Mozambique Minister of Health Visit, Summer 2006

One of the most exciting things in the summer of 2006 was the visit of the Mozambique Minister of Health, Dr. Ivo Garrido to the Massinga Centre in July.  He toured our Centre and heard about our work. On his departure he called us a model on health training for the country. He specified that we engage communities in our training, prepare health workers to work in community realities, and demonstrate excellence in our programs and facilities.

Minister Garrido said, “this Centre sets the standard…it is exemplary…a model of is what I want in our training institutions. You are in the vanguard, the only ones to do community participation linked to training”.

That meant a lot to everyone at the Centre in reinforcing the work done, and the community health and development direction that we have taken.

Dr. Ivo Garrido
Minister of Health, Mozambique

Massinga Training Centre