 spinel-type oxides by X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 195: 139 - 144.
- Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P., Rowson, J., Hughes, K., Frey, R. A., Reid, J. (2014) Analysis of the Mo-speciation in the JEB tailings management facility at McClean Lake, Saskatchewan. Environmental Science & Technology. 48: 4460 - 4467.
- Aluri, E. R., Hayes, J. R., Walker, J. D. S., Grosvenor, A. P. (2014) Investigation of the structural stability of ion implanted Gd2Ti2-xSnxO7 pyrochlore-type oxides by glancing angle X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C.118: 7910 - 7922.
- Walker, J. D. S., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) The effect of synthetic method and annealing temperature on metal site preference in Al1-xGaxFeO3. Inorganic Chemistry. 52: 8612 - 8620.
- Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) An X-ray absorption spectroscopic study of the effect of bond covalency on the electronic structure of Gd2Ti2-xSnxO7. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15: 10477 - 10486.
- Revoy, M. N., Scott, R. W. J., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) Ceria nano-cubes: dependence of the electronic structure on synthetic and experimental conditions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117: 10095 - 10105.
- Walker, J. D. S., Hayes, J. R., Gaultois, M. W., Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) A case for oxygen deficiency in Gd2Ti2-xZrxO7 pyrochlore-type oxides. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 565: 44-49.
- Aluri, E. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) An investigation of pyrochlore-type oxides (Yb2Ti2-xFexO7) by XANES. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 74: 830-836.
- Walker, J. D. S., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) An X-ray absorption spectrsocopic study of the metal site preference in Al1-xGaxFeO3. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 197: 147-153.
- Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2013) An investigation of the electronic structure of Cu2FeSn3-xTixS8 (0 < x < 3) thiospinel spin-crossover materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and electronic structure calculations. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 197: 532-542.
- Crerar, S. J., Mar, A., Grosvenor, A. P. (2012) Electronic structure of rare-earth chromium antimonides (RECrSb3 (RE = La-Nd, Sm, Gd-Dy, Yb) by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 196: 79-86.
- Hayes, J. R, Grosvenor, A. P. (2012) An investigation of the Fe and Mo oxidation states in Sr2Fe2-xMoxO6 (0.25 < x < 1.0) double perovskites by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 537: 323-331.
- Huynh, L. T., Eger, S. B., Walker, J. D. S., Hayes, J. R., Gaultois, M. W., Grosvenor, A. P. (2012) How temperature influences the stoichiometry of CeTi2O6. Solid State Sciences. 14: 761-767.
- Gaultois, M. W., Grosvenor, A. P. (2012) XANES and XPS investigations of the local structure and final-state effects in amorphous metal silicates: (ZrO2)x(TiO2)y(SiO2)1-x-y. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 14: 205-217.
- Hayes, J. R., Grosvenor, A. P. (2011) An X-ray absorption spectroscopic study of the electronic structure and bonding of rare-earth orthoferrites. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 23: 465502/1-8.
- Sigrist, J. A., Walker, J. D. S., Hayes, J. R., Gaultois, M. W., Grosvenor, A. P. (2011) Determining the effect of Ru substitution on the thermal stability of CeFe4-xRuxSb12. Solid State Sciences. 13: 2041-2048.
- Ramezanipour, F., Greedan, J. E., Siewenie, J., Proffen, Th., Ryan, D. H., Grosvenor, A .P., Donaberger, R. L. (2011) The local and average structures and magnetic properties of Sr2FeMnO5+y, y = 0.0, 0.5. Comparisons with Ca2FeMnO5 and the effect of the A-site cation. Inorganic Chemistry. 50: 7779-7791.
- Peddle, J. M., Gaultois, M. W., Grosvenor, A. P. (2011) On the oxidation of EuFe4Sb12 and EuRu4Sb12. Inorganic Chemistry. 50: 6263-6268.
- Gaultois, M.W., Greedan, J.E., and Grosvenor, A.P. (2011) Investigation of coordination changes in substituted transition-metal oxides by K-edge XANES: beyond the pre-edge. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 184: 192-194.
- Sigrist, J. A., Gaultois, M. W. and Grosvenor, A. P. (2011) An investigation of the Fe K-edge XANES spectra from Fe1-xGaxSbO4: local versus non-local excitations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 115: 1908-1912.
- Gaultois, M.W. and Grosvenor, A.P. (2011) XANES and XPS investigations of (TiO2)x(SiO2)1-x: the contribution of final-state relaxation to shifts in absorption and binding energies. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 21: 1829-1836.
- Biesinger, M.C., Payne, B.P., Grosvenor, A.P., Lau, L.M.W., Gerson, A. and Smart, R. St. C. (2011) Resolving surface chemical states in XPS analysis of first row transition-metals, oxides, and hydroxides: Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni. Applied Surface Science. 257: 2717-2730.
- Gaultois, M.W. and Grosvenor, A.P. (2010) Coordination-induced shifts of absorption and binding energies in the SrFe1-xZnxO3 system. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 114: 19822-19829.
- Ramezanipour, F., Greedan, J.E., Grosvenor, A.P., Britten, J.F., Cranswick, L.M.D., and Garlea, V.O. (2010) Intra-layer cation ordering in a brownmillerite super-structure: synthesis, crystal and magnetic structures of Ca2FeCoO5. Chemistry of Materials. 22: 6008-6020.
- Sklad, A.C., Gaultois, M.W., and Grosvenor, A.P. (2010) Examination of CeFe4Sb12 upon exposure to air: is this material appropriate for use in terrestrial, high-temperature thermoelectric devices? Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 505: L6-L9.
