First Nations and Métis health research funding

The SK-NEIHR: nātawihowin and mamawiikikayaahk Research, Training and Mentorship Networks, have community support funds and knowledge translation funds available on a continuous basis for Saskatchewan researchers and community partners focused on First Nations and Métis health research: Regina, Prince Albert, Pinehouse, Pelican Narrows, and more.

Community Partnership Support Funds: up to $10,000 of seed funding to support researchers and community stakeholders to develop funding applications to the Tri-Councils and other major research funders, on Indigenous health research. These are planning and development funds, intended to support research proposal development, not funding to undertake research projects.

Knowledge Translation Support Funds: up to $10,000 for researchers and community partners to create knowledge translation products and materials to share findings from Indigenous health research projects in Saskatchewan.

These support funds are now available on a continual basis. Applications are peer reviewed. To apply, please send an application to

Funding Webinar

Building Research Together: SK-NEIHR support and funding webinar

Recorded June 8, 2023.  

Hear from Dr. Robert (Bobby) Henry (nominated principal investigator of the SK-NEIHR), Dr. Stacey Lovo, PhD (principal investigator, SK-NEIHR, and Chair of the Communications and Knowledge Translation Committee), Fleur Macqueen Smith (Manager, SK-NEIHR) and other SK-NEIHR staff about the support and funding we offer.  

0:00 to 5:54: Dr. Henry introduces the NEIHR initiative and SK-NEIHR 

5:54 to 9:00:  Fleur Macqueen Smith introduces the SK-NEIHR staff and activities 

9:00 to 14:05: Fleur describes the Community Partnership and Knowledge Translation Research Support Funding  

14:05 to 22:00: Dr. Stacey Lovo on her Community Partnership project, and examples of knowledge translation projects 

22:00 to 23:30: Information on Research Engagement Day, September 28 (see Events tab to register) 

23:30 to 41:00: Q & A