
* - corresponding author

underlined - HQP from my lab

  1. Sahtout, N., Sanders, D.A.R.* (2024) Biophysical and biochemical characterization of the thioredoxin system from Colwellia psychrerythraea92: 3790-383.paper.png

  2. Ahmed, D.M., Sanders, D.A.R.* (2023) Unravelling the unexpected behavior of pyrazole-based compounds targeting Mycobacteria tuberculosis UDP-galactopyranose mutase. 94: 117466.paper.png

  3. Ahmed, D. M., Chen, J. M., Sanders, D.A.R.* (2022) Pyrazole and triazole derivatives as Mycobacterium tuberculosis UDP-galactopyranose inhibitors. Pharmaceuticals. 15(2): 197. paper.png

  4. Prasertanan, T., Palmer, D.R.J.*, Sanders, D.A.R.* (2021) Snapshots along the catalytic pathway of KabA, a PLP-dependent aminotransferase required for kanosamine biosynthesis in Bacillus cereus UW85. J. Struct Biol. 213: 10774. paper.png

  5. Sokaribo, A., Novakovski, B.A.A., Cotelesage, J., White, A.P., Sanders, D.*, Goldie, H.* (2020) Kinetic and structural analysis of Escherichia coli phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase mutants. BBA Gen Subj, 1864: 129517. paper.png

  6. Majdi Yazdi, M., Saran, S., Mrozowich, T., Lehnert, C., Patel, T.R., Sanders, D.A.R.*, Palmer, D.R.J.* (2020) Asparagine-84, a regulatory allosteric site residue, helps maintain the quaternary structure of Campylobacter jejuni dihydropicolinate synthase. J. Struct. Biol, 209: 107409. paper.png

  7. Sahtout, N., Kuttiyatveetil, J.R.A., Sanders, D.A.R.* (2019) Structure and function of the putative thioredoxin from the thermophilic eubacterium Thermosipho africanus strain TCF52B. BBA Proteins/Proteomics, 1867: 426-433. paper.png

  8. Aamudalapalli, H.B., Bertwistle, D., Palmer, D.R.J.*, Sanders, D.A.R.* (2018) myo-Inositol dehydrogenase and scyllo-inositol dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus casei BL23 bind their substrates in very different orientations. BBA Proteins/Proteomics, 1866: 1115-1124. paper.png

  9. Kuttiyatveetil, J.R.A., and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2017) Analysis of Plant UDP-Arabinopyranose Mutase (UAM): Role of Divalent Metals and Structure Prediction. BBA Proteins/Proteomics, 1865: 510-519. paper.png

  10. Shi, Y., Colombo, C., Kuttiyatveetil, J.R., Zalatar, N., van Straaten, K.E., Mohan, S., Sanders, D.A.R., Pinto, B.M.* (2016) A Second, Druggable Binding Site in UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis? ChemBiochem, 17: 2264-2273. paper.png

  11. Sahtout, N., Kuttiyatveetil, J.R.A., Fodje, M. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2016) Putative Thioredoxin Trx1 from Thermosipho africanus strain TCF52B: Expression, Purification and Structural Determination using S-SAD. Acta Cryst F, 72: 443-447. paper.png

  12. Skovpen, Y.V., Conly, C.J.T., Sanders, D.A.R.* and Palmer, D.R.J.* (2016) Biomimetic Design Results in a Potent Allosteric Inhibitor of Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase from Campylobacter jejuni. J Am Chem Soc, 138: 2014-2020. paper.png** Highlighted in JACS Spotlights

  13. Mahdavi-Amiri, Y.,Mohan, S., Borrelli, S., Slowski, K., Sanders, D.A.R. and Pinto, B.M.* (2016) Mechanism-based Candidate Inhibitors of Uridine Diphosphate Galactopyranose Mutase (UGM) . Carb Res, 419: 1-7. paper.png

  14. Kuppala, R., Borrelli, S., Slowski, K., Sanders, D.A.R., Ravindranathan Kartha, K.P., Pinto, B.M.* (2015) Synthesis and biological evaluation of nonionic substrate mimics of UDPGalp as candidate inhibitors of UDP galactopyranose mutase (UGM). Biorg Med Chem Lett, 25: 195-197. paper.png

  15. van Straaten, K.E., R. A. Kuttiyatveetil, J., Sevrain, C.M., Villaume, S.A., Jiménez-Barbero, J., Linclau, B., Vincent, S.P. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2015) Structural Basis of Ligand Binding to UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using Substrate and Tetrafluorinated Substrate Analogues. J Am Chem Soc, 137: 1230-1244. paper.png

  16. Conly, C.J.T., Skovpen, Y.V., Palmer, D. R. J.* and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2014) Tyrosine 110 Plays a Critical Role in Regulating the Allosteric Inhibition of Campylobacter jejuni Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase by Lysine. Biochemistry, 53: 7396-7406. paper.png

  17. Bertwistle, D.,Vogt, L., Aamudalapalli, H. B., Palmer, D. R. J. and Sanders, D.A R.* (2014) Purification, Crystallization and Room Temperature X-ray Diffraction of Inositol Dehydrogenase Iolg2 from Lactobacillus casei BL23. Acta Cryst. F, 70: 979-983. paper.png

  18. Alam, K., van Straaten, K.E., Sanders, D.A.R., Kaminskyj, S.G.W.* (2014) Aspergillus nidulans Cell Wall Composition and Function Change in Response to Hosting Several Aspergillus fumigatus UDP Galactopyranose Mutase Activity Mutants.PLoS One, 9: e85735. paper.png

