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Names underlined indicate graduate students or postdoctoral fellows, names in bold indicate a chair partner
Oloko, M., J.P. Robson, and M.G. Reed. 2024. The Opportunities and Values of Procuring and Preserving Food within Co-existing Indigenous and Local Food Systems: Insights from Canada’s West Coast. Food Ethics.
Worthen, H., T. Mutersbaugh, and S. Lyon. 2024. Beyond the commodity: gendered socionatures, value, and commoning in Mexican coffee plots, Gender, Place & Culture, DOI:10.1080/0966369X.2024.2352111
Lyon, S., Mutersbaugh, T., and Worthen, H. 2023. Gendered dimensions of labor and living incomes among coffee farmers in Southern Mexico. DIE ERDE, 154(3), 103–111. https://doi.org/10.12854/erde-2023-644
Reed, M.G. J.P. Robson, M. Campos Rivera, F. Chapela, I. Davidson-Hunt, P. Friedrichsen, E. Haine, A.B.D. Johnston, G. Lichtenstein, L.S. Lynes, M. Oloko, M. Sánchez Luja, S. Shackleton, M. Soriano, F. Sosa Peréz, & L. Vasseur. 2023. Guiding principles for transdisciplinary sustainability research and practice. People and Nature, 00, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10496.
Sarigumba, M.P., M. Soriano Candia, J.P. Robson, I. Quiviquivi, and O.L. Cabrera Tapia. 2023. Understanding the role of youth in Indigenous territorial governance. Frontiers in Environmental Science (Part of special issue on ‘Co-creating Knowledge for Community Resilience to Sustainability Challenges’)
Worthen, H. 2023. Migration, racial capitalism, and Indigenous women: Re-Reading the gendered and racialized histories of U.S./Mexican migration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2295238
Brock, T., Reed, M.G., and Stewart, K. 2021. Indigenous community participation in resource development decision-making: Practitioner perspectives of legal and voluntary arrangements. Journal of Environmental Management, 283. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111922
Clermont, H.J.K., Dale, A., King. L., and Reed, M.G. 2021. The role of scientific evidence in Canada's west coast energy conflicts. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 13(3), 5. https://digitalcommons.northgeorgia.edu/jces/vol13/iss3/5
Haque, C.E., Berkes, F., Fernandez-Llamazares, A., Ross, H., Chapin II, F.S., Deberstein, B., Reed, M.G., Agrawal, N., Nayak, P.K., Etkin, D., Dore, M., and Hutton, D. 2021. Social learning for enhancing social-ecological resilience to disaster-shocks: A policy Delphi approach. Disaster Prevention and Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-03-2021-0079.
Lindgren, A., Reed, M.G., and Robson, J.P. 2021. Process makes perfect?: Exploring perceptions of effectiveness in collaborative environmental governance in the Canadian forest sector. Environmental Management, 67, 228-241. doi: 10.1007/s00267-020-01402-5
Steelman, T., Bogdan, A.M., Mantyka-Pringle, C., Bradford, L., Reed, M.G., Baines, S., Fresque-Baxter, J. Jardine, T., Shantz, S., Abu, R., Staples, K., Andrews, E., Bharadwaj, L., Strickert, G., Jones, P., Lindenschmidt, K., Poelzer, G., and the Delta Dialogue Network. 2021. Evaluating transdisciplinary research practices: Insights from social network analysis. Sustainability Science, 16, 631-645. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-020-00901-y
Worthen, H. 2021. Rights to the rescue? The promotion of Indigenous women’s political-electoral rights and the rise of the Mexican security state. Political Geography. 85, 102279. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2020.102279
Bullock, R., Zurba, M., Reed, M.G., and McCarthy, D. 2020. Strategic options for more effective Indigenous participation in collaborative environmental governance. Journal of Planning Education and Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X20920913
Egunyu, F., Reed, M.G., Sinclair, A.J., Parkins, J.R., and Robson, J.P. 2020. Public engagement in forest governance in Canada: Whose values are being represented anyway? Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 50(11), 1-32. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2020-0026. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2020-0026
Robson, J.P., Wilson, S.J., Mora Sanchez, C. and Bhatt, A. 2020. Youth and the future of community forestry. Land 9(11), 406; https://doi.org/10.3390/land9110406. Part of a Special Issue on ‘Migration and Land’ (see: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/land/special_issues/Migration_land).
