Clark, D. A., Kennah, J., Cadger-MacLean, C., & Atkinson, S. (2024). Polar bear dens on the Seal and Caribou Rivers, Manitoba. Arctic Science (accepted manuscript). PDF


Emogor, C. A., Zabala, A., Adaje, P., Nielsen, K., Clark, D. A., & Carmenta, R. (2023). Stakeholder preferences for pangolin conservation interventions in southeast Nigeria. People and Nature, 5(3), 871-1046. PDF

Doney, E. D., Khan, Z., Frank, B., Windle, T., Ford, A. T., Olive, C., Williams, B., Hetu, D., Peters, D., Dennis R. Jr., Scherger, J. K., Zharikov, Y., Hansen, B., Coulson, S., Forbes, S., & Clark, D. A. (2023). Wild About Wolves: using collaboration and innovation to bridge parks, people, and predators. Conservation Science and Practice, 5(7), e12949. PDF

Clark, D. A., Brehony, P., Dickman, A., Foote, L., Hart, A. G., Jonga, C., Mbiza, M. M., Roe, D., & Sandbrook, C. (2023). Hunting trophy import bans proposed by the UK may be ineffective and inequitable as conservation policies in multiple social‐ecological contexts. Conservation Letters, 16(2), e12935. PDF


Kolla, R., Lokugalappatti, S., Clark, D. A., & Brook, R. K. (2022). Enhancing inter-organizational collaboration for wildlife disease surveillance in Sri Lanka. Zoonoses and Public Health, 69(7), 792-805. Link

Clark, D. A., Antwi-Boasiako, G., Brook, R. K., Epp, T., Jenkins, E., Lambert, S., & Soos, C. (2022). Understanding and strengthening wildlife and zoonotic disease policy processes: a research imperative. Zoonoses and Public Health, 69(6), 768-776. Link

Schmidt, A., Loring, P., & Clark, D A. (2022). Local experts’ observations, interpretations, and responses to human-polar bear interactions in Churchill, Manitoba. Arctic, 75(2), 257-271. PDF

Clark, D. A., Barnas, A., Brook, R. K., Ellis-Felege, S. N., Fishback, L., Higdon, J. W., Manning, K., Rivet, D., Roth, J. D., Trim, V., Webb, M., & Rockwell, R. (2022). The state of knowledge about grizzly bears (Kakenokuskwe osow Muskwa (Cree), Ursus arctos) in Northern Manitoba. Arctic, 75(1), 105-120. PDF

Clark, D. A., Brook, R. K., & Doney, E. D. (2022). Recommendations for improving peer review of qualitative research in conservation journals. Conservation Biology, 36(1), e13823. Link


Clark, D. A
., Brook, R. K., Doney, E. D., Frank, B., Jung, T. S., Lee, D. S., Lambert, S., & Parlee, B. (2021). Collaborative and consensus-based approaches for human-wildlife coexistence: response to Treves and Santiago-Ávila 2020. Conservation Biology, 35(4), 1334-1336. Link

Clark, D. A.
, Artelle, K., Darimont, C., Housty, W., Tallio, C., Neasloss, D., Schmidt, A., Wiget, A., & Turner, N. (2021).
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Sandbrook, C., Clark D. A. (joint first authors), Toivonen, T., Simlai, T., O’Donnell, S., Cobbe, J., & Adams, W. A. (2021). Principles for the socially responsible use of conservation monitoring technology and data. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(5), e374. PDF


MacLean, J., Clark, S. G, Foote, L., Jung, T. S., Lee, D. S., & Clark, D. A.
 (2020). Polar bears and the politics of climate change: a response to Simpson. Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy. 23(2), 141-150. Link

Caravaggi, A., Burton, A. C., Clark, D. A., Fisher, J. T., Grass, A., Green, S., Hobaiter, C., Hofmeester, T. R., Kalan, A. K., Rabaiotti, D. & Rivet, D. (2020). A review of factors to consider when using camera traps to study animal behavior to inform wildlife ecology and conservation. Conservation Science and Practice, 2(8), e239. PDF


Sisneros-Kidd, A. M., Monz, C., Hausner, V., Schmidt, J. & Clark, D. A.
 (2019). Nature-based tourism, resource dependence, and resilience of Arctic communities: framing complex issues in a changing environment. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(8), 1259-1276. Link

Lokken, N. A. A., Clark, D. A., Broderstad, E-G., & Hausner, V. (2019). Inuit attitudes towards co-managing wildlife in three communities in the Kivalliq Region of Nunavut, Canada. Arctic 72(1), 58-70. PDF


Clark, D. A., Brook, R., Oliphant-Reskanski, C., Laforge, M. P., Olson, K., & Rivet, D. (2018). Novel range overlap of three ursids in the Canadian subarctic. Arctic Science, 5(1), 62-70. PDF

Teel, T. L., Anderson, C. B., Burgman, M. A., Cinner, J., Clark, D. A., Estévez, R. A., ... & St John, F. A. (2018). Publishing social science research in Conservation Biology to move beyond biology. Conservation Biology, 32(1), 6-8. PDF


Bennett, N. J., Roth, R., Klain, S. C., Chan, K., Christie, P., Clark, D. A., ... & Greenberg, A. (2017). Conservation social science: Understanding and integrating human dimensions to improve conservation. Biological Conservation, 205, 93-108. PDF

Egunyu, F., Bradford, L., & Clark, D. A. (2017). Polar bear science: characterizing relationship patterns and identifying opportunities. Polar Geography 41(1), 39-54. Link

Clark, D. A.
 & Joe-Strack, J. (2017). Keeping the “co” in northern resource co-management. Northern Public Affairs, April 2017: 71-74. PDF