  19. Poulin, M.B., Shi, Y., Protsko, C., Dalrymple, S.A., Sanders, D.A.R., Pinto, M.B., and Lowary, T.L.* (2014) Specificity of a UDP-GalNAc Pyranose-Furanose Mutase. A Potential Therapeutic Target for Campylobacter jejuni Infections. ChemBioChem, 15: 47-56. paper.png

  20. van Straaten, K.E., Ko, J.K., Jagdhane, R., Anjum, S., Palmer, D.R.J., and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2013) The Structure of NtdA, a Sugar Aminotransferase Involved in the Kanosamine Biosynthetic Pathway in Bacillus subtilis, Reveals a New Sub-class of Aminotransferases. J. Biol. Chem., 288: 34121-34130. paper.png

  21. Dalrymple, S.A., Ko, J., Sheoran, I., Kaminskyj, S.G.W., and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2013) Elucidation of Substrate Specificity in Aspergillus nidulans UDP-Galactose-4-epimerase. PLoS One, 8: e76803. paper.png

  22. Zheng, H., Bertwistle, D., Sanders, D.A.R.* and Palmer, D.R.J.* (2013) Converting NAD-Specific Inositol Dehydrogenase to an Efficient NADP-Selective Catalyst, with a Surprising Twist. Biochemistry , 52: 5876-5883. paper.png

  23. Vetter, N.D., Langill, D.M., Anjum, S., Boisvert-Martel, J., Jagdhane, R.C., Omene, E., Zheng, H., van Straaten, K.E., Asiamah, I., Krol, E.S., Sanders, D.A.R. and Palmer, D.R.J.* (2013) A Previously-Unrecognized Kanosamine Biosynthesis Pathway in Bacillus subtilisJ. Amer. Chem. Soc.,135: 5970-5973. paper.png

  24. Alam, K., El-Ganiny, A.M., Afroz, S., Sanders, D.A.R., Liu, J., Kaminskyj, S.G.W.* (2012) Aspergillus nidulans Galactofuranose Biosynthesis Affects Antifungal Drug Sensitivity. Fung. Gen. Biol. 49: 1033-43. paper.png

  25. van Straaten, K.E., Routier, F.H. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2012) Structural Insight into the Unique Substrate Binding Mechanism and Flavin Redox State of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase from Aspergillus fumigatus . J. Biol. Chem. 287: 10780-10790. paper.png

  26. van Straaten, K.E., Routier, F.H. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2012) Towards the Crystal Structure Elucidation of Eukaryotic UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase. Acta Cryst. F. 68: 455-459. paper.png

  27. Karunan Partha, S., Sadeghi-Khomami, A., Cren, S., Robinson, R.I., Woodward, S., Slowski, K., Berast, L., Zheng, B., Thomas, N.R.*, and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2011) Identification of Novel Inhibitors of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase by Structure-Based Virtual Screening. Mol. Inform. 30: 873-883. paper.png

  28. Dalrymple, S. A., Sheoran, I., El-Ganiny, A.M., Kaminskyj, S.G.W., and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2011) Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Studies of UDP-Glucose-4-epimerase from Aspergillus nidulans. Acta Cryst. F. 67: 885-887. paper.png

  29. Afroz, S., El-Ganiny, A.M., Sanders, D.A.R. and Kaminskyj, S.G.W.* (2011) Roles of the Aspergillus nidulans UDP-Galactofuranose Transporter, UgtA in Hyphal Morphogenesis, Cell Wall Architecture, Conidiation, and Drug Sensitivity. Fun. Gen. Biol. 48: 896-903. paper.png

  30. Obiero, J. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2011) Design of Deinococcus radiodurans Thioredoxin Reductase with Altered Thioredoxin Specificity Using Computational Alanine Mutagenesis. Prot. Sci. 20: 1021-1029. paper.png

  31. van Straaten, K.E., Zheng, H., Palmer, D.R.J., and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2010) Structural Investigation of myo-Inositol Dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis: Implications for Catalytic Mechanism and Inositol Dehydrogenase Subfamily Classification. Biochem. J. 432: 237-247. paper.png

  32. Karunan Partha, S., Sadeghi-Khomami, A., Slowski, K., Kotake, T., Thomas, N.R. Jakeman, D.L.* and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2010) Chemoenzymatic Synthesis, Inhibition Studies and X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis of the Phosphono Analogue of UDP-Galp as an Inhibitor and Mechanistic Probe for UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase. J. Mol. Biol. 403: 578-590. paper.png

  33. Borrelli, S., Zandberga, W.F., Mohana, S., Kob, M., Martinez-Gutierrez, F., Karunan Partha, S., Sanders, D.A.R., Av-Gayb, Y. and Pinto, B.M.* (2010) Antimycobacterial Activity of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase Inhibitors. Int J Antimicrob Agents, 36: 364-368. paper.png

  34. Karunan Partha, S., van Straaten, K.E. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2010) The Substrate-bound Form of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase. CLS Activity Report, 2009, 68-69. 

