Project Coordinators

Dr. Nathaniel Osgood
University of Saskatchewan
Email: osgood@cs.usask

Dr. Jenny Basran
University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Cheryl Waldner
University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Patrick Seitzinger
University of Saskatchewan


Questions or Concerns?
Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the procedures and goals of the project or your role by communicating with the project coordinators using the information above. We thank you for your participation in this project and in helping efforts to control the spread of COVID-19.

Financial Support

This study is funded by the University of Saskatchewan.

Ethics Approval

This study was approved by the University of Saskatchewan Behavioral Research Ethics Board (BEH-2218).

Join the Study

If you are interested in participating in the study, please click on the following link or scan the QR Code below. The link will take you to the Ethica app, where you can begin the study.

QR code linking to study