Haskap (Lonicera caerulea)
Most recent articles
- New Variety release for 2025. Boreal Bliss is our first variety that has wild Canadian haskap in its lineage. It has unique nice flavour and might be more southernly adapted.
- Scouting Haskap fields to investigate nutritional needs of haskap plants a survey of soils at haskap growers fields in Saskatchewan.
- Examples of leaf deficiencies and conditions associated with high pH. Scans of leaves that have nutritional and other problems. Plants were grown on high pH soils.
- A hydroponic pH experiment on Haskap
- 'Aurora' Haskap an update of an article from 2013.
Introduction/basic information
- Growing haskap for beginners An article written by USASK Gardenline staff for gardeners
- Growing Haskap in Canada An article more geared towards growers but with more history and information about different types of haskap.
- Haskap Rumours An article to address some rumors and misconceptions about haskap that somehow get perpetuated but are just not true.
Haskap Breeding at the University of Saskatchewan
- Breeding the Boreal series of Haskap A poster presented in 2017 to the Canadian Society of Horticulture Science
- Haskap Breeding at the University of Saskatchewan From a poster done around 2011, this describes the basic collection at the time and early breeding goals. It is usefull for understanding the basic groups of haskap that were used in breeding.
- Haskap Breeding at the University of Saskatchewan (2010) poster
- Haskap Compatibility, Flowering and Ripening charts for U of SK Varieties Knowing when varieties bloom and ripen are very important when choosing cultivars to grow. Also, not all varieties are genetically compatible for pollination.
- 'Boreal Bliss' description
- 'Boreal Beast' description
- 'Boreal Beauty' description
- 'Boreal Blizzard' description
- 'Honey Bee' a new pollinator variety
- Indigo Haskap (2010)
- New Haskap Varieties from the University of Saskatchewan (2007) This article provides information on the original U of S Haskap releases.
Cultivation Information
Processing Information
- Haskap makes a great food dye! A series of articles.
- Part 1: Juice Preparation and General Characteristics.
- Part 2: Mixing Haskap with Other Juices.
- Part 3: Mixing Haskap with Milk and Milk-like Drinks.
- Part 4: Haskap Cupcakes with Icing.
- Dried Haskap
- Haskap Wines at the U of S Fruit Program
Nutraceutical Information
- Fruit size and shape affects nutraceutical values by Bob Bors
- Haskap Antioxidants. A 2012 poster presented to the Canadain Soceity of Horticulture Science. Several antioxidant tests were done on early USASK varieties and compared with other fruits.
- Haskap Nutrition Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3. A three-part video of James Dawson (Ph.D. student with the U of S fruit program) explaining the nutritional benefits of Haskap fruit. This was recorded at the 2014 Haskap Canada Annual General Meeting.
Research Reports
Student thesis
- Concentration and Content of Secondary Metabolites in Fruit and Leaves of Haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) (2017) James Dawson's thesis
- Papers arising from Eric Gerbrandt's thesis
- Click here to watch video presentations from a 2015 Haskap workshop in Salmon Arm, BC. This was the forerunner to the Haskap School offered annually at the U of SK and occasionally other places
- Wild Honeysuckle Pictures This page shows various wild honeysuckles found in Newfoundland and Labrador. On that page see the section for Lonicera villosa for photos of wild Canadain Haskap.. Lonicera caerulea ssp. villosa is the more correct botanical name.
- Haskap on the Nature of things. Click here to watch the Fruit Hunters episode where Haskap makes a cameo.