  35. Protsko, C., Vieille,C., Laivenieks, M., Prasad, L., Sanders, D.A.R.*, and Delbaere, L.T.J. (2010) Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Analysis of the Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus Secondary Alcohol Dehydrogenase I86A Mutant. Acta Cryst., F66: 831-833. paper.png

  36. Fang, M., Toogood, R.D., Macova, A., Ho, K., Franzblau, S.G., McNeil, M.R., Sanders, D.A.R. and Palmer, D.R.J.* (2010) Succinylphosphonate Esters Are Competitive Inhibitors of MenD That Show Actve-Site Discrimination between Homologous alpha-Ketoglutarate-Decarboxylatng Enzymes. Biochemistry, 49: 2672-2679. paper.png

  37. Sadeghi-Khomami, A., Forcada, T.J., Wilson, C., Sanders, D.A.R. and Thomas, N.R.* (2010) The UDP-Galp Mutase Catalyzed Isomerization: Synthesis and Evaluation of 1,4-Anhydro-b-D-galactopyranose and its [2.2.2] Methylene Homologue. Org. Biomol. Chem., 8: 1596-1602. paper.png

  38. El-Ganiny, A.M., Sheoran, I., Sanders, D.A.R. and Kaminskyj, S.G.W.* (2010) Aspergillus nidulans UDP-Glucose-4-epimerase UgeA has Multiple Roles in Wall Architecture, Hyphal Morphogenesis, and Asexual Development. Fun. Gen. Biol., 47: 629-635. paper.png

  39. Obiero, J., Pittet, V., Bonderoff, S.A. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2010) The Thioredoxin System from Deinococcus radiodurans. J. Bact., 192: 494-501. paper.png

  40. Karunan Partha, S., van Straaten, K.E. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2009) Structural Basis of Substrate Binding to UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase: Crystal Structures in the Reduced and Oxidized State Complexed with UDP-Galactopyranose and UDP. J. Mol. Biol., 394: 864-877. paper.png

  41. van Straaten, K.E., Gonzalez, C.F., Valladares, R.B., Xu, X., Savchenko, A.V. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2009) The Structure of a Putative S-Formylglutathione Hydrolase from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Prot. Sci., 18: 2196-2202. paper.png

  42. Karunan Partha, S., Bonderoff, S.A., van Straaten, K.E. and Sanders, D.A.R. * (2009) Expression, Purification and Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase from Deinococcus radiodurans. Acta Cryst., F65: 843-845. paper.png

  43. van Straaten, K. E., Langill, D. M., Palmer, D. R. J. and Sanders, D. A. R. * (2009) Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of NtdA, a Putative Pyridoxal Phosphate-dependent Aminotransferase from Bacillus subtilis.Acta Cryst., F65: 426-429. paper.png

  44. Yao, X., Bleile, D.W., Yuan, Y., Sarathy, K.P., Sanders, D.A.R., Pinto, B.W. and O'Neill, M.A.* (2009) Substrate Directs Enzyme Dynamics by Bridging Distal Sites: UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase. Proteins, 74: 972-979. paper.png

  45. El-Ganiny, A.M., Sanders, D.A.R., and Kaminskyj, S.G.W.* (2008) Aspergillus nidulans UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase Encoded by ugmA Plays Key Roles in Colony Growth, Hyphal Morphogenesis, and Conidiation. Fun. Gen. Biol., 45: 1533-1542. paper.png

  46. van Straaten, K.E., Hoffort, A., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. * (2008) First Structure Solved by Anomalous Methods at the Canadian Light Source. CLS Activity Report, 2007, 122-123. 

  47. Yuan, Y., Bleile, D.W., Wen, X., Sanders, D.A.R., Itoh, K., Liu, H-w. and Pinto, B.W.* (2008) Investigation of Binding of UDP-Galf and UDP-[3-F]Galf to UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase by STD-NMR Spectroscopy, Molecular Dynamics, and CORCEMA-ST Calculations. JACS, 130: 3157-3168. paper.png

  48. Yang, Y., El-Ganiny, A., Bray, G., Sanders, D.A.R., Kaminskyj, S.* (2008) The Aspergillus nidulans HypB5 Morphogenesis Defect Is Complemented By A Sec7-Domain Protein. Fun. Gen. and Biol., 45: 749-759. paper.png

  49. van Straaten, K.E., Hoffort, A., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2008) Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of Inositol Dehydrogenase (IDH) From Bacillus subtilis. Acta Cryst., F64: 98-101. paper.png

  50. Daniellou, R., Zheng, H., Langill, D. M., Sanders, D.A.R. and Palmer, D. R. J.* (2007) Probing the Promiscuous Active Site of myo-Inositol Dehydrogenase Using Synthetic Substrates, Homology Modeling, and Active Site Modification. Biochemistry, 46: 7469-7477. paper.png

  51. Chad, J.M., Sarathy, K.P., Gruber, T.D., Addala, E., Kiessling, L.L., and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2007) Site-Directed Mutagenesis of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase Reveals a Critical Role for the Active-Site, Conserved Arginine Residues. Biochemistry, 46: 6723-6732. paper.png

  52. Qiu, W., Wang, L., Lu, W., Boechler, A., Sanders, D.A.R., and Zhong, D.* (2007) Dissection of Complex Protein Dynamics in Human Thioredoxin. PNAS, 104: 5366-5371. paper.png

  53. Sieminska, E.A.L., Xu, X., Savchenko, A., and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2007) The X-ray Crystal Structure of PA1607 From Pseudomonas aureginosa at 1.9 Å Resolution - A Putative Transcription Factor. Prot. Sci. 16: 543-549. paper.png

  54. Obiero, J., Bonderoff, S.A., Goertzen, M.M and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2006) Expression, Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Studies of Deinococcus radiodurans Thioredoxin Reductase. Acta Crys. F62: 757-760. paper.png

  55. Chowdhury, S., Sanders, D.A.R., Schatte, G., Kraatz, H.B.* (2006) Discovery of a Pseudo Beta Barrel: Synthesis and Formation by Tiling of Ferrocene Cyclopeptides. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 45(5): 751-754. paper.png

  56. Yuan, Y., Wen, X., Sanders, D.A.R. and Pinto, B.M.* (2005) Exploring the Binding Mechanism of UDP-Galactopyranose to UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase by STD-NMR Spectroscopy and Molecular Modeling. Biochemistry, 44: 14080-14089. paper.png

  57. Sanders, D.A.R.* (2005) Protein X-ray Crystallography. In: Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology. Volume 18: Practical Neurochemistry. Baker, G.B., Dunn, S.M. & Holt, A. (eds) Springer Reference (New York), p.485. 

