Oct 29, 2018

Dr. Jim Xiang was awarded a CoMRad Grant

Dr. Jim Xiang was awarded a CoMRad grant from the College of Medicine for a project called: "Critical role of FAK/RhoA in regulation of mTORC1/PKM2 pathway controlling epithelial-mesenchymal transition of triple-negative breast cancer".

Jun 13, 2018

Congratulations Poster Winners at the fifth Saskatchewan Cancer Research Conference

The fifth Saskatchewan Cancer Research Conference was held June 13, 2018 in Saskatoon, with 125 registered participants from a wide range of disciplines in attendance. This conference recognizes and promotes the excellent cancer research within the province and provides valuable learning and networking opportunities for the participants.

May 1, 2018

New Publication from Lukong Lab in Mol Cell Proteomics

"Phosphoproteomics Analysis Identifies Novel Candidate Substrates of the Nonreceptor Tyrosine Kinase, Src-related Kinase Lacking C-terminal Regulatory Tyrosine and N-terminal Myristoylation Sites (SRMS)"

Apr 2, 2018

Dr. Jim Xiang awarded a Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Grant

Dr. Jim Xiang was awarded a 2-year grant from the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency. Title: ‘Therapeutic immunity of heterologous HER2-specific HuRt-Texo vaccination against trastuzumab-resistant breast cancer in BLT/NSG humanized mice.’

Mar 7, 2018

New Publication from Xiang Lab in Vaccine

"Heterologous human/rat HER2-specific exosome-targeted T cell vaccine stimulates potent humoral and CTL responses leading to enhanced circumvention of HER2 tolerance in double transgenic HLA-A2/HER2 mice"

Feb 28, 2018

New Publication from Xiang Lab in Sci Rep

"Simulated microgravity inhibits cell focal adhesions leading to reduced melanoma cell proliferation and metastasis via FAK/RhoA-regulated mTORC1 and AMPK pathways"