Department of Physics and Engineering Physics Theoretical Plasma Physics


Picture of  Alan Duffy

Alan Duffy MSc
Research Scientist, Canadian Light Source, Saskatoon, Canada

M.Sc. 1998 - 2003

Picture of  Andy Sabo

Andy Sabo

2018 - Current

Picture of  Arash Tavassoli

Arash Tavassoli
Ph. D.

2018 - Current

Picture of  Arron Froese

Arron Froese MSc
Scientist, General Fusion Inc. Burnaby, BC, Canada

M.Sc. 2005-2007

Picture of  Dmytro Sydorenko

Dmytro Sydorenko PhD
Research Associate, Department of Physics, University of Alberta, AB, Canada

Ph.D. 2003 - 2006

Picture of  Eugene Furkal

Eugene Furkal PhD
Professor, Fox Chase Cancer Center, PA, USA

Ph.D. 1996 - 1999

Picture of  Frank Detering

Frank Detering PhD
Research Fellow, Diversity Arrays Technology, Yarralumla, ACT 2600, Australia

Ph.D. 1998 - 2002

Picture of  Ivan Khalzov

Ivan Khalzov PhD
Scientist, General Fusion Inc. Burnaby, BC, Canada

Ph.D. 2004 - 2008

Picture of  Ivan Romadanov

Ivan Romadanov PhD
Post. Doc., Nova Scotia Health Authority, Canada

Ph.D. 2014 - 2019

Picture of  Jeffery Zielinski

Jeffery Zielinski

2016 - Current

Picture of  Koloman Varady

Koloman Varady MSc

M.Sc. 2007 - 2010

Picture of  Marilyn Jimenez

Marilyn Jimenez

2017 - Current

Picture of  Meghraj Sengupta

Meghraj Sengupta
Post. Doc.

2018 - Current

Picture of  Oleksandr Chapurin

Oleksandr Chapurin

2017 - Current

Picture of  Oleksandr Koshkarov

Oleksandr Koshkarov MSc, PhD
Post. Doc., Los Alamos National Lab, USA

M.Sc. 2013 - 2015 Ph.D. 2015 - 2018

Picture of  Roman Makarevich

Roman Makarevich PhD
co-supervised with Prof. A. Kustov Professor, Department of Physics, La Trobe University, Victoria 3086, Australia

Ph.D. 1999 - 2003

Picture of  Salomon Janhunen

Salomon Janhunen
Post. Doc.

2016 - 2018

Picture of  Sandeep Litt

Sandeep Litt PhD

Ph.D. 2011 - 2016

Picture of  Trevor Zintel

Trevor Zintel

2018 - Current

Picture of  Vincent Morin

Vincent Morin MSc

M.Sc. 2017 - 2018

Picture of  Winston Frias

Winston Frias MSc, PhD

M.Sc. 2008 - 2010 Ph.D. 2011 - 2016

Picture of  Yuriy Tyshetskiy

Yuriy Tyshetskiy PhD
Research Associate, School of Physics, The University of Sydney

Ph.D. 1999 - 2003