  58. Sanders, D.A.R.*, Walker, J.R., Skarina, T. and Savchenko, A. (2005) The X-Ray Crystal Structure of PA3566 from Pseudomonas aureginosa at 1.8 Å Resolution. Proteins, 61: 209-212. paper.png

  59. Sieminska, E.A.L., Macova, A., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R.* (2005) Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of (1R,6R)-2-Succinyl-6-Hydroxy-2,4-Cyclohexadiene-1-Carboxylate(SHCHC) Synthase (MenD) From Escherichia coli. Acta Cryst. F61: 489-492. paper.png

  60. Beis, K., Srikannathasan, V., Liu, H., Fullerton, S.W., Bamford, V.A.,Sanders, D.A.R., Whitfield, C., McNeil, M.R. and Naismith, J.H.* (2005) Crystal Structures of Mycobacteria tuberculosis and Klebsiella pneumoniae UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase in the Oxidised State and Klebsiella pneumoniae UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase in the (Active) Reduced State. J. Mol. Biol.348: 971-982. paper.png

  61. Veerapen, N., Yuan, Y., Sanders, D.A.R., and Pinto, B.M.* (2004) Synthesis of Novel Ammonium and Selenonium Ions and Their Evaluation As Inhibitors of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase. Carb.Research, 339: 2205-2217. paper.png

  62. Filson, H., Fox, A., Kelleher, D., Windle, H.J., and Sanders, D.A.R.*(2003) Purification, Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of an Unusual Thioredoxin from the Gastric Pathogen Helicobacter pylori. Acta Cryst., D59: 1280-1282. paper.png

  63. Fullerton, S.W.B., Daff, S., Sanders, D.A.R., Ingledew, W.J., Whitfield, C., Chapman, S.K., and Naismith, J.H.* (2003) Potentiometric Analysis of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase: Stabilization of the Flavosemiquinone by Substrate. Biochemistry,42(7): 2104-2109. paper.png

  64. Sanders, D.A.R., Staines, A.G., McMahon, S.A., McNeil, M., Whitfield,C. and Naismith, J.H.* (2001) UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase Has a Novel Structure and Mechanism. Nat. Struct. Biol., 8(10): 858-863. paper.png

  65. Sanders, D.A.R., McMahon, S.A., Leonard, G.L. and Naismith, J.H.*(2001) Molecular Replacement Using Density: A Case Study on UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase. Acta Cryst., D57: 1415-1420. paper.png

  66. Sanders, D.A.R., Moothoo, D.N., Rafftery, J. Howard, A., Helliwell, J.R. and Naismith, J.H.* (2001) The 1.2 Å Resolution Structure of the Con A-Dimmanose Complex. J. Mol. Biol., 310(4): 875-884. paper.png

  67. Andersen, J.F., Sanders, D.A.R., Gasdaska, J.R., Weichsel, A., Powis,G., and Montfort, W.R.* (1997) Human Thioredoxin Homodimers : Regulation by pH, Role of Aspartate 60, and Crystal Structure of the Aspartate 60 - Asparagine Mutant. Biochemistry, 36: 13979-13988. paper.png

  68. Landers, J.P., Winhall, M.J., McCready, T.L., Sanders, D.A.R., Rasper, D., Nakai,J.S., and Bunce, N.J.* (1991) Characterization of an Inducible Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-like Protein in Rat Liver. J. Biol. Chem., 266: 9471-9480. paper.png


  1. Department of Chemistry, University of Saskatchewan (2024) Title: Using Structural and Computational Approaches for Studying Enzyme Allostery.

  2. Biochemistry and PRISM seminar series, Department of Biochemistry, University of Saskatchewan (2024) Title: Structural and Computational Studies of Enzyme Allostery.

  3. Department of Chemistry, University of Regina (2023) Title: Allosteric Regulation: Structural Insights into Inhibition Outside the Active Site

  4. Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University (2016) Title: The Structural Basis of Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase Inhibition: Allostery and Inhibitor Design.

  5. Enzyme Mechanism Symposium, Pacifichem 2015 (2015) Title: Six to Five Membered Rings: Structural, Mechanistic and Inhibition Studies of Novel Sugar Biuosynthetic Enzymes in Pathogenic Microorganisms.

  6. Department of Chemistry, Lakehead University (2015) Title: Six to Five Membered Rings: Structural, Mechanistic and Inhibition Studies of Novel Sugar Biuosynthetic Enzymes in Pathogenic Microorganisms.

  7. Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemsitry, Simon Fraser University (2012) Title: The Thioredoxin System: Trials and Tribulations of Modeling Protein:Protein Interactions.

  8. CIHR-Thrust Seminar Series, University of Saskatchewan (2012) Title: Structural Studies of Enzymes in the Biosynthetic Pathway of Galactofuranose.

  9. Department of Chemistry, University of Saskatchewan (2011) Title: Probing Molecular Recognition through Protein Structures.

  10. Canadian Light Source Macromolecular Crystallography Workshop (2010) Title: Structural Studies of UDP-Galactopyranose mutase - Control of Substrate Binding by Phosphate/Arginine Interactions.

  11. Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University (2010) Title: Targeting Galactofuranose Biosynthesis : Structural Insights and Drug Design.

  12. Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan (2010) Title: A Protein Crystallographer's View of Structural Biology: From Drug Design to Functional Understanding.