Fauchald, P., Schmidt, J., Clark, D. A., & Hausner, V. (2017). Transitions of social-ecological subsistence systems in the Arctic. International Journal of the Commons, 11(1). PDF

Laforge, M., Clark, D. A., Schmidt, A., Lankshear, J., Kowlachuk, S., & Brook, R. (2017). Temporal aspects of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) occurrences at field camps in Wapusk National Park, Canada. Polar Biology 40, 1661-1670. Link


Bennett, N. J., Roth, R., Klain, S. C., Chan, K. M., Clark, D. A., Cullman, G., ... & Thomas, R. E. (2016). Mainstreaming the social sciences in conservation. Conservation Biology, 31(1), 56-66. PDF

Clark, D. A.,
Workman, L., & Jung, T. S. (2016). Impacts of reintroduced bison on first nations people in Yukon, Canada: finding common ground through participatory research and social learning. Conservation and Society, 14(1), 1-12. PDF


Beach, D. M., & Clark, D. A. (2015). Scenario planning during rapid ecological change: lessons and perspectives from workshops with southwest Yukon wildlife managers. Ecology and Society, 20(1). PDF

Gober, P. A., Strickert, G. E., Clark, D. A., Chun, K. P., Payton, D., & Bruce, K. (2015). Divergent perspectives on water security: bridging the policy debate. The Professional Geographer, 67(1), 62-71. Link

Weber, D. S., Mandler, T., Dyck, M., De Groot, P. J. V. C., Lee, D. S., & Clark, D. A. (2015). Unexpected and undesired conservation outcomes of wildlife trade bans—An emerging problem for stakeholders?. Global Ecology and Conservation, 3, 389-400. PDF


Staples, K., Chavez-Ortiz, M., Barrett, M. J., & Clark, D. A. (2014). Fixing land-use planning in the Yukon before it really breaks: A Case Study of the Peel Watershed. The Northern Review 37(3), 143-165 PDF

Tyrrell, M., & Clark, D. A. (2014). What happened to climate change? CITES and the reconfiguration of polar bear conservation discourse. Global environmental change, 24, 363-372. Link


Clark, D. A.
, Van Beest, F., & Brook, R. (2012). Polar bear-human conflicts: state of knowledge and research needs. Canadian Wildlife Biology and Management 1(1), 21-29. PDF

Markel, C. & Clark, D. A. (2012). Developing policy alternatives for the management of wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) in Kluane National Park and Reserve of Canada. The Northern Review 36 (fall 2012), 53-76. PDF


Clark, D. A. 
& Slocombe, D. S. (2011). Adaptive co-management and grizzly bear-human conflicts in two northern Canadian Aboriginal communities. Human Ecology 39, 627-640. Link

Clark, D. A.,
& Slocombe, D. S. (2011). Grizzly Bear conservation in the Foothills Model Forest: appraisal of a collaborative ecosystem management effort. Policy Sciences, 44(1), 1-11. Link

Clark, S. G., Rutherford, M. B., Auer, M. R., Cherney, D. N., Wallace, R. L., Mattson, D. J., Clark, D. A., Foote, L., Krogman, N., Wilshusen, P., & Steelman, T. (2011). College and university environmental programs as a policy problem (part 1): integrating knowledge, education, and action for a better world?. Environmental Management, 47(5), 701-715. Link

Clark, S. G., Rutherford, M. B., Auer, M. R., Cherney, D. N., Wallace, R. L., Mattson, D. J., Clark, D. A., Foote, L., Krogman, N., Wilshusen, P., & Steelman, T. (2011). College and university environmental programs as a policy problem (part 2): strategies for improvement. Environmental Management, 47(5), 716-726. Link


Clark, D. A.,
& Slocombe, D. S. (2009). Respect for grizzly bears: an Aboriginal approach for co-existence and resilience. Ecology and Society, 14(1). PDF


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Hanna, K., Clark, D. A., & Slocombe, S. Eds. (2007). Transforming Parks and Protected Areas: Policy and Management in a Changing World. Routledge, UK. Link


Berkes, F., Bankes, N., Marschke, M., Armitage, D., & Clark, D. A. (2005). Cross-Scale Institutions & Building Resilience in the Canadian North. In Berkes, F., Huebert, R., Fast, H., Manseau, M., & Diduck, A. (Eds.) Breaking ice: Renewable resource and ocean management in the Canadian North. University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 225-248. Link

Diduck, A., Bankes, N., Clark, D. A., & Armitage, D. R. (2005). Unpacking Social Learning in Social-Ecological Systems. In Berkes, F., Huebert, R., Fast, H., Manseau, M., & Diduck, A. (Eds.) Breaking ice: Renewable resource and ocean management in the Canadian North. University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 269-290. Link


Clark, D. A.
(2003). Polar bear-human interactions in Canadian national parks, 1986-2000. Ursus, 65-71. Link


Lunn, N. J., Atkinson, S., Branigan, M., Calvert, W., Clark, D. A., Doidge, B., ... & Stirling, I. (2002). Polar bear management in Canada 1997–2000. In Polar bears. Proceedings of the 13th Working Meeting of the IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (No. 26, pp. 41-52). PDF


Babaluk, J. A., Wissink, H. R., Troke, B. G., Clark, D. A., & Johnson, J. D. (2001). Summer movements of radio-tagged arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) in Lake Hazen, Nunavut, Canada. Arctic, 418-424. PDF


Clark, D. A.,
Stirling, I., & Calvert, W. (1997). Distribution, characteristics, and use of earth dens and related excavations by polar bears on the western Hudson Bay lowlands. Arctic, 158-166. PDF