Current members

The group in April 2024 waiting to dig into some sushi! From L to R: Junyi (Zoe) Wang, Wenlong Li, Darshi Bandara, Jaydeep Kumar, Ozra Mohammadi (with her husband), Amy Stevens, and Sandra LeBlanc.

Amy Stevens


Assistant Professor in Chemistry

More information about me.

More information about my research interests.


Priyadarshani Bandara


PhD student

September 2020 - present

Her research is based on ultrafast spectroscopy studies of singlet-fission processes in substituted azulene anlogues.

Jaydeep Kumar

PhD student

September 2023 - present

His research is based on creating nanodevices and new materials based on DNA-origami structures.

Wenlong Li

MSc student

January 2024 - present

His research is based on ultrafast spectroscopy studies of the photophysics of perylene-like molecules.

Ozra Mohammadi


PhD student

September 2020 - present

Her research focuses on designing and utilizing DNA origami scaffolds to create favourable molecular interactions.

Daniel Rangel Rodriguez


Undergraduate student research assistant

May 2024 - August 2024

Funded through the 2024 Globalink Research Internship Program (MITACS).

Research: DNA origami for sensing applications.

Group photos/videos

Socially-distanced selfie-taking in the group office! From L to R: Darshi, Stephen, Amy, Ozra.

Another selfie, including the 2021 summer students, outside the Chemistry Department. From L to R: Wilson, Stephen, John, Darshi, Amy, Tanish, Ozra.

Celebrating the reopening of Tim Hortons on campus! From L to R: Ozra, Amy, Stephen, Darshi.

A virtual tour around the USask Department of Chemistry and the Stevens lab!

The first newly-minted Master of Science of the group!! From L to R: Ron Steer, Stephen, and Amy.


Celebrating Stephen's successful MSc thesis defense with the best cake (and hats) I've ever seen! From L to R: Ozra, Darshi, Stephen.

The (unmasked) group in May 2022! From L to R: Amy, Sandra, Darshi, Ozra, Stephen, and half of Tanish.

The trip to Calgary for CCCE2022.


Ozra, Darshi, and I driving across Saskatchewan and Alberta.



We arrived in Calgary!



Darshi, me, and Ozra hanging out at a mall after lunch!



More lunch; this time at an Iranian restaurant!

Our first (but definitely not last) group lunch at Filosophi. To name group members only, to the left of the table are Tanish, Stephen, Johan, and Ozra; and to the right are Sandra, Amy, and Darshi. Everyone else you know who you are!!

The group in September 2022, enjoying the beautiful Autumn weather. From L to R: Tanish Patel, Ozra Mohammadi, Amy Stevens, Darshi Bandara, Sandra LeBlanc, and Johan Brausin.


Darshi and Amy are all smiles at the CFUW award evening!

The group in April 2023 hanging out at the Thorvaldson Building sign. From L to R: Darshi Bandara, Tanish Patel, Wenlong Li, Amy Stevens, Junyi (Zoe) Wang, and Ozra Mohammadi.

The group in May 2023 celebrating Tanish's acceptance into Medical School! From L to R: Ozra Mohammadi, Amy Stevens, Tanish Patel, Hibah Zia, Sandra LeBlanc, and Darshi Bandara.

A trip to Vancouver for the CSC 2023 conference AND a (short) trip to the Canadian Light Source.

I'm looking very serious (and a bit yellow) while giving my talk.


Here Tanish, I, Ozra, and Darshi all crowd around Tanish's poster.


Darshi, Tanish, and I went out for a sushi/bento box lunch with Tanish's friend. It was really excellent!


At the end of the month, we visited the CLS to try out some SAXS measurements.



From L to R: Darshi, me, Hibah, Ozra, Angie, Sandra, Wenlong, and Jaydeep.

The group in December 2023 enjoying our beautiful fluorescent dye Christmas tree. From L to R: Darshi Bandara, Jaydeep Kumar, Amy Stevens, Wenlong Li, Junyi (Zoe) Wang, and Ozra Mohammadi.

The group in April 2024 eating out together. From L to R: Junyi (Zoe) Wang, Wenlong Li, Darshi Bandara, Jaydeep Kumar, Ozra Mohammadi (with her husband), Amy Stevens, and Sandra LeBlanc.

Ozra Mohammadi, Amy Stevens, and Jaydeep Kumar at the SAXS beamline at the CLS in May 2024.

Darshi Bandara, Amy Stevens, Ozra Mohammadi, Jaydeep Kumar, and Wenlong Li at the CSC conference in Winnipeg.