Seyed Mahdi Mazhari, PhD

Before joining the SMART Lab., Dr. Mazhari has served as supervisor at the Research Laboratory of Power System Operation and Planning Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran as well as support and marketing manager of TOM Industrial Consultants Co., Tehran, Iran. During past years, he had close relation with power and energy industries and triggered several collaborations and joint projects with electrical utilities and oil companies.
His research interest includes electric power systems planning under deregulation, power system transient stability, and power quality. You may refer to his C.V. for more information about his background and past experiences.
- Member of Iran’s National Elites Foundation, Elites Graduated Students, 2014-2016 (until 2016 only 300 students from all fields of study have been admitted).
- Member of Talent Office of the Amirkabir University of Technology, 2013-to 2016.
- Member of Iran's National Elites Foundation, 2012-2016;
- Ranked 1st among the M.Sc. graduate students of Power System Department, University of Tehran, 2010-2012;
- Ranked 1st among the B.Sc. graduate students of Power System Department, University of Birjand, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Work Experience
- Feb. 2017 to date: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Samrt Gird Laboratory, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- Sep. 2012 to Jan. 2017: Support and Marketing Manager, INTELECTRICOM, Santiago, Chile.
- Sep. 2013 to Jan.2017: Marketing Manager and Software Developer, TOM Consultant-TOMCAD, Tehran, Iran.
- Aug. 2011 to Dec. 2016: Supervisor, Research Laboratory of Power System Operation and Planning Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
- Apr. 2016 to Aug. 2016: Supervisor and senior specialist on the project titled as “Optimal Surge Arrester Placement in 63 kV Pardis-Lar Transmission Line”.
- Sep. 2013 to Feb. 2016: Supervisor and senior specialist on the project titled as “Protection Rules and Regulation against lightening within 63kV sub-transmission Network of Tehran Regional Electric Company (TREC)”.
- Jan. 2015 to Apr. 2015: Manager and senior specialist on the project titled as “Consulting Services on Permeability Modeling and Estimation within Iranian Pars Oil and Gas Field”, Supervised by the Tehran Energy Consultant (TEC) Co.
- May 2014 to Sep. 2014: Senior specialist, on the project titled as “Underfrequency load shedding scheme with less knowledge of System Parameters”.
- Feb. 2012 to Apr. 2014: Senior Researcher, “Zoning and Geostatistical estimation of unstable minerals”, Iranian Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Mine.
- Sep. 2011 to Jan. 2013: Senior Researcher, National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC) as a researcher on the project titled as “Identification of Fractured Zones in Oil Fields Using Classification Methods”.
- Jul. 2012 to Jul. 2013: Supervisor and senior specialist on the project titled “Tesla Coil and Its Application in Pulsed Power Engineering, Iran's National Elites Foundation.
- Nov. 2011- Jan. 2012: Scientific Consultant, Iranian Estate Search Engine (Iran-File) on the project titled as “Improving the Classification Schemes for the Iranian Estate Search Engine”.
- Feb. 2011- Jul. 2011: Researcher, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran on the project titled as “Bankruptcy Prediction of Iranian Electrical and Energy Industrial Firms”.
Selected Publications
- S.M. Mazhari, S.M. Kouhsari, A. Ramirez, “A Novel Frequency-Domain Approach for Distributed Harmonic Analysis of Multi-Area Interconnected Power Systems,” Elsevier-Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 143, no. 1, pp. 669-681, 2017.
- S.M. Mazhari, S.M. Kouhsari, A. Ramirez, E. Karami “Interfacing Transient Stability and Extended Harmonic Domain for Dynamic Harmonic Analysis of Power Systems,” IET-Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 2720-2730, 2016.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, R. Romero, “A multi-objective distribution system planning incorporating customer choices on reliability,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 1330-1340, 2015.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, R. Romero, “A hybrid heuristic and evolutionary algorithm for distribution substation expansion planning,” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1396-1408, 2015.
