Goodbye Angie and hello Jaydeep
September was a month of comings and goings to and from the group!
Angie (our MITACS research intern) spent most of the summer with us in Sasktoon. She has started us down the road of 3D DNA origami structures, which is very exciting and makes her departure bittersweet! We just need to make sure the structure really is 3D now.
Just as Angie leaves, Jaydeep (our new PhD candidate) arrives! To celebrate all the comings and goings, we ate cake (an ice cream cake, even!) in the student office. I decided to dish out the cake and got cream and chocolate all over myself and most of the students! Next time I will remember to delegate.
As the saying goes: Never put off 'til tomorrow what you can delegate to someone else today.
From L to R: Darshi, me, Hibah, Ozra, Angie, Sandra, Wenlong, and Jaydeep (possibly being slightly strangled).