Walker, H.M., Reed, M.G., and Fletcher, A.J. 2020a. Applying intersectionality to climate hazards: A theoretically informed study of wildfire in northern Saskatchewan. Climate Policy, 21(2), 171-185. https://doi.org/10.1080/14693062.2020.1824892
Walker, H.M., Reed, M.G., and Fletcher, A.J. 2020b. Wildfire in the news media: An intersectional critical frame analysis. Geoforum, 114, 128-137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2020.06.008
Abu, R., Reed, M.G., and Jardine, T.D. 2019. Using two-eyed seeing to bridge Western science and Indigenous knowledge systems and understand long-term change in the Saskatchewan River Delta, Canada. International Journal of Water Resources Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2018.1558050
Andrews, E.J., Staples, K., Reed, M.G., Carriere, R., MacColl, I., McKay-Carriere, L., Fresque-Baxter, J., and Steelman, T.A. 2019. Insights for building community resilience from prioritizing youth in environmental change research. Sustainability, 11, 4916. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/18/4916/pdf
Boakye-Danquah, J., and Reed, M.G. 2019. The participation of non-industrial private forest owners in forest certification programs: The role of effectiveness of intermediary organisations. Forest Policy and Economics, 100, 154-163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2018.12.006
Bullock, R., and Reed, M.G. 2019. Local impacts of federal forest policy changes on Canadian Model Forests: An institutional capacity perspective. Environmental Policy and Governance. https://doi.org/10.1002/eet.1873
Clermont, H.J.K., Dale, A., Reed, M.G., and King, L. 2019. Sense of place as a source of tension in Canada’s west coast energy conflicts. Coastal Management, 47(2), 189-206. doi: 10.1080/08920753.2019.1564953
Guertin, M-A., Poirier-Ghys, G., Reed, M.G., Dupras, J., and Sauriol, G. 2019. L’éducation relative à l’environnement dans la Réserve de Biosphère du Mont Saint-Hilaire : Observations et tensions. Éducation Relative à L’environnement, 15. https://journals.openedition.org/ere/
Nenko, A., Parkins, J., Reed, M.G., and Sinclair, J. 2019. Rethinking effective public engagement in sustainable forest management. Society and Natural Resources, 32(12). doi: 10.1080/08941920.2018.1539198
Reed, M.G. 2019. The contributions of UNESCO Man and Biosphere Program and biosphere reserves to the practice of sustainability science. Sustainability Science, 14, 809-821. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-018-0603-0
Robson, J.P. 2019. Indigenous communities, migrant organizations, and the ephemeral nature of translocality. Latin American Research Review, 54(1), 103-120. https://doi.org/10.25222/larr.152
Robson, J.P., Asselin, H., Castillo, M., Fox, L., Francisco, S., Karna, B., Karst, A., Quaedvlieg, J., Sanchez Luja, M., Sarigumba, M.P., Candia Soriano, M., Sosa Perez, F., Wilson, S.J., and Zetina, J. 2019. Engaging youth in conversations about community and forests: Methodological reflections from Asia, Africa, and the Americas. World Development Perspectives, 16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wdp.2019.100141. Forms part of Special Issue on ‘Future of Forest Work and Communities’ (guest edited by S. J. Wilson and J. P. Robson).
Robson, J.P., and Klooster, D. 2019. Migration and a new landscape of forest use and conservation. Environmental Conservation, 46, Special Issue 1 (Thematic Section: Forests in Flux), 1-8. doi:10.1017/S0376892918000218
Robson, J.P., Sosa Perez, F., and Sanchez Luja, M. 2019. Exploring youth-forest-community linkages in rural Mexico. World Development Perspectives, 16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wdp.2019.100140 (Forms part of Special Issue on ‘Future of Forest Work and Communities’ (guest edited by Wilson, S.J. and Robson, J. P.).
Walker, H., Culham, A., Fletcher, A., and Reed, M.G. 2019. Social dimensions of climate hazards in rural communities of the global North: An intersectionality framework. Journal of Rural Studies, 72, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2019.09.012
Wilson, S.J., Robson, J.P., Davidson-Hunt, I., and Francisco, S (eds). 2019. ‘The Future of Forest Work and Communities’, Special Issue of World Development Perspectives. Details provided at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/world-development-perspectives/special-issue/100DVLFD8D6
Abu, R., and Reed, M.G. 2018. Adaptation through bricolage: Indigenous responses to long-term social-ecological change in the Saskatchewan River Delta. Canadian Geographer, 62(4), 437-451.
