
Synthetic Laboratory (S272 Spinks Addition)
306 966 1635

Our group uses two laboratories, one laboratory for synthetic work and a second one for mechanistic studies of materials deposition processes. The synthesis laboratory is equipped with 7 fume hoods, 7 vacuum lines, and a central inert gas system. A student office is adjacent to the synthesis lab. The main activities of our group are concentrated on synthetic chemistry. The second laboratory is equipped with a custom-designed set of instruments, where we use matrix-isolation FTIR spectroscopy and time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the investigation of materials deposition processes (CVD and ALD).

synthesis lab

one of 7 vacuum lines

solvent purifier system

glove box

a moose head (well, its Canada ...)

central inert-gas manifold

matrix-isolation FTIR (left side) andTOF MS (right side)

TOF MS (back side)

TOF MS (front side)

ionization chamber (TOF MS)

FTIR spectrometer used for matrix isolation

helium compressor used for matrix isolation (allows cooling below 4 K)