Journal Articles

  • Parkinson, R. H., Fecher, C., & Gray, J. R.* (2022). Chronic exposure to insecticides impairs honeybee optomotor behaviour. Frontiers in Insect Science2.
  • Olson, E. G., Wiens, T. K., & Gray, J. R.* (2021). A model of feedforward, global, and lateral inhibition in the locust visual system predicts responses to looming stimuli. Biological Cybernetics, 1-21.
  • Parkinson, R. H., Zhang, S., & Gray, J. R.* (2020). Neonicotinoid and sulfoximine pesticides differentially impair insect escape behavior and motion detection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences117(10), 5510-5515.
  • Parkinson, R. H.  & Gray, J. R.* (2019). Neural conduction, visual motion detection, and insect flight behaviour are disrupted by low doses of imidacloprid and its metabolites. NeuroToxicology, 72: 107-113.
  • Stott, T. P., Olson, E. G. N., Parkinson, R. H., & Gray, J. R.* (2018). Three-dimensional shape and velocity changes affect responses of a locust visual interneuron to approaching objects. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221(24), jeb191320.
  • Parkinson, R. H., Little, J. M., & Gray, J. R.* (2017). A sublethal dose of a neonicotinoid insecticide disrupts visual processing and collision avoidance behaviour in Locusta migratoria. Scientific reports, 7(1), 936.
  • Dick, P. C., Michel, N. L., & Gray, J. R.* (2017). Complex object motion represented by context‐dependent correlated activity of visual interneurones. Physiological reports, 5(14).
  • Yakubowski, J. M., McMillan, G. A., & Gray, J. R.* (2016). Background visual motion affects responses of an insect motion‐sensitive neuron to objects deviating from a collision course. Physiological reports, 4(10), e12801.
  • McMillan, G. A. & Gray, J. R.* (2015). Burst firing in a motion-sensitive neural pathway correlates with expansion properties of looming objects that evoke avoidance behaviors. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience, 9, 60.
  • Dick, P. C. & Gray, J. R.* (2014). Spatiotemporal stimulus properties modulate responses to trajectory changes in a locust looming-sensitive pathway. Journal of neurophysiology, 111(9), 1736-1745.
  • Benaragama, I. & Gray, J. R.* (2014). Responses of a pair of flying locusts to lateral looming visual stimuli. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 200(8), 723-738.
  • Silva, A. C., McMillan, G. A., Santos, C. P., & Gray, J. R.* (2014). Background complexity affects response of a looming-sensitive neuron to object motion. Journal of Neurophysiology, 113(1), 218-231.
  • McMillan, G. A., Loessin, V., & Gray, J. R.* (2013). Bilateral flight muscle activity predicts wing kinematics and 3-dimensional body orientation of locusts responding to looming objects. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb-087775.
  • McMillan, G. A. & Gray, J. R.* (2012). A looming-sensitive pathway responds to changes in the trajectory of object motion. Journal of neurophysiology, 108(4), 1052-1068.
  • Gray, J. R., Blincow, E., & Robertson, R. M.* (2010). A pair of motion-sensitive neurons in the locust encode approaches of a looming object. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 196(12), 927-938.
  • Verspui, R. & Gray, J. R.* (2009). Visual stimuli induced by self-motion and object-motion modify odour-guided flight of male moths (Manduca sexta L.). Journal of Experimental Biology, 212(20), 3272-3282.
  • Butala, J., Arkles, A., & Gray, J. R.* (2007, August). EMG spike time difference based feedback control. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2007. EMBS 2007. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE (pp. 6129-6132). IEEE.
  • Guest, B. B. & Gray, J. R.* (2006). Responses of a looming-sensitive neuron to compound and paired object approaches. Journal of neurophysiology, 95(3), 1428-1441.
  • Gray, J. R.* (2005). Habituated visual neurons in locusts remain sensitive to novel looming objects. Journal of Experimental Biology, 208(13), 2515-2532.
  • Gray, J. R. & Weeks, J. C.* (2003). Steroid-induced dendritic regression reduces anatomical contacts between neurons during synaptic weakening and the developmental loss of a behavior. Journal of Neuroscience, 23(4), 1406-1415.
  • Gray, J. R., Pawlowski, V., & Willis, M. A.* (2002). A method for recording behavior and multineuronal CNS activity from tethered insects flying in virtual space. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 120(2), 211-223.
  • Gray, J. R., Lee, J. K., & Robertson, R. M.* (2001). Activity of descending contralateral movement detector neurons and collision avoidance behaviour in response to head-on visual stimuli in locusts. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 187(2), 115-129.
  • Gray, J. R. & Robertson, R. M. (1998).* Effects of heat stress on axonal conduction in the locust flight system. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 120(1), 181-186.
  • Gray, J. R.* (1997). Neurons associated with a novel motor pattern expressed during metamorphosis of the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta. The Biological Bulletin, 193(2), 259-260.
  • Gray, J. R. & Robertson, R. M.* (1997). Co-ordination of the flight motor pattern with forewing stretch receptor stimulation in immature and mature adult locusts. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 118(1), 125-130.
  • Gray, J. R. & Robertson, R. M.* (1996). Structure of the forewing stretch receptor axon in immature and mature adult locusts. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 365(2), 268-277.
  • Gray, J. R. & Robertson, R. M.* (1994). Activity of the forewing stretch receptor in immature and mature adult locusts. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 175(4), 425-435.

Presentations (Posters and Talks)