Andrews, E., Reed, M.G., Jardine, T., and Steelman, T. 2018. Damming knowledge flows: POWER as a constraint on knowledge pluralism in river flow decision-making in the Saskatchewan River Delta. Society & Natural Resources, 31(8), 892-907. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2018.1451582
Boakye-Danquah, J., Reed, M.G., Robson, J.P., and Sato, T. 2018. A problem of social fit? Assessing the role of bridging organizations in the recoupling of socio-ecological systems. Journal of Environmental Management, 233, 338-347. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.06.042
Clermont, H. J. K., Dale, A., King. L., and Reed, M.G. 2018. Appreciating values diversity in environment versus economy conflicts. The Solutions Journal, 9(4). https://www.thesolutionsjournal.com/article/appreciating-values-diversity-environment-versus-economy-conflicts/
Das, A., Reed, M.G., and Lindenschmidt, K-E. 2018. Sustainable ice-jam flood management for socio-economic and socio-ecological systems. Water, 10, 135-145. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10020135
Nenko, A., Parkins, J., and Reed, M.G. 2018. Indigenous experiences with public advisory committees in Canadian forest management. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 49(4). https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2018-0235
Reed, M.G., and Abernethy, P. 2018. Facilitating co-production of transdisciplinary knowledge for sustainability in a national partnership of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. Society and Natural Resources, 31, 39-56. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2017.1383545
Robson, J.P., Klooster, D., Worthen, H., and Hernandez-Diaz, J. 2018. Migration and agrarian transformations in Indigenous Mexico. Journal of Agrarian Change, 18(2), 299-323. https://doi.org/10.1111/joac.12224
Spence, C., Wolfe, J.D., Whitfield, C.J., Baulch, H.M., Basu, N.B., Bedard-Haughn, A.K., Belcher, K.W., Clark, R.G., Ferguson, G.A., Hayashi, M., Liber, K., McDonnell J. J., Morrissey, C.A., Pomeroy, J.W., Reed, M.G., and Strickert, G. 2018. Prairie water: A global water futures project to enhance the resilience of prairie communities through sustainable water management. Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, 44(2), 115-126. https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tcwr20
Steelman, T.A., Andrews, E., Baines, S., Bharadwaj, L., Bjornson, E.R., Bradford, L., Cardinal, K.L., Carriere, G., Fresque-Baxter, J., Jardine, T., MacColl, I., Macmillan, S., Marten, J., Orosz, C., Reed, M.G., Rose, I., Shmon, K., Shantz, S., Staples, K., Strickert, G., and Voyageur, M. 2018. Identifying transformational space for transdisciplinarity: Using art to access the hidden third. Sustainability Science, 14, 771-790. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-018-0644-4
Worthen, H. 2018. "Constructing the female coffee farmer: Do corporate smart-economic initiatives promote gender equity within agricultural value chains?" in Economic Anthropology
Names underlined indicate graduate students or postdoctoral fellows, names in bold indicate a chair partner
Klooster, D., and Robson, J.P. 2021. Migration and the commons: Re-commonisation in Indigenous Mexico. In P.K. Nayak (Ed.), Making commons dynamic: Understanding change through commonisation and decommonisation. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429028632
Reed, M.G. 2021. Biosphere reserves. In R.C. Anderson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of sustainability. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing. https://www.berkshirepublishing.com/2021/06/28/biosphere-reserves/
Reed, M.G., Robson, J.P., Lindgren, A., Friedrichsen, P., Brock, T., Davidson-Hunt, I., Lichtenstein, G., Shackleton, S., Vasseur, L., and Worthen, H. 2020. Foundational principles for intercultural research with Indigenous and rural peoples: Connecting principles to knowledge mobilization. In: Imagining the Future of Knowledge Mobilization: Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs (Chapter 2, pp. 31-50). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada / Canadian Commission for UNESCO. Ottawa: Canada. Availble in English and French.
Shackleton, S., Bezerra, J., Cockburn, J., Reed, M.G., and Abu, R. 2021. Interviews. In Biggs, R., de Vos, A., Preiser, R., Clements, H., Maciejewski, K., and Schlüter, M. (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of research methods for socio-ecological systems. Routledge.