- A. Shahsavari, S.M. Mazhari, A. Fereidunian, H. Lesani, “A multi-objective approach to fault indicator deployment in distribution systems considering available control and protection devices,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 2359-2369, 2014.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Lesani, A. Fereidunian, “Comments on “Minimizing the number of PMUs and their optimal placement in power systems” in 83 (2012) 66–72,” Elsevier-Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 114, no. 1, pp. 146-148, 2014.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Lesani, A. Fereidunian, “A multi-objective PMU placement method considering measurement redundancy and observability value under contingencies,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 2136-2146, 2013.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, “Dynamic sub-transmission substation expansion planning using learning automata,” Elsevier-Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 255-266, 2013.
- S.M. Mazhari, Author, “Engineering Electromagnetics, Theory, Applications and Solution Proposals”, Published by: Farhikhtegane Daneshgah, 2011. [16] (512 pages, ISBN: 978-600-235-004-6).
- S.M. Mazhari, et al., Author, “Questions and Solutions of the National Electrical Engineering Master Exams”, Published by: Azadeh, 2013 (730 pages).
- S.M. Mazhari, Translator, “The Ultimate Tesla Coil Design and Construction Guides by Mitch Tilbury”, Published by: Farhikhtegane Daneshgah, 2013 (452 pages).
Journal Papers
- S.M. Mazhari, S.M. Kouhsari, A. Ramirez, “A Novel Frequency-Domain Approach for Distributed Harmonic Analysis of Multi-Area Interconnected Power Systems,” Elsevier-Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 143, no. 1, pp. 669-681, 2017.
- S.M. Mazhari, S.M. Kouhsari, A. Ramirez, E. Karami “Interfacing Transient Stability and Extended Harmonic Domain for Dynamic Harmonic Analysis of Power Systems,” IET-Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 2720-2730, 2016.
- E. Karami, M. Madrigal, S.M. Kouhsari, S.M. Mazhari, “A dynamic harmonic domain–based framework to detect 3‐phase balanced systems under dynamic transients: the test case of inrush current in transformers,” Wiley-International transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 1-13, 2016.
- E. Karami, S.M. Kouhsari, S.M. Mazhari, “Dynamic Harmonic Analysis of Long Term over Voltages Based on Time Varying Fourier series in Extended Harmonic Domain,” Amirkabir International Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 29-39, 2016.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, R. Romero, “A multi-objective distribution system planning incorporating customer choices on reliability,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 1330-1340, 2015.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, R. Romero, “A hybrid heuristic and evolutionary algorithm for distribution substation expansion planning,” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1396-1408, 2015.
- M. Javid, H. Memarian, S.M. Mazhari, R. A. Zorofi, B. Tokhmechi, F. Khoshbakht, “Hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm and image processing based approach for fracture identification in image logs,” Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, vol. 24, no. 96, pp. 141-150, 2015. (Farsi)
- A. Shahsavari, S.M. Mazhari, A. Fereidunian, H. Lesani, “A multi-objective approach to fault indicator deployment in distribution systems considering available control and protection devices,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 2359-2369, 2014.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Lesani, A. Fereidunian, “Comments on “Minimizing the number of PMUs and their optimal placement in power systems” in 83 (2012) 66–72,” Elsevier-Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 114, no. 1, pp. 146-148, 2014.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Falaghi, “A hybrid heuristic and learning automata based algorithm for distribution substations siting, sizing and defining the associated service areas,” Wiley-European Transactions on Electrical Power, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 433-456, 2014.
- A. Shahsavari, A. Fereidunian, S.M. Mazhari, “A joint automatic and manual switch placement via an artificial bee colony based algorithm within distribution systems,” Wiley-European Transactions on Electrical Power, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-24, 2014 (DOI: 10.1002/etep.1989).
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Lesani, E. Karami, “A multi-objective capacitor placement within restructured distribution networks via probabilistic modeling of risk imposed by customer’s reliability of service,” Intelligent System in Electrical Engineering, 2014. (Farsi) [19]
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Lesani, A. Fereidunian, “A multi-objective PMU placement method considering measurement redundancy and observability value under contingencies,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 2136-2146, 2013.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, “Dynamic sub-transmission substation expansion planning using learning automata,” Elsevier-Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 255-266, 2013.
- S.M. Mazhari, A. Bagheri, H. Monsef, R. Romero, “An artificial bee colony algorithm for transmission expansion planning considering worth of network adequacy,” International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 4557-4565, 2012.
