The Burgess Research Group

"Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so."
Galileo Galilei

Positions Available

Motivated students with a strong interest in analytical and/or physical chemistry are invited to contact me directy about MSc and PhD positions within the group.


March 5 2025 : Congratulations Vi on her second JACS paper being accepted !

February 2025
: Visting Marc Koper's lab in Leiden, Netherlands.

February 2025 : Visting Dr Iza Zawisza and Gunther Wittstock in Oldenburg, Germany.

January 1st 2025
: Back in Saskatoon !

August 1st 2024
 : Spending five months in London, Ontario working with Francois Lagugne-Laberthet.

July 15th 2024 : A welcome to Prof Damien Arrigan visiting us from Curtin University.

June 27th 2024
 : Congratulations to Bdhanya for winning first place in the Graduate Platform Presentation Competition of the Analytical Chemistry Division at the 2024 CSC 2024.


The global climate crisis and drive to energy decarbonization emphasizes the importance of investing research efforts towards more efficient and low-cost electrochemical devices. However, the bedrock for new applied technologies is foundational and discovery-driven science. New fundamental physical insights often require the development of new methods and analytical approaches.

The Burgess group research has consistently advanced electrochemical surface enhanced vibrational spectroscopy strategies as we progress towards our long-term goal of greater understanding of molecular reactions and organization at electrode surfaces and in microfluidic devices. We capitalize on our existing in-house capabilities and unique-in-Canada infrastructure at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) to provide original, fundamental knowledge about molecular organization and (electro)chemical reaction kinetics.

The funding for our fundamental research arises from NSERC DiscoveryU.S. Department of Energy contracts, MITACS programs, and NSERC Alliance International grants.

IR Spectroelectrochemistry

Developling and applying new approaches to spectroelectrochemistry

We use surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS) and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy to study electric field driven surface chemistry. In situ vibrational spectroelectrochemistry provides molecular information that can be correlated to the electrical state of the metal surface. We have used SEIRAS to probe the adsorption of pyridine derivatives [pdf-available], lipid bilayers [pdf-available]and to study potential-induced changes in monolayer films due to redox reactions. Jackfish SEC is a spinoff company from the Burgess lab specializing in commercial ATR-SEIRAS solutions.

High Brightness

Synchrotrons and Quantum Cascade Lasers are sources of high-brilliance IR radiation

The very bright light produced by a synchrotron extends beyond x-rays and well into the infrared region of the electromagentic spectrum. Although lower in flux compared to a benchtop source, synchrotron IR (SIR) is highly collimated meaning more radiation can be focused to smaller sizes compared to a globar. The high brightness of SIR, available from the mid-IR beamline at the Canadian Light Source, is ideal for studying fast electrochemical processes at the surface of electrodes. We also work with QCL-based instruments at the CLS for microsecond time resolution spectroelectrochemistry [pdf-available].

Chemical Imaging in Microfluidic Environments

Combining microfluidics and ATR FTIR spectroscopy to image chemical reactions in confined volumes.

Mass transport in geometrically confined environments is fundamental to microfluidic applications, including the study of on-flow chemical reactions. Measuring the distribution of chemical species on flow requires the use of spatially resolved analytical tools compatible with microfluidic materials and designs. In collaboration with Prof Mathieu Odijk at the University of Twente and USask's Prof Sven Achenbach and the SyLMAND facility, we use the horizontal ATR (hATR) workstation at the CLS to chemically image reactions in microfluidic channels.


Determining electrocatalysis mechanisms using surface enhanced spectroelectrochemical methods.
Surface enhanced vibrational spectroscopy can be combined with DFT calculations to explore reaction pathways and intermediates. We collaborate with Prof Bin Wang at the University of Oklahoma to study electrocatalytic reactions, such as methanol oxidation, on oxidized Ni surfaces.