2nd Floor Health Sciences Research Day 2018 - Invited Speakers and Poster Competition
On Monday, April 23, we will be holding our second annual 2nd Floor Health Sciences Research Day. There will be 2 invited speakers in the morning in 1B03 Health Sciences with refreshments followed by a lunch for the clusters and a poster competition in the D-Wing Atrium for the researchers of the Biomedical and Environmental Research Cluster and the Cardiopulmonary Research Cluster. An event poster can be found here.
Morning Speakers: 1B03 Health Sciences - 10-11:45 AM
Speaker #1:
Speaker: Dr. Jason Stafford, Antibody/Immunoassay Specialist, Thermofisher Scientific.
Topic: Luminex Multiplex Assays – versatile technology can be used in mammalian and plant research
Abstract: Come learn about this innovative technology that can be run with an instrument in our 2D40 laboratory.
Set up protein multiplex immunoassays that can quantitate up to 65 analytes in only 25 μL of serum or plasma, or 50 μL of cell culture supernatant
Gene expression analysis that can measure up to 80 RNA transcripts in a single well
DNA copy number analysis that can analyze copy number variation in multiple DNA targets
Speaker #2:
Speaker: Dr. Juan Ianowski, Cardiopulmonary Resaerch Cluster, Department of Physiology, University of Saskatchewan
Topic: Synchrotron Imaging in Cystic Fibrosis Swine Research - "Cystic fibrosis swine fail to secrete airway surface liquid in response to inhalation of pathogens".
Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channel, which can result in chronic lung disease. The sequence of events leading to lung disease is not fully understood but recent data show that the critical pathogenic event is the loss of the ability to clear bacteria due to abnormal airway surface liquid secretion (ASL). However, whether the inhalation of bacteria triggers ASL secretion and whether this is abnormal in cystic fibrosis has never been tested. Here we show, using a novel synchrotron-based in vivo imaging technique, that wild-type pigs display both a basal and a Toll-like receptor-mediated ASL secretory response to the inhalation of cystic fibrosis relevant bacteria. Both mechanisms fail in CFTR-/- swine, suggesting that cystic fibrosis airways do not respond to inhaled pathogens, thus favoring infection and inflammation that may eventually lead to tissue remodeling and respiratory disease. Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the CFTR chloride channel, leading to reduced airway surface liquid secretion. Here the authors show that exposure to bacteria triggers secretion in wild-type but not in pig models of cystic fibrosis, suggesting an impaired response to pathogens contributes to infection
Poster Competition: DWing Atrium - 12:45-2:15 PM; Awards and Prizes 2:30
The 2nd Floor Research clusters are a group of basic scientists and clinicians conducting a wide range of research at the University of Saskatchewan, including the Core Mass Spectrometry Facility and the laboratories for the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture (CCHSA). The clusters contain 23 faculty members, together with their students and research staff, from the Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Agriculture and Bioresources, Biochemistry, Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Pharmacology, Physiology, the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition and the School of Public Health. There will be a wide variety of research presented, with a focus on building teamwork in research and innovative collaboration in science.
Stop by to see what our researchers are up to and put your name in for some door prizes!