Human-Wildlife Interactions Research Group

Research Area(s)

  • Human-Bear Conflict
  • Sub-Arctic Environments
  • Western Hudson Bay
  • Risk Perceptions
  • Traditional and Local Knowledge


Honours Bachelor of Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Tourism, Lakehead University (2016)

Bachelor of Arts, Geography, Lakehead University (2016)

Research Description

Local Perceptions of Risk: Living with Bears on Western Hudson Bay

My research is highly exploratory in nature as Churchill is the first documented location of habitat overlap between the polar, grizzly and black bear species in the world. My research first aims to document how familiarity with polar bears effects community members perception of risk surrounding a new grizzly bear population. Second, to investigating how local and traditional polar bear knowledge can be applied to incoming grizzly bear population in Churchill, Manitoba in an effort to be pre-emptive in managing risk and creating resources, as well as work with the local community to harness and amplify residents’ voices, concerns and knowledge. This work is designed to be pragmatic and descriptive of the changing environment in Canada’s north, to empower and facilitate local perspectives, and to look for positive pathways for future bear–human co-existence.