Darshi has won a Doctoral Promotion Award!

Many many many congratulations!

The faculty in Chemistry at USask has awarded Darshi the Gerhard Herzberg Doctoral Promotion Award for 2022! Dr. Herzberg, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (1971), was a faculty member in the Department of Physics, 1935-1945. This award arises from the Herzberg Fund, established with funds donated by Dr. Herzberg, the Herzberg family, Dr. G. Russel Walker, and by friends and colleagues of Dr. Herzberg. The award is made to a student in the M.Sc. program who chooses to promote to the Ph.D. program rather than complete his or her M.Sc. 

This award recognizes Darshi's academic achievements and her research progress! Graduates are the lifeblood of our department and I'm so proud of the graduates in my group! CONGRATULATIONS!!!


A commemorative stamp issued by Canada Post that recognised Herzberg's nobel prize.