Holly doing research with women coffee producers in Oaxaca, Mexico

Indigenous Women and Development in Mexico

Chair partner: Holly Worthen Holly Worthen has been working with Indigenous women in Mexico to understand the connections between gender and economic development.

Holly Worthen has been continuing her research and publications related to indigenous women, rights, and development in Oaxaca, Mexico.  She co-published the article "Constructing the female coffee farmer: Do corporate smart-economic initiatives promote gender equity within agricultural value chains?" in Economic Anthropology and has a new submission under revision at the journal Political Geography entitled, "Rights to the rescue? The promotion of indigenous women's political rights and the rise of the Mexican security state."  This last year, she wrapped up research on the project "Gender and Environmental Management Across the Coffee Landscape: Agroforestry, Equity and Environments in Oaxaca, Mexico," financed by the National Geographic Society.