Walker, H., and Reed, M.G. 2021. Assessing the intersections of sex, gender, and other identity factors in the new Canadian Impact Assessment Act. In M. Doell and J. Sinclair (Eds.), The new Canadian Impact Assessment Act (IAA). Toronto, Canada: Irwin Law.
Walker, H., Reed, M.G., and Fletcher, A.J. 2021. Pathways for inclusive wildfire response and adaptation in northern Saskatchewan. In G. Magnusdottir and A. Kronsell (Eds.), Gender, intersectionality and climate institutions in industrialised states. Routledge.
Reed, M.G. 2020. Conceptual origins and first-generation biosphere reserves. In M.G. Reed and M.F. Price (Eds.), UNESCO biosphere reserves: Supporting biocultural diversity, sustainability and society (pp. 13-28). Earthscan/Routledge.
Reed, M.G. 2020. Sharing in governance for sustainability: Experiences of Indigenous Peoples and Canadian biosphere reserves. [Guest statement] In P. Dearden, B. Mitchell and E. O'Connell (Eds.), Environmental change and challenge (6th ed.). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Reed, M.G., and Price, M.F. 2020. Introducing UNESCO biosphere reserves. In M.G. Reed and M.F. Price (Eds.), UNESCO biosphere reserves: Supporting biocultural diversity, sustainability and society (pp. 1-10). Earthscan/Routledge.
Reed, M.G., and Price, M.F. 2020. Unfinished business: The present and future contributions of biosphere reserves to sustainability science. In M.G. Reed and M.F. Price (Eds.), UNESCO Biosphere reserves: Supporting biocultural diversity, sustainability and society (pp. 321-332). Earthscan/Routledge.
Reed, M.G., Robson, J.P., Lindgren, A., Friedrichsen, P., Brock, T., Davidson-Hunt, I., Lichtenstein, G., Shackleton, S., Vasseur, L., and Worthen, H. 2020. Foundational principles for intercultural research with Indigenous and rural peoples: Connecting principles to knowledge mobilization. In Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada / Canadian Commission for UNESCO, Imagining the future of knowledge mobilization: Perspectives from UNESCO chairs (Chapter 2, pp. 31-50). Ottawa, Canada.
Sauchyn, D., Davidson, D., and Johnston, M. (lead authors); Flannigan, M., Fletcher, A., Isaac, K., Kulshreshta, S., Kowalczyk, T., Mauro, I., Pittman, J., Reed, M.G., Schneider, R., Van Ham, M., and Wheaton, E. (contributing authors). 2020. The prairie provinces. In Natural Resources Canada, Canada in a changing climate: Advancing our knowledge for action. Ottawa, Canada: Natural Resources Canada.
Shaw, P., Shore, M., Haine-Bennett, E., and Reed, M.G. 2020. Perspectives on growth and change in Canada’s 18 UNESCO biosphere reserves. In M.G. Reed, and M.F. Price, (Eds.), UNESCO biosphere reserves: Supporting biocultural diversity, sustainability and society (pp. 76-88). Earthscan/Routledge.
Hernandez-Diaz, J., and Robson, J.P. 2019. Migration dynamics and migrant organising in rural Oaxaca. In J. P. Robson, D. Klooster, and J. Hernandez-Diaz (Eds.), Communities surviving migration: Village governance, environment, and cultural survival in Indigenous Mexico. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Hernandez-Diaz, J., and Robson, J.P. 2019. Migrant organising, village governance, and the ephemeral nature of translocality. In J.P. Robson, D. Klooster, and J. Hernandez-Diaz (Eds.), Communities surviving migration: Village governance, environment, and cultural survival in Indigenous Mexico. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Hernandez-Diaz, J., and Robson, J.P. 2019. Population, territory, and governance in rural Oaxaca. In J. P. Robson, D. Klooster, and J. Hernandez-Diaz (Eds.), Communities surviving migration: Village governance, environment, and cultural survival in Indigenous Mexico. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Klooster, D., Robson, J.P., and Hernandez-Diaz, J. 2019. Communities shaping migration: The migration-community-environment nexus. In J.P. Robson, D. Klooster, & J. Hernandez-Diaz (Eds.), Communities surviving migration: Village governance, environment, and cultural survival in Indigenous Mexico. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Ramos Morales, M.F., and Robson, J.P. 2019. Children of the wind: Migration and change in Santa María Yavesia. In: J.P. Robson, D. Klooster, and J. Hernandez-Diaz (Eds.), Communities surviving migration: Village governance, environment, and cultural survival in Indigenous Mexico. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Reed, M.G., and Abernethy, P. 2019. Social learning mobilized by collaboration in the Canadian network of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. In T. Sato and I. Chabay (Eds.), Transformations of social-ecological systems: Studies in co-creating integrated knowledge toward sustainable futures. Japan: Springer. (also available in Japanese from University of Tokyo Press).
