Tech Innovation

Tech Innovation Team

Picture of Tate Cao

Tate Cao MBA, MSc, PEng
Assistant Professor Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development, La Borde Chair in Engineering Entrepreneurship

Picture of David  Yee

David Yee
Vice President Vice President PAMI (Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute)

Over 15 years of experience in manufacturing, project management, technical engineering and the design industry.

Picture of Rylan Grant

Rylan Grant
CEO, Co-Founder Delta Point Wireless, BlackNova Internet Services

Entrepreneurial and self motivated creative individual that loves technology and thinks outside the box to solve problems.

Picture of Shahab Minaei

Shahab Minaei BSc, MSc, Engineer in Training
PhD Student Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering , Co-Founder SuWAb Water Systems

Picture of Prachi Bandivadekar

Prachi Bandivadekar
Administrative Coordinator Ron and Jane Graham School of Professional Development