
Check out the attached link to access the latest publication from the Pioli Lab

Anil Kumar - Top Establishment Grant: Biomedical 2021-2022

Congratulations to Anil for the excellence award from Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation!

Anil Kumar receives CIHR funding (2021)

Congratulations to Anil for receiving CIHR funding!

Jenny-Lee Thomassin and Anil Kumar, SHRF grant recipients

Congratuations to Jenny-Lee and Anil Kumar for being awarded SHRF grants!,000-in-funding-support-for-usask-early-career-researchers-to-address-health-challenges.php

Jenny-Lee Thomassin (2021), Anil Kumar (2022), and Kerry Lavender (2022) receive NSERC Discovery Grants

Congratuations to Jenny-Lee, Anil, and Jenny for receiving NSERC Discovery Grants!

Usask medical researchers Dr. Joyce Wilson, Dr. Kerry Lavender, Dr. Franco Vizeacoumar, Dr. Darryl Falzarano and Dr. Corey Neudorf awarded $900K to help Fight COVID-19

The Canadian Institues of Health Research (CIHR) has awarded three University of Saskatchewan (USask) research teams a total of $900,000 to help strengthen Canada's rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic which had killed more than 450,000 people wordlwide. 

Kerry Lavender recieves the 2019 SHRF Excellence Award

Congratulations to Kerry Lavender for recieving the 2019 Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation's 2019 Research Excellence Award!



Josie Conacher - 2nd Place Biomed Student Poster Competition

Contratulations to Josie Conacher from Kerry Lavender's research group for recieving 2nd place in the 2019 Biomedical Research Poster Competition for her poster "The Differential Effects of IFNA2 and IFNA14 Treatment on Natural Killer Cell-Mediated Cytolysis"