  13. Department of Chemistry, Simon Fraser University (2010) Title: Another Brick in the Wall: Structural Insights of Galactofuranose Biosynthesis in Microbial Cell Walls.

  14. Department of Biochemistry, University of Saskatchewan (2009) Title : Another Brick in the Wall : Structure-Function Studies of a Potential Antimicrobial Target.

  15. Western Canadian Medicinal Chemistry Workshop (2008). Title: Targeting UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase : Substrate Modeling and Evaluation of Inhibitors Developed from Structure-Based Studies.

  16. Department of Microbiology and Virology, University of Alberta (2008). Title: Structural and Biological Studies of Unusual Carbohydrate-Modifying Enzymes.

  17. Brandon University, CIC Students Night Presentation (2007). Title: Probing the Mechanism of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase: A Novel Antimicrobial Drug Target.

  18. Canadian Light Source, Teachers Workshop (2006). Title: Chemical Biology - Insights From Protein Crystallography.

  19. Department of Chemistry, University of Saskatchewan (2005). Title: Structural Studies of Flavoproteins: Enzymes and Complexes.

  20. 88th Canadian Chemistry Conference. Saskatoon, SK (2005). Title: Structural and Kinetic Insights into the Mechanism of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase.

  21. Department of Chemistry, University of Regina. WUESP Visit (2003). Title: Structure and Function Studies of Novel Antimicrobial Targets.

  22. Department of Microbiology Seminar Series, University of Saskatchewan (2003).Title: Targeting Pathogenic Microorganisms: Novel Targets for Drug Design.

  23. Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta. WUSEP Visit (2002) Title:Combating Pathogenic Micro-Organisms: Structural Studies of Potential Drug Targets.

  24. Alviva Biopharmaceuticals Inc. (2002). Title: Protein Crystallography and Drug Design: Novel Targets and the Rational Approach.

  25. University of Saskatchewan Research Community Workshop: Synchrotron Applications in the Life Sciences (2002). Title: The Novel Story of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase: A Potential Drug Target.

  26. Department of Biochemistry Seminar Series, University of Saskatchewan (2002).Title: Combating Pathogenic Micro-Organisms: Structural Studies of Potential Drug Targets.

  27. 5th Firbush Redox Enzymes Meeting (2001). Title: The Role of Flavin in UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase.

  28. 57th Meeting of the Scottish Protein Group (2000). Title: Downsizing - 6 to 5 Member Rings.


underline - HQP from my lab
    1. Ahmed, D.M., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2021) Inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a potential antimicrobial drug target. 31st Annual European Pharma Congress, London, UK.

    2. Saran,S., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2020) B-factor analysis suggests that L-lysine and R,R,-bislysine allosterically inhibit Cj.DHDPS enzyme by decreasing its protein dynamics. 2020 American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting
    3. Majdi Yazdi, M., Annadi, K. R., Sanders, D.A.R., and Palmer, D.R.J. (2019) Assay Development for Screening Inhibitors of Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase from Campylobacter jejuni. Annual Symposium of Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (CSPS), Vancouver, BC. Outstanding Poster Presentation

    4. Prasertanan, T., Palmer, D.R.J., Sanders, D.A.R. (2018) Discovering Enzymes for Synthesis of Antibiotics Related to Kanosamine. 32nd Annual Symposium of the Protein Society, Boston, MA.
    5. Ahmed, D.M., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2018) Inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase, a potential antimicrobial drug target. 6th Western Canadian Medicinal Chemistry Workshop (WCMCW), Saskatoon, SK.

    6. Saran, S., Skovpen, Y., Palmer, D.R.J., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2018) High-resolution X-ray Structures of an Allosteric Site Mutant of Campylobacter jejuni Dihydrodipicolinate synthase in Complex with Natural and Synthetic Allosteric Inhibitors. 6th Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFAM) Meeting, Saskatoon, SK. Won Poster Prize

    7. Ahmed, D.M., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2018) Inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase, a potential antimicrobial drug target. 6th Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFAM) Meeting, Saskatoon, SK.

    8. Zalatar, N., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2018) Kinetic and computational evaluation of the allosteric site mutants of M. tuberculosis UDP-galactopyranose mutase. 6th Western Canada Medicinal Chemistry Workshop. Saskatoon, SK.

    9. Majdi Yazdi, M., Saran, S., Lehnert, C., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2018) Structural Characterization of Oligomeric Mutants of Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase from Campylobacter jejuni. 6th Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium, Saskatoon, SK. Outstanding Oral Presentation.

    10. Ahmed, D.M., Zalatar, N., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2018) Inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase, a potential antimicrobial drug target. 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition. Edmonton, AB.

    11. Sahtout, N., Kuttiyatveetil, J.R.A. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2017) The Thioredoxin System from Thermosipho africanus: Structure and Function. 24th International Union of Crystallography Congress and General Assembly. Hyderabad, India. Won Biomolecular Crystallography (B. Rupp) and Garland Science Poster Prize.

    12. Palmer, D.R.J., Konermann, L., Sanders, D.A.R., Skovpen, Y., Sowole, M.A., Conly, C., Majdi Yazdi, M., and Annadi, K. (2017) Optimizing, Understanding, and Exploiting Allosteric Inhibition of Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase. 25th Enzyme Mechanisms Conference, Florida, USA.

    13. Sahtout, N., Kuttiyatveetil, J.R.A. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2017) The Thioredoxin System from Thermosipho africanus: Structure and Function. 31st Annual Symposium of the Protein Society. July 24-27, 2017, Montreal, QC.  

