UNESCO Chair in Biocultural Diversity, Sustainability, Reconciliation, & Renewal
On this website, you will find information about the exciting work we are doing in partnership and friendship with communities and Indigenous peoples in the areas of environmental stewardship and governance, community-engaged research practices, Indigenous food systems, and gender and youth in environmental management.
Our work is conducted in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, forest-based communities and Indigenous territories.
Cátedra UNESCO en diversidad cultural, sustentabilidad, reconciliación y renovación
En esta sitio web se encuentra información sobre el emocionante trabajo que realizamos en colaboración y en amistad con comunidades y con pueblos originarios en las areas de gestión y gobernanza ambiental, investigación comprometida con comunidades, sistemas alimentarios indígenas, y género y juventud en manejo ambiental.
Nuestro trabajo se realiza en Reservas de la Biósfera de la UNESCO, comunidades forestales y territorios indígenas.
Meet the Chairholders
Dr. Maureen Reed

Maureen’s research focuses on governance practices that support the sustainability of local ecosystems, livelihoods, and communities. She is particularly concerned with explaining how communities practice sustainability in the face of rapid and slow-moving environmental, social, economic, political and cultural change.
Dr. Jim Robson

Jim's expertise lies in interdisciplinary and applied environmental research. He works with communities in Latin America and Canada, where he learns how people self-organize to enhance land management, territorial governance, and environmental stewardship and tries in some small way to support them in these efforts.