National Bison Range, Montana, USA (Photo by Anthony Johnston)

Brother Buffalo is Part of Our DNA

Mistawasis Nehyiawak and other Plains Nations are working together to bring the buffalo back to their traditional territories.

In ancient times on the Great Plains of what we now call North America, the buffalo (Plains bison or bison bison bison) defined who we were as Plains People, Nations and Tribes.  After generations of change, Plains Nêhiyawak now strive to revive connection to place and space with the knowledge that landscape, ecosystem and brother buffalo are part of our DNA and we have not lost anything. In this 21st Century we are finding the strength of our ancestors and incorporating their values into our 21st Century thought and action. The Ancient Ones considered the past, present and future in their singular thought and action and we must as well in order to be true. Our ancestors found strength in partnership, alliances friendship with others on the Great Plains.  In the 21st Century we find this same strength by working towards a shared good future with all that now occupy our ancestral lands.  When we set aside terms such as stake holder and rights holder we begin to realize that we all are responsibility holders.