Interdisciplinary Research Seminars
This research seminar series began in March 1999, growing out of our interest in promoting a dialogue with scholars and researchers across campus. We meet on a regular basis at the Faculty Club over lunch, and listen to presentations by members of the group. Seminars are not limited to the area of process philosophy, as the accompanying list makes clear, but during the discussion questions of a process nature are among those posed of the presenter(s).
The group has more than a dozen members with representatives from the departments of applied microbiology, chemistry, computer science, curriculum studies, history, mathematics, physics, philosophy, religious studies, educational foundations, educational psychology, St. Thomas More College, and the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College.
Our goal is to enable faculty from these various disciplines to connect with one another intellectually, and to learn about alternative approaches to research and teaching capable of transcending the limitations of the mechanistic and materialist paradigms still dominant today. We plan to continue meeting with this diverse and dynamic group well into the new millenium.

Select Members of the Interdisciplinary Research Seminar
March 2001
Standing (Left to Right)
Howard Woodhouse (Educational Foundations), George Khachatourians (Applied Microbiology), Mary Lou Day (Philosophy), Leslie Howe (Philosophy), Richard Cassidy (Chemistry), Eric Dayton (Philosophy)
Seated (Left to Right)
Ed Thompson (Philosophy), Ginny Brown (Secretary Educational Foundations), Mark Flynn ( Educational Psychology), Bob Regnier (Educational Foundations)
Not in Photograph
Peter Burnell (History), Kevin Corrigan (St. Thomas More College), Richard Julien (Curriculum Studies), Dick Katz (Sask. Indian Federated College), Denise Larsen (Educational Psychology) , Eric Neufeld (Computer Science), Chary Rangacharyulu (Physics), Thomas Selover (Religious Studies), Chris Soteros (Mathematics & Statistics), Miroslau Tataryn (St. Thomas More
Creativity, Value, and Courage: Process Approaches to University Teaching and Learning, Professors Robert Regnier, H. Edward Thompson, and Howard Woodhouse (USPPRU), 6th May.
Creativity in the Arts: Professor H. Edward Thompson (USPPRU) and Leslie Potter (Artist), 8th April.
Self-Knowledge and Moral Stupidity: Dr Emer O’Hagan, Professor, Department of Philosophy, 5th November.
University Teaching and Learning: Enduring Hopes in a Hyperactive Environment: Dr Richard Schwier, Professor, Department of Curriculum Studies, 20th November.
Cosmology: Dr Chary Rangacharyulu, Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, 30th April.
Reason with Metanarratives: The Postmodern Condition and Social Justice: Dr Farzad Barwani, Saskatoon Psychiatric Centre, 16th April.
The Denial of Subjectivity and the Reality of Suffering: Reflections on Mental Health and Education in Postmodern Society: Dr Farzad Barwani, Saskatoon Regional Psychology Centre, 29th October.
Knowledge, Value, and Meaning as Process: Professors Mark Flynn, Robert Regnier, H. Edward Thompson, and Howard Woodhouse (USPPRU), 1st May.
The Physics and Philosophy of Measurement: Dr Chary Rangacharyulu, Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, 4th April.
Sportsmanship and Gamesmanship: Dr Leslie Howe, Department of Philosophy, 7th March.
Public Trust in Science: Measurement, Origin, and Remedies: Dr Richard Cassidy, Department of Chemistry, 23rd November.
Augustine and Hercules: The Importance of Literature: Dr Peter Burnell, Department of History, 1st November.
Aesthetic Value and the Moral: Professor Eric Dayton, Department of Philosophy, 15th March.
The 'Teacher-Scholar Model: Critical Alternatives: Professors Mark Flynn, Department of Educational Psychology and Howard Woodhouse, Department of Educational Foundations, 25th January.
Saint Augustine and the Study of Literature: Professor Peter Burnell, Department of History, 8th November.
Different Kinds of Non-Being in Plotinus and their Importance: Professor Kevin Corrigan, Saint Thomas More College, 11th April.
Learning Events: Professor Robert Regnier, Department of Educational Foundations, 30th March.
Is Science Education Scientific?: Professor Richard Cassidy, Department of Chemistry, 26th January.
Governing Food: Where is the Disconnect - Science, Scientific Advice, or Science Policy?: Professor George Khachatourians, Department of Applied Microbiology, 1st December.
How Should We Start Teaching?: Professor Edward Thompson, Department of Philosophy, 17th November.
The Meaning of Path in Tibetan Buddhism: Professor David Higgins, Department of Religious Studies, 17th May.
Physical Reality: Professor "Chary" Rangacharyulu, Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, 13th April.
In Praise of Idleness: Bertrand Russell and the Tyranny of the Global Market: Professor Howard Woodhouse (Department of Educational Foundations, 10th March.
Three Faces of the Self in Ancient and Modern Thought: From Ego to Spirit: Professor Kevin Corrigan, St. Thomas More College, 11th February.
Value Experiences: A Process Perspective: Professor Eric Dayton, Department of Philosophy, 16th January.
Causal Models from Observational Data: Professor Eric Neufeld, Department of Computer Science, 15th April.
Introductory Meeting of the Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Group, 4th March.