
The inclusion of seven new historic Métis communities in Ontario by the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) in 2017 has sparked significant political debate and division within the Métis Nation.
The project explores the foundational aspects of Métis nationhood, focusing on legitimacy, governance, and identity. Rather than solely concentrating on the specifics of the seven communities, this project also aims to delineate the broader contours of the Métis Nation, identifying the essential elements necessary for its vitality and accurate representation.

Much of the findings detailed below, produced in conjunction with discussions we had with several Métis and non-Métis scholars. All scholars have approved the use of the interpretations of their interviews and direct quotations in the form they appear in this report. 

Finding #1 : Concerns Over Research Integrity in Justifying Community Inclusion

The review raised concerns about the scope, quality, and representation of research, particularly in how it has been deployed by the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) in public-facing documents.
The findings suggest that the scholarly work and public documents used to justify the inclusion of the seven communities may not be as robust or reliable as presented by the MNO. This raises broader concerns about the accuracy and integrity of the research informing such significant discussions. The panel should consider these findings as a cautionary tale, advocating for more rigorous and transparent research practices when making decisions that affect the Métis Nation's identity and governance.

Finding #2 : Limited Awareness of the Seven Communities Among Métis Scholars

Given that these scholars who participated, are not only Métis but have dedicated their lives to understanding the nuances of Métis identity, governance, culture, and history, their level of caution or awareness regarding these communities serves as a contextual benchmark to measure how these communities may or may not be present in the collective memory and understanding of the nation. The interviews revealed limited awareness of the seven communities among scholars, with most having little to no knowledge of their existence. While some recognized potential historical significance, the overall lack of familiarity raises concerns about the communities' place in Métis identity and calls for further investigation. 

Finding #3 : Mismatch in the Deployment of Legitimacy

The analysis revealed a significant mismatch in how legitimacy is being deployed both within the Métis Nation and in the discussions surrounding the seven communities. Our assessment of the interviews is that scholars pointed out that there are limits to relying on settler legal legitimacy (such as Powley or federal/provincial law-making power) as this neglects and diminishes sources of authority that have emerged from the Métis nation.

The findings suggest that the panel should critically evaluate the legitimacy claims of the seven communities, considering the reliance on settler legal frameworks.Furthermore, the panel should take into account how these frameworks also affect First Nations' governance structures and legitimacy, as a failure to address the distinct governance traditions of both Métis and First Nations could contribute to broader systemic inequities. MNO’s over-reliance on these frameworks undermines the distinctiveness of Métis identity and governance, and this could lead to decisions that weaken efforts to sustain Métis-specific systems of legitimacy.

Finding #4 : Governance Gaps Enable Unilateral Actions

Métis Nation Ontario's unilateral inclusion of the seven communities is made possible by gaps in the governance structures of the Métis Nation. The project also examined the potential impacts that the manner in which the communities were included, might represent for the future ability to maintain a cohesive nation-wide governance structure that supports collective action and not fragmentation.
Governance structure of the Métis Nation blends traditional principles of confederations with modern political frameworks which may create significant weaknesses. Specifically, the lack of centralized enforcement mechanisms (common in federalist states) has allowed provincial Métis governments like the MNO to act independently, without broader consultation or agreement with a national collective vision. Even if the seven communities are ultimately found to align with the National Definition of Métis, the process by which they were included should raise concerns over lasting effects.

Finding # 5: Certain Identity Claims Risk Fragmenting Métis Nationhood

The project found that the conception of identity, which focuses on individual lineage and connections to individuals in the past, is weakly aligned with the National Definition. There is a strong focus on individual genealogy tied to ancestors, but not enough emphasis on the enduring interdependent relationships between communities and individuals.

Métis Nation Onatrio’s (MNO) approach tends to create a racialized view of identity through a dependency on the use of “root ancestors” and “verified Métis family lines”, which is a fundamental departure from how Métis Nation in the West understands identity to be tied to a person’s relations to a community with shared histories, political struggles, and cultural practices.

Findings suggest that the panel should consider whether the way identity claims are made to justify the inclusion of the seven communities align with the broader, collective identity of the Métis Nation. Specifically, the panel should consider how the MNO's emphasis on individual lineage over community-based identity risks fragmenting our conception of Métis, that has long been rooted in shared relationships, culture, and history rather than just ancestry.

Full Report

Here you can access the full report and executive summary, which provide a comprehensive analysis of the inclusion of the seven communities into the Métis Nation of Ontario. These documents explore key issues surrounding legitimacy, governance, and identity, offering insights and recommendations based on thorough research and interviews with experts.