Training for Health Renewal Developing a Training Modules Series

The accompanying photograph shows Antonio Tanda and Gerri Dickson passing to Karen Austin of CIDA some of the Training Modules that have been created based on the work of the Massinga Training Centre.

These modules include:

  • Doing Community Participation: A handbook series for health teachers.
  • Promoting Community Health: A handbook series for teachers to strengthen community health training and practice.
  • Facilitation: Encouraging active and integrated learning: A handbook series for health teachers.
  • Participatory Activities: A collection of exercises to stimulate active learning.
  • Think Pieces: A collection of readings to stimulate active learning.

Two more modules are in process: Gender Equality in Health and Participatory Action Research.

There is also a Learning Moments DVD to accompany the modules.

In the future, electronic pdf versions will be available so watch the web site for that. - Don