Robson, J.P. 2019. Adaptive governance or cultural transformation? The monetization of usos y costumbres in Santiago Comaltepec. In J. P. Robson, D. Klooster, and J. Hernandez-Diaz (Eds.), Communities surviving migration: Village governance, environment, and cultural survival in Indigenous Mexico. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Robson, J.P., and Klooster, D. 2019. The changing landscapes of Indigenous Oaxaca. In J. P. Robson, D. Klooster, and J. Hernandez-Diaz (Eds.), Communities surviving migration: Village governance, environment, and cultural survival in Indigenous Mexico. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Robson, J.P., Klooster, D., and Hernandez-Diaz, J. 2019. Communities surviving migration? The migration-community-environment nexus. In J. P. Robson, D. Klooster, and J. Hernandez-Diaz (Eds.), Communities surviving migration: Village governance, environment, and cultural survival in Indigenous Mexico. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Sosa Pérez, F., and Robson, J.P. 2019. Migration, community, and land use in San Juan Evangelista Analco. In J.P. Robson, D. Klooster, and J. Hernandez-Diaz (Eds.), Communities surviving migration: Village governance, environment, and cultural survival in Indigenous Mexico. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Ellison, D., Claassen, M., van Noordwijk, M., Sullivan, C.A., Bhaskar, V., Xu, J., Archer, E., Bishop, K., Gebrehiwot, S.G., Haywood, L.K., and Robson, J.P. 2018. Governance options for addressing changing forest-water relations. In I.F. Creed and M. van Noordwijk (Eds.), Forest and water on a changing planet: Vulnerability, adaptation and governance opportunities. A Global Assessment Report. Vienna, Austria: IUFRO World Series Volume 38. https://www.iufro.org/science/gfep/forests-and-water-panel/report/
Reed, M.G., and Wilson, S.J. 2018. Management options for dealing with changing forest-water relations. In I.F. Creed and M. van Noordwijk (Eds.), Forest and Water on a Changing Planet: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Governance Opportunities. A Global Assessment Report (pp 121-147). Vienna, Austria: IUFRO World Series Volume 38.
ード, M.・アバーンティ,P. (翻訳:北村健二). 2018.協働が駆動する社会的学習-カナダの生物圏保存地域.(佐藤哲・菊地直樹,編:地域環境学-トランスディシプリナリー・サイエンスへの挑戦)東京大学出版会,東京.(Reed, M.G. and Abernethy, P. 2018. Social Learning Mobilized by Collaboration: Canadian Biosphere Reserves. (translated by Kenji Kitamura). In T. Sato and N. Kikuchi (Eds.), Transdisciplinary local environment studies: Co-creating knowledge base for societal transformation toward sustainability (pp.170-186). Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo Press.
Names underlined indicate graduate students or postdoctoral fellows, names in bold indicate a chair partner.
Biggs, D., and Robson, J.P. 2021. Impact of demographic change on sustainable use of wild species. IPBES Global Assessment on Sustainable Use of Wild Species (Chapter on Drivers of Sustainable Use, Sections on Economic and Social Drivers). https://www.ipbes.net/sustainable-use-wild-species-assessment
Cooper, K., and Reed, M.G. 2021, April. Canada: Addressing systemic gender, diversity & inclusion issues in the forest sector. Prepared for the International Task Force on Gender Equality in Forestry for the International Union of Forest Research Organizations. https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/task-forces/tf-gender-equality/tf-gender-equality-Canada_-_Addressing_Systemic_Gender_Diversity__Inclusion.pdf
Reed, M.G., and Gamble, S. 2021. Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Region periodic review report. 2021, June. Submitted to the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and UNESCO. Ottawa, Ontario.
Reed, M.G., Robson, J.P., Fletcher, A., Boakye-Danquah, J., and Kumar, S. 2021. Strengthening environment and climate change’s capacity and knowledge of GBA+ issues in nature and biodiversity: A high-level road map. Report prepared for and submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Federal Government of Canada. April 2021.
