2025 Plant Sale

June 6-7 will be pick up days!  Stay tuned for more info!

Haskap Days 2025

Haskap School and/or Tour, July 17 and 18th, 2025

We are opening the registration for HASKAP DAYS 2025. To register, please email your details with the number of people that will attend. Let us know which specific events you are planning to attend and if you plan to attend either or both events.  Send an email with the subject line Haskap Days 2025 to: 


This allows us to plan to have enough seats for everyone. Thank you! 

Haskap School 2025

Date and time: Thursday, July 17th; 9am to 3pm 

Location: UofS campus. Room to be announced once we see how many people sign up.  

Description:  Lectures and discussion on haskap biology, growing, processing and marketing in a classroom setting. Also, we will discuss haskap breeding and the latest research at the U of S Fruit Program. Most talks are by Bob Bors, as well as the new head of the fruit breeding program Anze Svara and other professors and growers. BYO lunch or eat elsewhere on campus. 

Cost: $50, payable by cheque or cash (we have a bank machine in the building).

Haskap Research Tour 2025

Date and time: Friday, July 18th; 9am to 2pm 

Location: Horticulture Research Field: 2909 14th Street, Saskatoon. 

Description: We will visit several research fields to see various experiments, new and old varieties, wild haskap, seedlings and advanced selections from breeding.  We have one of the world's most diverse collections of haskap that are being used in breeding. Attendees get to roam fields, tasting berries and tagging their favourites. We will also be on the look out for pests, diseases and herbicide damage. There will be a harvesting machine and other equipment demonstrations. Noon to 1pm (or so):  Lunch and visit. We plan for a light pizza lunch because attendees have already been eating lots of haskap in the field! 

1pm to 2pm (or so):  Open discussion.  Sometimes tradeshow vendors or grower group representatives will want to give short talks.  

Please feel free to ask questions. The tour and the open discussion are great opportunities to ask and answer questions.  Often new growers don't know the right questions to ask, so hearing what others are curious about works out well. 

Cost: $40, Payable by cheque or cash (No bank machine) Cost includes a light Pizza lunch and bottles of water. 

 Many of our events are held at the Horticulture Research Fields: