Lab Members

Present and Past

We are very proud of our lab team members, and all former members have all gone on to do wonderful things (including all PhDs and PDFs offered faculty positions across North America)!  Prospective students should feel free to contact any of our current or past lab team members for their perspective if they wish:

  • Scott Caron (BA Honours Student 2023-24, awarded UofS Indigenous Student Achievement Award in Research, co-supervised with Shaylyn Kress)
  • Alice Li (NSERC USRA summer student 2021; BSc Honours student 2021-22; RA 2020-21, co-supervised with Dr. Layla Gould in Neurosurgery, went on to Med school at Queen's)
  • Chantal Chabot (B.Comm, BA Honours student 2020-21, went on to Med school at UofS)
  • Kate Gibb (M.Ed., Psychologist with Saskatchewan Health Authority; RA, 2020; went on to be a PhD student at Université libre de Bruxelles)
  • Braedyn Borowsky (BA student majoring in Psychology, minoring in Studio Art and CompSci, RA, 2019-22, 24)
  • Phaedra Berger (BSc Honours PSY and BA&Sc Interactive Systems Design student 2019-20, honours thesis co-supervised with Dr. Regan Mandryk in Computer Science)
  • Shaylyn Kress (RA, 2017; NSERC USRA summer student, 2018, 2019; BSc Honours student 2018-19; NSERC CGS Scholar Masters student 2019-21; NSERC CGS Scholar PhD student 2021-24)
  • Alexandra Neufeldt (RA, 2017; UofS Arts&Science USRA summer student, 2018)
  • Dr. Josh Neudorf (BSc Honours student 2016-17, NSERC summer student 2017; NSERC CGS Scholar Masters student 2017-19; NSERC CGS Scholar PhD student 2019-22; awarded Governor General's Gold Medal; awarded a NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship at SFU for 2022-24)
  • Sarah Wingerak (BSc Honours student 2015-16, NSERC summer student 2016; went on to Law school at UofS, now a Lawyer in Saskatoon)
  • Leanne Jaeb (RA, 2014; went on to Masters Speech Language Pathology at UofA)
  • Kiera Hughes (summer RA, 2014; went on to Masters Speech Language Pathology at UofToronto)
  • Tessa McKibben (NSERC summer student 2014 & 2015; BSc Honours student 2014-15; went on to  Masters Speech Language Pathology at UofA)
  • Dr. Chelsea Ekstrand (NSERC summer student 2013, 2014; BSc Honours student 2013-14; NSERC CGS Scholar Masters student 2014-16; NSERC CGS Scholar PhD student 2016-2019; awarded BrainsCAN PDF at Western U. for 2019-21, also awarded NSERC PDF, now an Asst. Professor in Neuroscience at the Canadian Center for Behavioural Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge)
  • Amanda Friesen (BA Honours student, 2012-13)
  • Carrie Courchene (BA Honours student, 2012-13, went on to Masters at UVic)
  • Eric Lorentz (Research Assistant, 2012-13, BSc Honours student, 2013-14; UofS Arts&Science USRA summer student, 2014; SK Innovation Scholar Masters student 2014-16), went on to be a research analyst at SGI
  • Dr. Marla Mickleborough (Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2012-15; SHRF Scholar, 2013-15, now an Associate Professor and Co-Director of Health Studies, Dept of Psychology, UofS)
  • Dr. Layla Gould (Summer Research Assistant 2011; NSERC CGS Scholar Masters student 2011-13;NSERC CGS Scholar PhD student 2013-16; SHRF Post-Doctoral Fellow 2016-2018; now a Cognitive Neuroscientist and Asst. Professor in Neurosurgery at Royal University Hospital, UofS)
  • Kathryn Anton (NSERC summer student 2012, 2013; BSc Honours student 2012-13, went on to Masters in Speech Language Pathology at UofA)
  • Dr. Carrie Esopenko (PhD 2011, NSERC CGS PhD Scholar, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Rotman Institute/Baycrest Centre, Univ.of Toronto, now an Assoc. Professor, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai)
  • Dr. Jacqueline Cummine (PhD 2009, NSERC Scholar, now an Assoc. Professor and Canada Research Chair, Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, U. of Alberta)
  • Dr. Naila Kuhlmann (NSERC summer student 2009, 2010; went on to graduate studies in Neuroscience at UBC, then a PDF at McGill)
  • Dr. Jeff Bird (MD, Dean of Medicine Summer Research student 2006, Research Asst 2007)
  • Dr. Amy Harrison (NSERC summer student 2005, 2006, B.A. Honours student, now a Neuroimaging Scientist, Dept of Nuclear Medicine, Hamilton Health Services)
  • Dr. Francis Shih (MD, Dean of Medicine Summer Research student 2004 & 2005)
  • Dr. Greg Kraushaar (MD, went on to be a Radiologist at Regina General Hospital)
  • Dr. Jon Farthing (fMRI PhD research, PhD in Kinesiology, now a Professor in Kinesiology, UofS)
  • Sofia Vorontsova (NSERC summer student 2004 & 2005)
  • Kim Cote (B.A. Honours, 2004, currently a Speech and Language Pathologist at Royal University Hospital)
  • Dr. Janeen Loehr (NSERC USRA 2003, RA 2004); now an Assoc. Prof. in Psychology at UofS)
  • Tammy Wile (M.A., 2003, went on to be a Neuropsychometrist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital/ Dalhousie U., now working for Corrections Canada)
  • Jennifer Martin (Phillips) (NSERC summer student 2002 and 2003, B.A. Linguistics, currently a Speech and Language Pathologist at Royal University Hospital)
  • Dr. Jon Fugelsang (fMRI research 2002; now a Professor in Psychology at University of Waterloo)
  • Dr. Chris Kelland (NSERC post-doctoral fellow, 2002-03; went on to a faculty position at NDSU)
  • Dr. Bill Owen (M.A., 1999; Ph.D. 2002 (NSERC Scholar); Professor and Vice Provost at UNBC)
  • Lynn Blake (B.A. Honours, 2000 /NSERC summer student; Speech and Language Pathologist in Calgary)
  • Lee Hnatiuk (B.A. Honours, 1998, now a Lawyer)
  • Nikki Dooley (Fonos) (B.A. Honours, 1997; now a Speech and Language Pathologist with the PA Health Region)
  • Dr. Patti McDougall (post-doctoral fellow and SSHRC collaborator, 1996-99; now Deputy-Provost, UofS)