Wyatt, S., Reed, M.G., Feng, X., Boakye-Danquah, J., and Smith, P. 2021. Evidence on Diversity in Canada’s Forest Sector. Final Report. May 2021. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f04dc8b4b827d65a7bfc51a/t/60acf4003f80dc6464955e7f/1621947529406/Evidence+on+Diversity+in+the+Forest+Sector+-+Final+Report+2021.pdf
Boakye-Danquah, J., Fletcher, A., and Reed, M.G. 2020. Planning for future floods in Maple Creek, learning from community participants through participatory geographic information systems. Policy Brief. October 2020.
Lindgren, A., Robson, J.P., Reed, M.G., Parkins, J., Sinclair, A.J., Nadeau, S., Teitelbaum, S., and Hitomi, M. 2019. Engaging the public in sustainable forest management in Canada: Results from a national survey of advisory committees. Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Forest Service (CFS). https://cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/pubwarehouse/pdfs/39973.pdf
Balkhi, L. 2019. Moving Towards Meaningful Engagement of Indigenous Peoples in Governance of UNESCO Global Geoparks. MSEM Report. University of Saskatchewan.
Robson, J., Wilson, S., Francisco, S., and M. Rice. 2019. The Future of Forest Work and Communities: Learning from Youth Engagement Workshops in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Working Report.
Walker, H., Reed, M.G., and Thiessen, B. 2019. Gender and diversity analysis for impact assessment. Report to Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. February 2019. English: https://www.canada.ca/en/impact-assessment-agency/corporate/research-program.html (targeted research) French: https://www.canada.ca/fr/agence-evaluation-impact/organisation/programme-recherche.html
Bradford, L., Walker, H., Fletcher, A., and Reed, M.G. 2018. Scoping review of GBA+ implementation and practices in six priority areas for Environment and Climate Change Canada. Report to Environment and Climate Change Canada. December 2018.
Clayoquot Biosphere Trust. 2018 Vital Signs Report.
Campbell, H. 2023. "Ours is a history of adapting": An analysis of adaptive capacity to climate change in rural and small-town Saskatchewan. PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology and Social Studies, University of Regina.
Campos Rivera, M. 2022. Exploring Youth-TEK linkages in the New Rurality. MES Thesis, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan. Received the Excellence in Environment and Sustainability Graduate Award.
Elliot, T.M. 2022. Learning from Wildfire: Understanding the Social Dimensions of Community Response. MES Thesis, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan. Excellence in Environment and Sustainability Graduate Award.
Koushik, J. 2022. Sense-of-Place Dimensions: Examining how Students, Educators and Administrators Perceive Place as Influencing K-12 Sustainability Education in Rural and Urban School Districts. PhD Dissertation, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.
Lira, M. 2022. Indigenous communities and global markets: the commoditization of artisanal mezcal from Oaxaca, Mexico. PhD Dissertation, Natural Resource Institute, University of Manitoba.
Oloko, M. 2022. Examining Food Preservation Participation within Indigenous and Local Food Systems on Canada's West Coast. PhD Dissertation, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.
Sarigumba, P. 2022. Youth Participation in Indigenous Territorial Governance. MES Thesis, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.
Mora Sanchez, C.S. 2021. Engaging youth in community forestry: Lessons from Oaxaca, Mexico. MES Thesis, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.
Walker, H. 2021. Building inclusive responses to climate hazards: An intersectional analysis of wildfire in northern Saskatchewan. PhD Dissertation, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.
Friedrichsen, P. 2020.Taking up the plow (again)? Exploring the resurgence of First Nations farming and food production in central Saskatchewan. MES Thesis, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.
Betancur, S. 2019. Inside the rez cross: An assessment of hosting evacuees during a wildfire disaster in Beardy’s and Okemasis First Nation. MES Thesis, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.
Brock, T. 2019. Characterizing good-practice engagement between resource developers and Indigenous communities in northern Saskatchewan. MES Thesis, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan. Received the Mowat Award for SENS for outstanding contribution to the field of environment and sustainability.
Lindgren, A. 2019. Exploring the effectiveness of Canadian forest advisory committees for advancing sustainability. MES Thesis, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan. Received Mowat Award from SENS for outstanding contribution to the field of environment and sustainability.