    14. Prasertanan, T., Sanders, D.A.R., and Palmer, D.R.J. (2017) Kinetic and Structural Characterization of KabA, a Glutamate Aminotransferase Involved in the Production of Kanosamine from Bacillus cereus. 31st Annual Symposium of the Protein Society. Montreal, QC.

    15. Saran, S., Yazdi, M.M., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2017) Exploring the Role of Residue N84 in Transmitting Allosteric Inhibition Signals in Campylobacter jejuni Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase by X-ray Crystallography. 5th Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium. Saskatoon, SK.

    16. Sahtout, N., Kuttiyatveetil, J.R.A., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2017) Structural Studies of the Thioredoxin System from the Thermophilic Eubacteria Thermosipho africanus. 5th Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium. Saskatoon, SK. Won Poster Prize

    17. Prasertanan, T., Sanders, D.A.R., and Palmer, D.R.J. (2017) Kinetic and Structural Characterization of KabA, a Glutamate Aminotransferase Involved in the Production of Kanosamine from Bacillus cereus. 5th Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium. Saskatoon, SK. Won Poster Prize

    18. Ahmed, D.M., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2017) Design of Novel Allosteric Inhibitors of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase, a Potential Antimicrobial Drug Target. 5th Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium. Saskatoon, SK.

    19. Zalatar, N. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2016) Kinetic Analysis of the Allosteric Site of UDP-galactopyranose Mutase. 5th Western Canada Medicinal Chemistry Workshop. Saskatoon, SK.

    20. Zalatar, N. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2016) Kinetic Analysis of the Allosteric Site of UDP-galactopyranose Mutase. 4th Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium. Saskatoon, SK.

    21. Sanders, D.A.R., Dalrymple, S.A., Poulin, M.B., Zheng, R., and Lowary, T.L. (2014) Structural Studies of a Novel Sugar Nucleotide Pyranose-Furanose Mutase. 23rd Congress of the IUCr. Montreal, QC.

    22. Conly, C., Skovpen, Y., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2014) Allosteric Signalling in Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase. 23rd Congress of the IUCr. Montreal, QC.

    23. Sahtout, N. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2014) The Thioredoxin System: A Model for Protein-Proteins Interactions in Extremophiles. 2nd Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium. Saskatoon, SK

    24. Kam, M.A.L., Conly, C., Skovpen, Y. Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2014) Structural Studies of the Site-Directed Mutant H59A of Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase from Campylobacter jejuni. 2nd Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium. Saskatoon, SK

    25. Furber, L., Dalrymple, S.A., Tiwari, S. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2014) Optimization of β-Glucuronidase for Use in ADEPT. 2nd Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium. Saskatoon, SK (June)

    26. Kuttiyatveetil, J.R.A., Cotelesage, J. George, G.N. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2014) Modeling and Metal-binding Studies on UDP-Arabinopyranose Mutase (UAM). 2nd Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium. Saskatoon, SK

    27. Sokaribo, A., Sanders, D.A.R., and Goldie, H. (2014) Different Mechanisms of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase (PCK) Acxtivation and Catalysis. 2nd Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Symposium. Saskatoon, SK

    28. Fedyk, L., van Straaten, K.E., Wanasundara, J., Sanders, D.A.R. (2013) Crystallization and Structure Determination of CruA from Arabidopsis thaliana. NSERC Summer Research Students Awards Presentation.

    29. Sanders, D.A.R., Conly, C.J.T., Skovpen, Y. and Palmer, D.R.J. (2013) Using Crystal Structures, Mutagenesis and Inhibitors to Understand Allosteric Inhibition of a Key Bacterial Enzyme. 2013 American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI

    30. van Straaten, K.E. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2013) Identifying Novel Inhibitors of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase Through Structure-Based Virtual Screening. 1st Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Meeting, Saskatoon, SK

    31. Dalrymple, S.A., Poulin, M.B., Zheng, R., Lowary, T.L. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2013) Structural Studies on the Biosynthetic Function of GDP-altro-heptopyranose Mutase. 1st Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Meeting, Saskatoon, SK

    32. Tiwari, S., Dalrymple, S.A., Jagdhane, R., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R.(2013) Kinetic Evaluation of E. coli GUS and Its Mutants in Determination of Substrate Selectivity for ADEPT. 1st Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Meeting, Saskatoon, SK

    33. Kuttiyatveetil, J.R.A., Cotelesage, J.J.H., George, G.N. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2013) Mapping the Active Site Residues of a Plant Mutase Using Metal Absorption Edge EXAFS. 1st Annual Protein Structure, Function and Malfunction (PSFaM) Meeting, Saskatoon, SK

    34. Dalrymple, S.A., Jagdhane, R., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2012) Structure-Based Evolution of β-Glucuronidase for Antibody-Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy. 2012 American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA

    35. Bertwistle, D., van Straaten, K.E., Aamudalapalli, H., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2012) Cofactor Specificity and Binding of Inositol Dehydrogenase by Mutagenesis and X-ray Crystallography. 2012 American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA

    36. van Straaten, K.E., Vetter, N., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2012) Structural Characterization of NTDA, a Sugar Aminotransferase Involved in the Production of Kanosamine. 2012 American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA

    37. Bertwistle, D., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2012) Structural Studies of Cofactor Binding and Catalytic Mechanism for Inositol Dehydrogenase by way of X-ray Crystallography. 15th Annual CLS Users Meeting, Saskatoon, SK

    38. Gravel, M. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2012) Effect of Online Assignments on Student Performance in Introductory Organic Chemistry. 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Calgary, AB.

    39. Conly, C.J.T., Skovpen, Y., Dalrymple, S.A., van Straaten, K.E., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2012) 2.0 Å Crystal Structure of Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase from Campylobacter jejuni with Substrate Pyruvate and Inhibitor L-Lysine. 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Calgary, AB.