- S.M. Mazhari, A. Fereidunian, H. Lesani, “Transmission Network Observability by Joint Optimal Placement of PMUs and Conventional Measurements via Probabilistic Modeling of Uncertainties through Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm,” Journal of Control, vol. 7, no. 1, pp.33-42, 2013.
- S.M. Mazhari, A. Fereidunian, H. Lesani, “Bankruptcy prediction of the electrical firms within Iranian electricity exchange: Empirical evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange,” Intelligent System in Electrical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 9-24, 2013. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, A. Baqheri, H. Mirzaei, “A learning automata based algorithm for bankruptcy prediction of electrical and energy industrial firms,” vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 39-53, 2013. (Farsi).
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Lesani, “A new model for multi-objective PMU placement considering actual worth of uncertainties using cellular learning automata,” Intelligent System in Electrical Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2012. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, A. Baqheri, H. Monsef, H. Lesani, “A new approach for transmission network expansion planning considering actual worth of adequacy using modified artificial bee colony algorithm,” Intelligent System in Electrical Engineering, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-20, August, 2012. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Falaghi, “A New Method for Sub-Transmission Substation Expansion Planning via a Fuzzy Weighted Approach Applied to the Electrical and Geographical Properties of the Under Study Network,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 61-73, 2012. (Farsi)
- M. Javid, H. Memarian, R. A. Zorofi, B. Tokhmechi, F. Khoshbakht, S.M. Mazhari, “Fracture identification in image logs using image processing techniques and genetic algorithm,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 22, no. 72, pp. 85-98, 2012. (Farsi)
Conference Papers
- E. Karami, S.M. Mazhari, S.M. Kouhsari, “Comprehensive analysis of power electronic converters during the transient and steady state by using switching function in extended harmonic domain,” 30th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Nov. 2015. (Farsi)
- E. Karami, S.M. Mazhari, “Comprehensive harmonic analysis of transformers during transient and steady state by using extended harmonic domain,” 30th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Nov. 2015. (Farsi)
- S.M. Kouhsari, S.M. Mazhari, “Decentralized Real-Time Power System Analysis: A Conceptual Framework for the Future Grids,” 10th IET International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM), Hong Kong, Nov. 2015.
- E. Karami, S.M. Mazhari, S.M. Kouhsari, “A dynamic harmonic domain based approach for harmonic assessments in distribution systems,”20th Electric Power Distribution Conference (EPDC), Zahedan, Iran, April 2015. (Farsi)
- H. Ghanbarpour, M. Akbari, M.A. Badamchizadeh, S.M. Mazhari, “Empirical evidence and experiences of employing parallel surge arresters within 63 kV transmission lines of Azerbaijan Regional Electric Company,” 1th National Electrical Engineering Conference, Langaroud, Iran, 2015. (Farsi)
- E. Karami, S.M. Mazhari, S.M. Kouhsari, “Investigation the transient effects of voltage stabilizer on typical power electronic convertors via dynamic harmonic domain,” 9th Power Systems Protection and Control Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2015. (Farsi)
- E. Karami, S.M. Mazhari, S.M. Kouhsari, “A modal based analysis for dynamic tracking of harmonics through dynamic harmonic domain,” 3nd CIRED Regional Conference, Tehran, 2014. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Hesani, A. Fereidunian, “A risk based multi-objective capacitor placement considering customer choices on reliability,” 19th Electric Power Distribution Conference (EPDC), Tehran, Iran, April 2014. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, “Multi-objective distribution system expansion planning within wholesale electricity market considering customer choices on reliability,” 19th Electric Power Distribution Conference (EPDC), Tehran, Iran, April 2014. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, S.M. Kouhsari, M. Tajdinian, A. Esmaeli , “A pattern recognition based approach for fault detection within distribution system via CBR theory,” 2nd CIRED Regional Conference, Tehran, January. 2014. (Farsi)
- M. Ahmadi, B. Tokhmechi, S.M. Mazhari, “A backtracking search algorithm for fractured zone identification in Bangestan Formation using petrophysical logs,” 32nd Meeting of the International Congress of Earth Science, 2014. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, A. Shahsavari, H. Hesani, A. Fereidunian, “Joint optimal placement of PMUs and conventional measurements via probabilistic modeling of uncertainties through multi-objective genetic algorithm,” 28th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Nov. 2013. (Farsi)
- A. Shahsavari, A. Fereidunian, A. Ameli, S.M. Mazhari, H. Lesani, “A healer reinforcement approach to smart distribution grids by improving fault location function in FLISR,” 13th Environment and Electrical Energy International Conference (EEEIC), Poland, Nov. 2013.