Boakye-Danquah, J. 2018. The contributions of model forest organizations to sustainable forest management of small-scale forests: Lessons from eastern Ontario and Kyoto Model Forests. PhD Dissertation, University of Saskatchewan. Received Mowat Award from SENS for outstanding contribution to the field of environment and sustainability.
Khanal, B. 2018. Raising voices, broadening interests: A longitudinal examination of gender and diversity in Canadian forest sector Public Advisory Committees. MES Thesis, School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan.
Sage Sustainable Solutions Consulting. 2021. Sustainable Stories Podcast Episode #30. July 20, 2021. https://www.sagesustainable.com/podcast/episode-30-with-james-robson
Smart Prosperity Institute. 2021. Researcher spotlight: Dr. Maureen Reed, Dr. Sheri Andrews-Key and Michaela Sidloski. https://institute.smartprosperity.ca/SpotlightReed
Evans, M. 2020. SENS researchers reaching out to Indigenous partners. University of Saskatchewan On Campus News. October 9, 2020. Available at: https://news.usask.ca/articles/colleges/2020/sens-researchers-reaching-out-to-indigenous-partners.php
Reed, M.G. Better Process Leads to Progress. Blog for Women for Saskatchewan. https://womenforsaskatchewan.ca/maureen-reed-better-process/ Posted October 8, 2020.
Reed, M.G. Strength Through Diversity. Blog for Women for Saskatchewan. https://womenforsaskatchewan.ca/maureen-reed-strength-through-diversity/ Posted September 28, 2020.
Reed, M.G. (Executive Producer) and Melnick, Z. (Director). 2020. Striking balance: A documentary series celebrating Canada’s biosphere reserves [TV series]. (Season 2 - 8 50-minute episodes). Fall 2020.
Dazé, A., Fletcher, A., and Reed, M.G. Canada needs an inclusive approach to climate action. OpEd for The Hill Times. March 11, 2020. Available at: https://www.hilltimes.com/2020/03/11/canada-needs-an-inclusive-approach-to-climate-action/238989
PIEB (Periódico Digital para la Investigación sobre Bolivia). 2019. Investigador: Nueva ruralidad impulsa a reimaginar la gobernanza comunitaria (Researcher: New rurality leads to a reimagining of community governance). June 12, 2019. Available at: http://www.pieb.com.bo/sipieb_nota.php?idn=11374
Reed, M.G., and Robson, J.P. 2019. My Chair in 3 minutes. Video of UNESCO Chair in Biocultural Diversity, Sustainability, Reconciliation, and Renewal. January 24, 2019. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQDTeuvQ2zA
Robson, J.P. 2018. Future of forest work – Peru. Documentary of youth engagement workshop in Madre de Dios, Peruvian Amazon. October 1, 2018. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bwwu8BgOtE
Robson, J.P. 2018. Future of forest work – Philippines. Documentary of youth engagement workshop in General Nakar, Philippines. October 1, 2018. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzH3NA1c4Og&t=18s
Reed, M.G., and Robson, J.P. 2018. International Day of Peace – USask UNESCO Chair. September 21, 2018. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdMZ00XGXXw
van Noordwijk, M. 2018. Cooling forest rainbow water vital contributor to farmer livelihoods. Landscape News. Media article on the IUFRO Global Assessment Report, Forest and Water on a Changing Planet: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Governance Opportunities, of which J.P. Robson and M.G. Reed are contributing authors. July 2018. https://news.globallandscapesforum.org/viewpoint/cooling-forest-rainbow-water-vital-contributor-to-farmer-livelihoods/
Meyer, C. 2018. Dozens of scientists from over 20 countries explain how mining, logging and fossil fuels disrupt the water on earth. Canada’s National Observer. Media article on the IUFRO Global Assessment Report, Forest and Water on a Changing Planet: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Governance Opportunities, of which J.P. Robson and M.G. Reed are contributing authors. July 12, 2018. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2018/07/12/news/dozens-scientists-over-20-countries-explain-how-mining-logging-and-fossil-fuels.
IISD. 2018. Forests and water on a changing planet: Scientific insights for building sustainable and resilient societies. Report on launch of the IUFRO Global Assessment Report, Forest and Water on a Changing Planet: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Governance Opportunities. July 10, 2018. http://enb.iisd.org/hlpf/2018/side-events/10jul.html#event-1.