Juan Ianowski Laboratory


Picture of Gieven Badiana

Gieven Badiana

Summer Student, 2017

Picture of Justin Darroch

Justin Darroch

Honours Project, 2016

Picture of Paula Gioanni

Paula Gioanni

MSc (December 2013) & Research Associate 2013- 2016

Picture of Nikolay Grischenko

Nikolay Grischenko

MSc (July 2018)

Picture of Noman Hassan

Noman Hassan

MSc (July 2016); Currently working towards medical degree.

Picture of Santosh Jagadeeshan

Santosh Jagadeeshan

Research Associate 2016-2018

Picture of Naseem Givsad

Naseem Givsad

MSc, 2020

Picture of Sakshi Goyal

Sakshi Goyal

Honours Project, 2018

Picture of Manoj Nair

Manoj Nair

MSc (December 2016)

Picture of Kimberly Kondratowicz

Kimberly Kondratowicz

Honours Project, 2019

Picture of Matthew Remada

Matthew Remada

Honours Project, 2016

Picture of Andie Tolmie

Andie Tolmie

Summer Student, 2016

Picture of Alexa Woodward

Alexa Woodward

Honours Project, 2019

Picture of Mars Zhao

Mars Zhao

Summer Student, 2018, Honours Project, 2018

Picture of Sheree Zoerb

Sheree Zoerb

Honours Project, 2017