Selected Publications

  • Jayasooriya, V. M., & Adams, M. D. (2024). From urban heat islands to intra-urban heat islands: Role of urban fabric in redefining microclimates of tomorrow’s compact cities. Energy and Buildings, 114900.
  • Jayasinghe, S., Jayasooriya, V., Dassanayake, S. M., & Muthukumaran, S. (2024). Effects of street tree configuration and placement on roadside thermal environment within a tropical urban canyon. International Journal of Biometeorology, 68(6), 1133-1142.
  • Jayasooriya, V. M., Sirimanne, A. P., Silva, R. M., & Muthukumaran, S. (2024). Role of Urban Trees in Enhancing the Thermal Comfort of Rapidly Urbanizing Cities: An Analysis of Tropical Asian Tree Species Based on Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET). Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF), 50(5), 326-345.
  • Jayasooriya, V., Fernando, S., Silva, C., & Muthukumaran, S. (2023). Comparative analysis on the effectiveness of green roofs and photovoltaic panels as sustainable rooftop technologies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(44), 98977-98992.
  • Senevirathne, D. M., Jayasooriya, V. M., Dassanayake, S. M., & Muthukumaran, S. (2021). Effects of pavement texture and colour on Urban Heat Islands: An experimental study in tropical climate. Urban Climate, 40, 101024.