The objective of this Chair is to address the problems regarding the use of regulations as international trade barriers that have the very real probability of negatively impacting food security by restricting developing country farmers from accessing the full variety of tools possible. The research undertaken in the Chair will provide the industry with research from a neutral perspective, but one that will hold industry interests as a priority.

Funding provided by industry sponsors offers Dr. Smyth, the Chair of Agri-Food Innovation, to lead research and improve the understanding of new crop genetics by focusing on the core issues of governance, regulation and trade in order to add value to the genomic sciences. 


Our mission

Alberta Wheat Commission's (AWC) mission is to increase the long-term profitability of wheat and Alberta wheat producers through innovative research,  market development, policy development, communications and extension.

How we’re forging ahead

The Alberta Wheat Commission will be a leader in the Canadian wheat industry. We will be the catalyst for wheat research and innovation and create an environment for an investment in wheat. We will collaborate with industry to strengthen market opportunities. We will be the go-to organization for government to garner policy advice. We will lead the Alberta wheat industry forward.

Programs that work for farmers

We have a vibrant markets program dedicated to developing markets internationally and at home. Our research program is well established and is focused on investing in research that makes sense for farmers. Research also has an education component – AWC makes it a priority to invest in our future generation of farm leaders. Our policy and government relations program is posed to bring the farmer voice to the table with policy issues both provincially and nationally. And we leverage our government relations to ensure that agriculture policy always has farmers’ best interest in mind. Our communications, grower relations and extension program is integral in building our brand awareness and extending knowledge from city to farm. And our finance and human resources department is key in ensuring AWC is transparent and accountable to Alberta’s wheat farmers.


For more information

Twitter: @albertawheat

Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, agriculture and high-tech materials. Bayer CropScience, the subgroup of Bayer AG responsible for the agricultural business, has annual sales of EUR 8,819 million (2013) and us is one of the world's leading innovative crop science companies in the areas of seeds, crop protection and non-agricultural pest control. The company offers an outstanding range of products including high-value seeds, innovative crop protection solutions based on chemical and biological modes of action as well as an extensive service backup for modern, sustainable agriculture. In the area of non-agricultural applications, Bayer CropScience has a broad portfolio of products and services to control pests from home and garden to forestry applications. The company has a global workforce of 22,400 and is represented in more than 120 countries.

For further information on Bayer CropScience Inc., Canada visit:


The Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA) was formed in 1984 by canola producers from Western Canada to form a national canola producer association offering producers access to cash advances from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Since than CCGA has become a trusted and relied on service across the nation for producers of canola, one of Canada's primary cash crops.

For more information check out


CropLife Canada is the trade association representing the manufacturers, developers and distributors of plant science technologies, including pest control products and plant biotechnology, for use in agriculture, urban and public health settings.

At Croplife Canada they strive to ensure that the benefits of plant science innovations can be enjoyed by both farmers and consumers. CropLife Canada promotes sustainable agricultural practices and we are committed to protecting human health and the environment.

They have four priority areas of focus:

  • Increasing awareness, understanding and acceptance of the benefits, safety and sustainability of plant science innovations.
  • Securing legislation, regulation and policy that encourage science and industry innovation.
  • Being world-leaders in lifecycle stewardship of pest control products and plant biotechnology traits.
  • Forging and leading alliance(s) with stakeholder groups to help achieve the industry’s vision and sound public policy.

For more information:
General inquiries: (613) 230-9881 

About GIFS:

The Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) works with diverse partners to discover, develop and deliver innovative agriculture solutions that are economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. A catalyst for innovation, GIFS offers a solution-oriented approach to research and development. The institute was established in 2012 as a public-private partnership by three founding partners—Nutrien, the Government of Saskatchewan and the University of Saskatchewan. 

For more information:
(306) 966-3701

Contact for further information:

Chris Barker
Director of Business Development


The Saskatchewan Barley Development Commission (SaskBarley) was established in 2013 and is led by a producer-elected Board of Directors from across Saskatchewan. SaskBarley’s purpose is to increase the production and value of barley for both the producer and consumer.

  • Vision: To ensure barley is a long term, profitable and internationally competitive
    crop choice for Saskatchewan producers.
  • Mission: To identify, develop and support research, market development, and extension initiatives that ensure the long-term profitability and sustainability of barley for Saskatchewan producers.

For more information:

Twitter: @SaskBarley

Past and Present

SaskCanola (Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission) is a producer-led organization, established in 1991 and supported by some 26,000 levy-paying Saskatchewan canola producers.

Its mandate is to enhance canola producers' competitiveness and profitability through research, market development, extension, and policy development. The board of directors is composed of eight registered canola producers (click to meet the Board of Directors) that are elected by registered canola producers for a 4-year term. Elections are held every second year in the fall, next in 2014.


Growing canola's future for producer profitability.


To optimize canola producers' competitiveness and profitability through a producer controlled fund which directs research, market development, extension and policy development.


A 75 cent ($0.75) per tonne levy on Saskatchewan produced canola is collected by buyers at the time of sale and forwarded to SaskCanola. Any change to the levy level requires approval at an annual general meeting following notification of all Saskatchewan canola producers. The levy is refundable upon request by the producer.

Levy Dollars at Work for You

The levy of 75 cents per tonne sent to SaskCanola, and administered by the producer led board of directors, helps your canola business:

  • further explore and secure canola markets for producers nationally and internationally;
  • continue agronomic success, by working on important research that benefits producer profitability;
  • acquire the latest crop and farm business information through communications programs and services.

Your levy dollars are often matched by federal and provincial government funds to ensure that market access programs, canola oil promotion programs and research projects to benefit crop production are continued.

For more information:
(306) 975-0262
Toll Free: 1 (877) 241-7044

The Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission (Sask Wheat) is a producer-led organization representing approximately 26,000 producers, established to build a platform for growth in the province's wheat industry. Check-off dollars administered by Sask Wheat go toward research, market development and promotion initiatives that will lead to improved wheat varieties, growing wheat marketability and providing higher value to producers.

For more information check ut:
Twitter: @SaskWheat 


Syngenta is one of the world’s leading agriculture companies. Our ambition is to help safely feed the world while taking care of the planet. We aim to improve the sustainability, quality and safety of agriculture with world class science and innovative crop solutions. Our technologies enable millions of farmers around the world to make better use of limited agricultural resources. With 28,000 people in more than 90 countries we are working to transform how crops are grown. Through partnerships, collaboration and The Good Growth Plan we are committed to improving farm productivity, rescuing land from degradation, enhancing biodiversity and revitalizing rural communities.

To learn more visit and
Follow Syngenta on Twitter®  at   @ Syngenta and


Canada Inc. 
Head Office:

140 Research Lane 
Research Park 
Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Z3 
Ph: 519-836-5665 
Ph: 888-368-4211 

Paul Hoekstra, PhD
Government and Industry Relations

phone +1-888-368-4211