    40. Dalrymple, S.A., Jagdhane, R., Tiwari, S., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2012) Engineering β-Glucuronidase for Use in Antibody-directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy. 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Calgary, AB.

    41. Protsko, C., Dalrymple, S.A., Poulin, M.B., Lowary, T.L., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2011) Structural Analysis of UDP-N-acetylgalactopyranose Mutase from Campylobacter jejuni. 22nd Congress of the IUCr, Madrid, Spain.

    42. Dalrymple, S.A., Ko, J., Sheoran, I., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2011) Functional Characterization of UDP-glucose-4-epimerase from Aspergillus nidulans. 22nd Congress of the IUCr, Madrid, Spain. Best Poster Award

    43. van Straaten, K.E., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2011) Structural Studies of Aspergillus fumigatus UDP-galactopyranose Mutase. 22nd Congress of the IUCr, Madrid, Spain.

    44. Dalrymple, S., Sheoran, I., Ko, J., El-Ganiniy, A., Kaminskyj, S.G.W., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2010) X-ray Crystallographic Studies on the Structure-Function Relationship of UDP-glucose-4-epimerase from Aspergillus nidulans. PacifiChem 2010, Hawaii, USA.

    45. Protsko, C., Vieille, C., Laivenieks, M., Prasad, L., Delbaere, L.T.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2010) Crystallization Studies and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Analyses of the SADH I86A Mutant from Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus and the Mannitol dehydrogenase from Thermatoga maritima. 2nd Western Canadian Medicinal Chemistry Workshop.

    46. Dalrymple, S., Sheoran, I., El-Ganiniy, A., Kaminskyj, S.G.W., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2010) X-ray Crystallographic Studies on the Structure-Function Relationship of UDP-glucose-4-epimerase from Aspergillus nidulans. 2nd Western Canadian Medicinal Chemistry Workshop.

    47. van Straaten, K.E., Stubbins, R., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2010) Structural Characterization of Inositol Catabolic Enzymes. 2nd Western Canadian Medicinal Chemistry Workshop. Won 1st Prize - Post-doctoral fellow competition

    48. Stubbins, R. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2010) Structural and Biochemical Investigations of IolG1: An Inositol Dehydrogenase Related Protein. NSERC Summer Research Students Awards Presentation.

    49. van Straaten, K.E., Stubbins, R., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2010) Structural Characterization of Inositol Catabolic Enzymes. 2010 American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill.

    50. Dalrymple, S., Sheoran, I., El-Ganiny, A., Kaminskyj, S.G.W. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2010) X-ray Crystallographic Studies on the Structure-Function Relationship of UDP-glucose-4-epimerase from Aspergillus nidulans. 2010 American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Ill.

    51. van Straaten, K.E. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2010) Towards the crystal structure elucidation of UDP-galactopyranose mutase from Leishmania major. CLS 13th Annual Users Meeting, Saskatoon, SK.

    52. Stubbins, R. S., van Straaten, K. E., Palmer, D. R. J., and Sanders, D. A. R. (2010) Structural and Biochemical Investigations of L. plantarum IolG1, an IDH Related Protein. CLS 13th Annual Users Meeting, Saskatoon, SK.

    53. Dalrymple, S.A. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2010) Elucidation of the Structure-Function Relationship of UDP-glucose-4-epimerase from Aspergillus nidulans. CLS 13th Annual Users Meeting, Saskatoon, SK.

    54. Stubbins, R. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2009) Purification and Crystallization of Two Carbohydrate-Converting Enzymes, NtdC and IDH. NSERC Summer Research Students Awards Presentation.

    55. Karunan Partha, S. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2009) Crystal Structure of UDP- Galactopyranose Mutase in Complex with Substrate and Inhibitor. American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ont.

    56. van Straaten, K.E., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2009) Crystallographic Studies on IDH from Bacillus subtilus. American Crystallography Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ont.

    57. Karunan Partha, S. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2009) Crystal Structure of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase in Complex with Substrate and Inhibitor. CLS 12th Annual Users Meeting, Saskatoon.

    58. van Straaten, K.E., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2009) Crystallographic Studies of IDH from Bacillus subtilis. CLS 12th Annual Users Meeting, Saskatoon.

    59. van Straaten, K.E., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2008) Crystal Structure of NTDA from Bacillus subtilis, A Novel Enzyme in the Production of the Antibiotic Amino Sugar NTD. Western Canadian Medicinal Chemistry Workshop.

    60. Karunan Partha, S. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2008) UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase: A Potential Target for Antibacterial Drug Design. Western Canadian Medicinal Chemistry.

    61. Obiero, J., Pervin, S. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2008) Thioredoxin System from Gastric Pathogen, Helicobacter pylori. Western Canadian Medicinal Chemistry Workshop.

    62. Anderson, A., van Straaten, K.E. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2008) Purification and Crystallization of a Putative Esterase from E. coli. NSERC Summer Research Students Awards Presentation.

    63. van Straaten, K.E., Slowski, K., Zheng, H., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2008) Crystallographic Studies on IDH from Bacillus subtilus. CLS 11th Annual Users Meeting, Saskatoon.

    64. Slowski, K., van Straaten, K.E., Zhang, H., Palmer, D.R.J., and Sanders, D.A.R. (2008) Exploring IDH Mutants from Bacillus subtilis. 15th Annual Life & Health Sciences Research Conference, U of S.

    65. Dovell, J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2007) Characterization of the Thioredoxin System of Colwellia psychrerythraea. NSERC Summer Research Students Awards Presentation.

