UNESCO Chair in Biocultural Diversity, Sustainability, Reconciliation, and Renewal
Hi! I’m Mariana, a Mexican PhD student at the University of Saskatchewan, in Canada. I’m a biologist by training. I got my Bachelor’s at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Early in my career, I had the amazing opportunity of going to a public university in one of the most biocultural diverse countries in the world (Mexico), there, my academic path started in the field of ecological ethnobotany. Since then, I have diversified my interests in areas like traditional knowledge systems, rural development (focusing on youth), transdisciplinarity, and more recently critical biocultural heritage studies, which is the main area of my doctoral research. My PhD supervisors are Drs. Jim Robson and Susanna Barnes. When I’m not working I enjoy reading, going out for drinks, and watching movies.