- A. Shahsavari, A. Fereidunian, A. Ameli, S.M. Mazhari, H. Lesani, “A Healer Reinforcement Approach to Smart Distribution Grids by Improving Fault Location Function in FLISR,” 13th Environment and Electrical Energy International Conference (EEEIC), Poland, Nov. 2013.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, “electricity bidding strategy based on customer choice on reliability: A new method for expanding electricity market within distribution systems,” 1st International Conference of Iranian Energy Association, Tehran, October, 2013.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, “Distribution system expansion planning within a retail electricity market considering customer rights on reliability,” 18th Electric Power Distribution Conference (EPDC), Kermanshah, Iran, April 2013. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Mohseni, H. Hesani, A. Fereidunian, “Joint Substation Expansion Planning and Transformer Maintenance Optimization within a Deregulated Electricity Market Considering Customer Choices on Reliability,” 18th Electric Power Distribution Conference (EPDC), Kermanshah, Iran, April 2013. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Falaghi, “A learning automaton based algorithm for distribution system expansion planning considering multiple feeders on a same tower,” CIRED, Stockholm, June. 2013.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Falaghi, “A constructive heuristic algorithm for defining the distribution transformer service areas considering supply interruptions,” CIRED Regional Conference, Tehran, January. 2013.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Lesani, A. Fereidunian, “An enhanced genetic based algorithm for phasor measurement unit placement within large-scale networks considering worth of observability under Contingencies” 27th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Nov. 2012. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, A. Fereidunian, M. Yusefi, H. Lesani, “An artificial bee colony based algorithm for insolvency predication of the electrical firms within Iranian electricity exchange,” 27th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Nov. 2012. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Falaghi, “An enhanced evolutionary algorithm for sub-transmission substation expansion planning within large distribution networks under contingencies,” 27th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Nov. 2012. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, A. Baqheri, H. Monsef, H. Lesani, “A hybrid heuristic and artificial bee colony based algorithm for transmission network expansion planning considering actual worth of adequacy,” 27th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Nov. 2012. (Farsi)
- E.Mohtarami, A.Jafari, M.Amini, S.M. Mazhari, “Generalized Limit Equilibrium Theory for Blocky-Flexural Toppling Failure,” 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS), Seoul, Oct. 2012.
- S.M. Mazhari, “A new method for simultaneous determination of distribution substation optimal service areas and capacities using modified membership matrix,” 11th Environment and Electrical Energy International Conference (EEEIC), Roma, May 2012.
- S.M. Mazhari, S. Afsharnia, “A new approach for multi-objective capacitor placement within a deregulated distribution network considering customer choices on reliability,” 17th Electric Power Distribution Conference (EPDC), Tehran, April 2012. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, “A generalized model for bankruptcy prediction of the electricity industrial firms: Empirical evidence for the restructured Iranian distribution companies,” 17th Electric Power Distribution Conference (EPDC), Tehran, April 2012.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Falaghi, “Dynamic expansion planning of sub-transmission substations based on a probabilistic approach,” 26th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Oct. 2011. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, “A model for bankruptcy prediction of electrical firms within future Iranian Electricity and Energy Stock Exchange,” 26th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Oct. 2011. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Lesani, A. Fereidunian, “A multi-objective PMU placement method considering worth of state estimation in contingencies,” 26th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Oct. 2011. (Farsi)
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Monsef, H. Falaghi, “A novel method for simultaneous determination of distribution substations optimal service area and capacities using modified membership matrix,” 16th Electric Power Distribution Conference (EPDC), Bandar Abbas, April 2011.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Falaghi, “A new approach for distribution substation placement,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Detroit, USA, 2011.
- S.M. Mazhari, H. Falaghi, M. Farshad, “A constructive heuristic method for sub-transmission substation expansion planning,” 25th International Power System Conference (PSC), Tehran, Oct. 2010. (Farsi)
Contact Information
Seyed Mahdi Mazhari, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Saskatchewan,
3C73, Engineering Building, 57 Campus Drive,
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A9, Canada