    66. Sanders, D.A.R., Chad, J., Karunan Partha, S., Addala, E. and van Straaten, K. (2007) Studies of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase : Combining Structural, Kinetic and Biological Approaches. 21st Symposium of the Protein Society. Abstract 563.

    67. van Straaten, K.E., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2007) Structural Investigation of Carbohydrate Converting Enzymes. CLS 10th Annual Users' Meeting.

    68. Obiero, J., van Straaten, K.E. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2007) X-Ray Crystallographic Studies of Thioredoxin Reductase from Gastric Pathogen Helicobacter pylori. CLS 10th Annual Users' Meeting.

    69. Addala, E., Kaminskyj, S. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2007) UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase from Simple Eukaryotes. 14th Annual Life & Health Sciences Research Conference, U of S. Won 2nd prize in Molecular Biology section.

    70. Karunan Partha, S. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2007) Identification of Novel Inhibitors of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase. 14th Annual Life & Health Sciences Research Conference, U of S. Won 1st prize in Structural Biology section.

    71. Obiero, J., van Straaten, K. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2007) Structural Characterization of the Thioredoxin System From the Gastric Pathogen Helicobacter pylori. 14th Annual Life & Health Sciences Research Conference, U of S. Won 2nd prize in Structural Biology section.

    72. Pittet, V. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2006) Characterization of Thioredoxin System from Deinococcus radiodurans. NSERC Summer Research Students Awards Presentation.

    73. Sanders, D.A.R., Obiero, J., Pervin, S., Bonderoff, S., Goertzen, M. (2006) Modelling Transient Protein-Protein Interactions : A Structural Study of the Thioredoxin System. 20th Symposium of the Protein Society. Abstract 419.

    74. Obiero, J., Goertzen, M., Bonderoff, S. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2006) Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Studies of Deinococcus radiodurans Thioredoxin Reductase. CLS 9th Annual Users Meeting.

    75. van Straaten, K.E., Gonzales, C.F., Xue, X., Savchenko, A.V. and Sanders,D.A.R. (2006) 2.0 Å Resolution Structure of SeMet-substituted Atu1476, an Esterase D Protein From A. tumefaciens. CLS 9th Annual Users Meeting.

    76. Obiero, J., Goertzen, M. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2005) A ComparativeStructural Study of Bacterial Thioredoxin Reductase Systems. CLS 8th Annual Users Meeting.

    77. Bonderoff, S.A., Mat Jin, S.A., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R.(2005) Initiating a Crystallographic Study on the Structure of Inositol Dehydrogenase From Bascillus subtilis. CLS 8th Annual Users Meeting.

    78. Chad, J.M. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2005) Structural Studies of a Novel Drug Target : UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase. NSERC Summer Research Students Awards Presentation.

    79. Marit, J., Sanders, D.A.R. and Kaminskyj, S. (2005) Aspergillus nidulans UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase Knockout Plasmid Construction and Gene Expression Studies. NSERC Summer Research Students Awards Presentation.

    80. Bonderoff, S.A. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2005) The Many Guises of Inositol Dehydrogenase: A Crystallographic Endeavor. NSERC Summer Research Students Awards Presentation.

    81. Sieminska, E.A., Macova, A., Sanders, D.A.R. and Palmer, D.R.J. (2005) Structural and Kinetic Studies on MenD, An Anomalous Thiamin Diphosphate-Dependent Enzyme. 88th Canadian Chemistry Conference.

    82. Sanders, D.A.R. (2004) The Thioredoxin System of Helicobacter pylori: Crystallographic Studies of a Potential Drug Target. The 2004 SHRF Awards Dinner.

    83. Sieminska, E.A., Macova, A., Palmer, D.R.J. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2004) Inititating Crystallographic Studies on the Structure of (1R,6R)-2-Succinyl-6-Hydroxy-2,4-Cyclohexadiene-1-Carboxylate Synthase (MenD). CLS 7th Annual Users Meeting.

    84. Bonderoff, S.A. and Sanders, D.A.R. (2004) A Thioredoxin Reductase of Methanobacter thermoautotrophicum and a Mystery Protein of Pyrococcus horikoshii: The Journey of Two Flavoproteins From Cloning to Characterization. NSERC Summer Research Students Awards Presentations.

    85. Sanders, D.A.R. (2003) Structural Studies of Novel Antimicrobial Targets. 2nd Annual CIHR New Principal Investigators Meeting.

    86. Sanders, D.A.R., and Naismith, J.H. (2001) The Novel Story of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase: Structure Solution and Mechanistic Roles. CLS 4th Annual Users Meeting.

    87. Sanders, D.A.R., and Naismith, J.H. (2001) The Novel Story of UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase: Structure Solution and Mechanistic Roles. ASI Protein Crystallography Workshop on High-throughput Crystallography.

    88. Sanders, D.A.R., McMahon, S.A. and Naismith, J.H. (2000) The Structure of a New Class of Enzymes: UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase. BCA Meeting.

    89. Fullerton, S.W.B., Sanders, D.A.R., and Naismith, J.H. (2000) Five Membered Ring Interaction with Con A. BCA Meeting.

    90. Sanders, D.A.R., Moothoo, D.N., Howard, A., Nuttall, R.B., Raftery,J.R., Helliwell, J.R. and Naismith, J.H. (1999) Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions at Atomic Resolution. IUCr Congress.

    91. Sanders, D.A.R., Andersen, J.F., and Montfort, W.R. (1997) Human Thioredoxin Dimerization: Structure and Mutational Analysis of Dimer Interface. 11th Symposium of the Protein Society.