USask Fruit Program breeds many crops!

Bob Bors "Retirement"

After 25.5 years, I retired as of July 1st, 2024.  I will continue to be involved in the fruit program as a volunteer. Since I retired on July 1st I have already: run Haskap days; gathered berries from controlled crosses and extracted seeds; given two tours; made notes on promising advanced selections and propagated some of them; written documents for Plant Breeder's Rights for our new haskap 'Boreal Bliss', and helped 3 professors with grant proposals. This month (September) the department is interviewing candidates to replace me. Whoever gets hired, I will be quite happy to offer may assistance for fruit breeding.

I intend to to give talks and workshops and hope to ease the transition of whoever replaces me.  Likely I will complete my partially written Haskap manual this winter and possibly update the Cherry grower's manual.  I am planning on staying in Saskatoon when retired so I'll be around. 

People ask me how does it feel to be retired.  Well, I get to sleep in, take naps, and do things that I like to do. Except for the extra sleeping and lack of authority, its very similar to my job in the summer.


Bob Bors