- Gaultois, M.W., Grosvenor, A.P., Blanchard, P.E., and Mar, A. (2010) Ternary arsenides Zr(SixAs1-x)As with PbCl2-type (0 < x < 0.4) and PbFCl-type (x = 0.6) structures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 492: 19-25.
- Blanchard, P.E., Slater, B.R., Cavell, R.G., Mar, A., and Grosvenor, A.P. (2010) Electronic structure of lanthanum transition-metal oxyarsenides LaMAsO (M=Fe, Co, Ni) and LaFe1-xM'xAsO (M'=Co, Ni) by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Solid State Sciences. 12: 50-58.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Ramezanipour, F., Derakhshan, S., Maunders, C., Botton, G.A., and Greedan, J.E. (2009) Effects of bond-character on the electronic structure of Brownmillerite-phase oxides, Ca2B'xFe2-xO5 (B' = Al, Ga); an X-ray absorption and electron energy loss spectroscopic study. Journal of Materials Chemistry.19: 9213-9220.
- Blanchard, P.E.R., Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2009) Effects of metal substitution in transition-metal phosphides (Ni1-xM'x)2P (M' = Cr, Fe, Co) studied by X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 19: 6015-6022.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2009) "Bonding and electronic structure of phosphides, arsenides, and antimonides by X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopies" in Structure and Bonding: Controlled assembly and Modification of Inorganic Systems. Springer, Berlin. 133: 41-92.
- Grosvenor, A.P., and Greedan, J.E. (2009) Analysis of metal site preference and electronic structure of Brownmillerite-phase oxides (A2B'xB2-xO5; A = Ca, Sr; B'/B = Al, Mn, Fe, Co) by X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113: 11366-11372.
- Blanchard, P.E.R., Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2008) X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopy of metal-rich phosphides M2P and M3P (M = Cr - Ni). Chemistry of Materials. 20: 7081-7088.
- Zelinska, O.Ya., Tkachuk, A.V., Grosvenor, A.P., and Mar, A. (2008) Structure and physical properties of YbZn2Sb2 and YbCd2Sb2. Chemistry of Metals and Alloys. 1: 204-209.
- Biesinger, M.C., Payne, B.P., Hart, B.R., Grosvenor, A.P., McIntyre, N.S., Lau, L.W.M., and Smart, R.St.C. (2008) Quantitative chemical state XPS analysis of first row transition metals, oxides and hydroxides. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 100: 012025.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2008) Next-nearest neighbour contributions to the XPS binding energies and XANES absorption energies of P and As in transition-metal arsenide phosphides MAs1-yPy having the MnP-type structure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 181: 2549-2558.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2007) ARXPS study of the ion mobility through (HfO2)x(SiO2)1-x formed on air-exposed HfSi0.5As1.5. Surface and Interface Analysis. 40: 490-494..
- Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2007) Next-nearest neighbour contribution to P 2p3/2 X-ray photoelectron binding energy shifts of mixed transition-metal phosphides M1-xM'xP with the MnP-type structure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 180: 2702-2712.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., Mar, A., and Blyth, R.I.R. (2007) Electronic structure of Hf(Si0.5As0.5)As by X-ray photoelectron and photoemission spectroscopy. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 180: 2670-2681.
- Payne, B.P., Grosvenor, A.P., Biesinger, M.C., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2007) Structure and growth of oxides on polycrystalline nickel surfaces. Surface and Interface Analysis. 39: 582-592.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2006) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of the skutterudites LaFe4Sb12, CeFe4Sb12, CoSb3, and CoP3. Physical Review B. 74: 125102.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2006) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of rare-earth filled skutterdites LaFe4P12 and CeFe4P12. Chemistry of Materials. 18: 1650-1657.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Biesinger, M.C., Smart, R.St.-C., and McIntyre, N.S. (2006) New interpretations of XPS spectra of nickel metal and oxides. Surface Science. 600: 1771-1779.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Wik, S.D., Cavell, R.G., and Mar, A. (2005) An examination of the bonding in binary transition-metal monophoshides MP (M = Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Inorganic Chemistry. 44: 8988-8998.
- McIntyre, N.S., Nie, H.-Y., Grosvenor, A.P., Davidson, R.D., and Briggs, D. (2005) XPS studies of octadecylphosphonic acid (OPA) monolayer interactions with some metal and mineral surfaces. Surface and Interface Analysis. 37: 749-754.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Martin, R.R.H., Giuliacci, M., and Biesinger, M.C. (2005) Evaluation of multiple analytical techniques in the study of leaching from brass fixtures. Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy. 50: 97-107.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Francis, J.T., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2005) ToF-SIMS studies of the oxidation of Fe by D2O vapour: a comparison to XPS. Surface and Interface Analysis. 37: 495-498.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2005) Activation energies for the oxidation of iron by oxygen gas and water vapour. Surface Science. 574: 317-321.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2004) Studies of the oxidation of iron by air after being exposed to water vapour using angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and QUASES. Surface and Interface Analysis. 36: 1637-1641.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., Biesinger, M.C., and McIntyre, N.S. (2004) Investigation of multiplet splitting of Fe 2p XPS spectra and bonding in iron compounds. Surface and Interface Analysis. 36: 1564-1574.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2004) Studies of the oxidation of iron by water vapour using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and QUASES. Surface Science. 572: 217-227.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., and McIntyre, N.S. (2004) Examination of the oxidation of iron by oxygen using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and QUASES. Surface Science. 565: 151-162.
- Grosvenor, A.P., Kobe, B.A., McIntyre, N.S., Tougaard, S., and Lennard, W.N. (2004) The use of QUASES/XPS measurements to determine the oxide composition and thickness on an iron substrate. Surface and Interface Analysis. 36: 632-639.