Lipid Quality and Utilization

Research Area(s)

  • Vegetable oil refining
  • Biodiesel refining
  • Vegetable oil processing plant design
  • Plant protein extraction and characterization
  • Plant peptide preparation and characterization


Li Zhou, Youn Young Shim, Jianheng Shen, Zi-zhe Cai, Timothy J Tse, Daniel J Wiens, Venkatesh Meda, Martin J.T Reaney (2018). Optimization of Housefly Larval Biodiesel Production, Global Institute for Food Security, Saskatoon, Canada.

Li Zhou, Youn Young Shim, Jianheng Shen, Venkatesh Meda, Chuanrong Hu, Martin J, T Reaney (2018). Optimization of Hardened Walnut oil Degumming Process by Phospholipase C, 2018 Canadian Lipid & Bioresource Conference, Saskatoon, Canada.

Conference Presentations

Electrostatic conditioning of vegetable oil, 2019 Canadian Society for Bioengineering' conference, Vancouver, Canada.